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US request to extradite the Martinelli Linares brothers moves right along

the boys

The Martinellis are probably
not celebrating this weekend

by Eric Jackson

A Guatemalan judge set the stage when he denied yet another motion by former president Ricardo Martinelli’s sons, Ricardo Alberto Martinelli Linares and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares. In this instance it was an argument that a Panamanian prosecutor’s prior request to the United States to extradite the brothers to Panama was made by the wrong prosecutor in Panama and started the whole case in the USA,. for which US authorities want the brothers sent from Guatemala to stand trial in Brooklyn.

Here in Panama at the same time, a judge in one of the father’s cases warned the defense to stop making frivolous motions just to delay the matter.

How desperate is it for the younger Martinellis? Guatemala has never turned down a US extradition request.

On September 4 the US Justice Department formally submitted its brief supporting the charges for the Guatemalan courts to consider. These are about how through a series of purchases, money transfers between shell corporations and transfers among numbered bank accounts the younger Martinellis laundered kickback money from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht for overpriced public works contracts awarded by their father’s administration.

The case where the elder Martinelli was warned about improper motions is about those kickbacks as well.


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¿Wappin? An eclectic playlist / Una lista de reproducción ecléctica


Musical buzzard chow to keep your mind off of dementia
Comida de pavón musical para evitar la demencia

Tiwa Savage — Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Ilse Hendrix – Sentir

Natalie Merchant – Trouble Me

Desmond Dekker – 007

Bob Marley – One Cup of Coffee

Sech, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Rosalía & Farruko – Relación

Residente – René

Public Enemy et al– Fight The Power

Los Mozambiques – Los Barcos en la Bahía

Julieta Venegas — NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Chrissy Hynde – Creep

Zoé & Denise Gutiérrez – Luna

Pilar Victoria – Space Song

Mark Knopfler – Brothers In Arms

Miles Davis & John Coltrane – Paris concert 1960


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vote final


Nuñez, Los desmostrencados de Omar Torrijos


“… que aún siguen desperdigados entre el fanatismo, el oportunismo o el liderazgo comprometido, para hacerse a la vela del atracadero, hacia el país íntegro, urgido de equidad, inclusión y ciudadanía.”


Los “desmostrencados”

por Norma Núñez Montoto

Desde que entró en el tiempo, Omar Torrijos tomó posesión de su existencia. Había nacido en Santiago de Veraguas, Panamá, el 13 de febrero de 1929, y cayó en Coclesito el 31 de julio de1981. Tenía entonces, 52 años.

Su vida ha sido inventariada a medida que la distancia se va ensanchando entre los años que vivió y los que Omar debió vivir. Prematura quizás, no fue su muerte, sino su existencia, porque en cincuenta y dos años de presencia física, estaba destinado a cumplir una agenda anticipada a su tiempo. De ese breviario destaca, sin duda, su inconmensurable apremio para recuperar la soberanía, paso obligado para el perfeccionamiento de nuestra independencia.

Lo recuerdo pergeñando por el mundo aquellas páginas, braceando la Patria Vida hacia una orilla que huía despavorida por los espantos lúgubres del acecho, bien lo sabía, ensayando el epílogo más digno posible en ese largo y tortuoso camino. Así lo encontré aquel cinco de septiembre de 1977 en Washington, donde me hallaba para hacer la cobertura periodística de la firma de los Tratados Torrijos Carter.

A escasas horas de producirse este acontecimiento, que tendría lugar el 7 de septiembre de ese año, y a pesar del contrapunteo persistente de algunos medios de comunicación norteamericanos para distorsionar la opinión pública de ese pueblo, ésta empezaba a inclinarse a favor de la firma de los Tratados, cuyos signatarios serían el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, James Carter y el Jefe de Gobierno de Panamá, Omar Torrijos Herrera.

Los especialistas en protocolo y seguridad nos confirmaron que el fin de semana había girado en torno a la reunión de Presidentes y Jefes de Estado que llegarían a Washington para participar en la ceremonia. En las fuentes oficiales se insistía que la reunión diplomática de tanta jerarquía daría lugar a la imposición de las medidas extraordinarias de seguridad más estrictas que Washington jamás habría conocido.

El servicio secreto norteamericano tendría la responsabilidad de dar protección a los Presidentes y Primeros Ministros que iniciarían su llegada ese lunes 5 de septiembre, procedentes de países de América Latina, el Caribe y Canadá, para asistir el miércoles en la noche del día 7 a la firma de los Tratados.

Noriega dirigió la coordinación conjunta con la seguridad de los Estados Unidos

Las Agencias de Seguridad de los Estados Unidos cumplirían las funciones de vigilancia y seguridad de los mandatarios, pero cada Jefe de Estado podía llevar sus propios agentes de seguridad. El General Omar Torrijos confió su seguridad al entonces Teniente Coronel Manuel Antonio Noriega, quien encabezando la seguridad panameña protagonizó la coordinación conjunta con la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Torrijos había reiterado: “Me siento sumamente orgulloso, me siento altamente complacido, distinguido de ser el Comandante de los seis mil hombres más leales que he conocido en la vida”.

El Departamento de Estado había anunciado el sábado 3 de septiembre, que veinticuatro naciones del hemisferio occidental habían aceptado la invitación del Presidente James Carter para presenciar la firma de los Tratados en la Organización de los Estados Americanos, OEA. Torrijos llegaría el lunes en la noche y sostendría una reunión de introducción con Carter el martes siguiente. Cada Jefe de Estado recibiría un saludo de bienvenida en la Base Aérea Andrews, aunque, por cuestiones de seguridad, no se informaba sobre la hora de llegada de cada gobernante.

Una fuerte corriente adversa se respiraba en Washington

El panorama mediático norteamericano no favorecía la firma de los Tratados. Estos tenían que ser aprobados por el Senado antes que pudieran entrar en vigor, y una fuerte corriente adversa se respiraba en Washington, al menos así lo registraban sus periódicos, que subrayaban la oposición en el Congreso y, especialmente, así lo resaltaban, el rechazo por parte del pueblo de los Estados Unidos.

El reloj corría más rápido que los periodistas del Tercer Mundo que nos encontrábamos en Washington para transmitir los hechos desde una óptica consecuente con la lucha centenaria que los panameños habíamos protagonizado a través de tormentosas relaciones de persistente confrontación con los Estados Unidos y, de alguna manera, nos sentíamos también dueños de la fiesta, legítimos representantes de la reivindicación de un continente agredido de manera obcecada por esa nación, que ahora parecía recibirnos con “mala cara” pero que, en fin, era nuestra anfitriona.

Gallup: De menos cero, a un 39 % a favor de la firma de los Tratados

Las cifras que aquel día demostraron otra realidad, por cierto no registradas en los medios de comunicación de Washington, nos permitieron la licencia de una sonrisa de esperanza. La firma encuestadora Gallup confirmaba que la causa de Panamá se había posesionado, de un supuesto casi menos cero, en un treinta y nueve por ciento en la opinión norteamericana a favor de la firma de los Tratados. Los periódicos que respondían al stablishment, resaltaban el cuarenta y seis por ciento que se pronunciaba en contra. Un quince por ciento aún no había tomado partido, lo que significaba que no estaba definido a favor del rechazo.

Iowa, Indiana, Idaho y Luisiana, adversaban los Tratados

Todo lo que favorecía la objeción era ponderado, como Pedro por sus páginas, para ganarle la partida a Panamá. Así se desplegaba que los Estados de Iowa, Indiana, Idaho y Luisiana pedían a la Corte Suprema de Justicia norteamericana que le prohibiera a Carter la firma de los Tratados, hasta que se resolvieran las cuestiones de orden constitucional. El martes había sido señalado para que este Tribunal definiera si se consideraría o no la solicitud. La idea era mantener en vilo el ánimo de los que aspirábamos el sosiego patrio, tras la culminación de una etapa escabrosa en la historia de nuestras relaciones con los Estados Unidos de América. De manera pendular, se mantenía la zozobra, aunque también se auguraba que la respuesta de la Corte sería adversa a la solicitud de Iowa, Indiana, Idaho y Luisiana.

Los observadores, una fuente cotidiana de la United Press Internacional, UPI, suscribieron que fue precisamente el hecho de la gran oposición que habían despertado los Tratados sobre el Canal, lo que hizo que el Presidente Carter resolviera dar resonancia tan fastuosa y espectacular a la firma de los trascendentales documentos, por el efecto sicológico que tal despliegue de armonía continental podría tener en los medios de la oposición.

Omar consolidaba el frente interno

Mientras tanto, Omar siempre procuraba tomarle el pulso al pueblo en torno a las decisiones que asumiría y sabía afectarían su vida de manera concluyente. Por eso, cuando llegó a Washington ese lunes, ya se había reunido con la Asamblea de Representantes de Corregimientos en Sesión Extraordinaria, ante quienes se presentó con el equipo de negociadores de los Tratados, con el Presidente de la República, Ingeniero Demetrio Basilio Lakas y su Vicepresidente Gerardo González, para informar y escuchar opiniones en torno a los Tratados que se firmarían en septiembre.

Su voz atávica, por la magnitud del mensaje que traía, procuraba resumir más de setenta años de lucha generacional. Le hablaba a los Representantes de Corregimientos, que yo resumo en la figura de Héctor Rodríguez, un humilde e inteligente agricultor extraído de los Asentamientos campesinos de Capira, y a quien Omar se llevó a Washington para que plasmara en su pupila y en su memoria todo lo que ningún periodista podría describir.

Frente a Héctor, Omar hablaba a Panamá, a América y al mundo, reiterando que ellos sabían que muchos de los cementerios de rebeldía de este país están llenos de cruces de jóvenes que se inmolaron por ver irrespetada su soberanía y su dignidad.

Omar aseguraba que la firma de los Tratados era un triunfo y que el país tomaría otro rumbo porque, en sus propias palabras, le ponía fecha de cumpleaños a la erradicación de cada una de las estacas colonialistas que en ese momento estaban vigentes. Omar estaba legítimamente orgulloso, entre otras cosas, porque había cambiado el término perpetuidad de los Tratados originales, por 23 años. El decía que perpetuidad, era la eternidad más uno.

A Omar sólo le quedaban cuatro años para cumplir su tarea

Omar tenía entonces 48 años. Los muchachos impacientaban. Sólo le quedaban cuatro años para cumplir su tarea. Nunca reclamó como un logro personal el triunfo de haber logrado sentar a los Estados Unidos a conversar, negociar y firmar un Tratado. Siempre reconoció con mucho respeto y admiración la lucha de todas las generaciones pasadas que, dentro de sus propias circunstancias, lucharon con todo esfuerzo, valentía y empeño por erradicar el enclave colonial que dividía a la Patria.

Omar le llamaba la aristocracia del patriotismo a aquellas generaciones que se inmolaron por la liberación del país. Él había elegido una ruta más larga, pero sin sangre, sin el sacrificio de no menos de 50 mil jóvenes panameños que por haber “sobresentido” la causa de su Patria, estaban testimoniando que significaban la aristocracia del patriotismo del país, las que, según Omar, habrían dejado “desmostrencadas” completamente, sin futuros dirigentes, porque lo mejor, la aristocracia del patriotismo, del talento y del coraje hubiese sido inmolado en esos 1,432 kilómetros cuadrados, que constituían la Zona del Canal de Panamá.

Yo viví el no traspassing

Yo lo sabía, porque viví diariamente recorriendo las ocho millas de ida y vuelta entre Arraiján, donde nací, y la capital, para asistir a la escuela secundaria. Arraiján es el primer pueblo de la Provincia de Panamá hacia el área oeste del país. Ocho millas de territorio nacional cercado con alambradas prohibiendo en inglés el paso hacia la izquierda y hacia la derecha, no traspassing, porque allí estaban los polígonos de tiro donde se entrenaban los norteamericanos para ir a la guerra. Ocho millas plagadas de policías gringos que controlaban la velocidad d los autos y el trepidar del corazón, cuyas infracciones debíamos pagar en la Corte de Balboa del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Creo que nosotros no teníamos conciencia que entre Arraiján y la capital, lo que teníamos era una servidumbre, la dispensa concedida por los Estados Unidos a nosotros, los verdaderos dueños.

Escuchando a Omar hablarle a los Representantes de Corregimientos, yo sentía que él descifraba un poco mi inmemorial rabia, cuando visualizaba desde su helicóptero el sector de Amador siendo el hogar de veinte mil niños panameños que jugarían en ese campo, sin temor a que alguien les dijera que su presencia era ilegal, intrusa, en un suelo que a nosotros pertenecía. Porque fue precisamente en el límite entre el Chorrillo y la Zona, que un policía gringo, al verme tomando fotografías, me preguntó: ¿qué quieres fotografiar? Yo respondí: al Cerro Ancón. Tomándome por los hombros, me dio media vuelta hacia el Chorrillo y me dijo: “¡Tómale fotos a esas cajetas de fósforos, que eso es Panamá!”. Fueron las mismas “cajetas de fósforos” que el 20 de diciembre de 1989 bombardearon los gringos; quemaron las casas con los niños y padres y madres y abuelos adentro, algunos de los cuales quizás hubieran sido de esos veinte mil niños panameños que Omar quería que jugaran en el campo de Amador.

Ganar la guerra sin perder la memoria…

Ganar la guerra sin perder la memoria, no es retórico. Es un respiro profundo, doloroso, caliente; es el inmemorial dolor profundo de parto de Joaquina Herrera de Torrijos, la Maestra, la madre que alumbró a Omar el 13 de febrero de 1929. Ganar la guerra sin perder la memoria, es asumir el compromiso de “sobresentir” el bochorno de la Patria ayer sometida y reconocer, sin sesgos, cálculos, ni egoísmos, el coraje de haber logrado arrancársela de las garras al bandido. Ganar la guerra sin perder la memoria, es jamás decapitar una causa colectiva por una extravagancia egoísta, individual a contrarreloj.

Ganar la guerra sin perder la memoria, es no sentir miedo del “otro” que se acerca para aprender, participar y sumar; se trata de los “desmostrencados” que decía Omar, que aún siguen desperdigados entre el fanatismo, el oportunismo o el liderazgo comprometido para hacerse a la vela del atracadero, hacia el país íntegro, urgido de equidad, inclusión y ciudadanía.

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Kinnucan, The Greens (as a US phenomenon)

Nowhere this year, for one thing because they made asses of themselves last time.

Green politics to debate and reject

by Michael Kinnucan – from his Facebook page

I’m really glad that some people in DSA are pushing a debate over whether we should endorse Howie Hawkins. That’s a great debate to have. The kind of self-marginalizing, moralistic, inward-looking symbolic politics the Green Party represents – the rejection of strategic thinking as a betrayal of principle, the refusal to acknowledge any responsibility for shaping political outcomes, the smug certainty that pursuing the same failed strategy over and over and over again is a mark of exceptional virtue rather than intellectual bankruptcy – all this is endemic on the left, endemic in the technical sense of the term, a disease that will always threaten the left and especially at moments of defeat, because it is, after all, a kind of despair. So it’s extremely healthy for the left to debate and reject this kind of politics as often as possible, to make it crystal clear that a strong and growing organization like DSA absolutely refuses to follow the Green Party down its road to failure.

As a contribution to that debate, let me note that:

1) The Green Party has been pursuing the same strategy of symbolic presidential runs for decades with no visible result–no growth in vote total, no effect on the national conversation, no leverage to push the Democrats left, just nothing. AOC did more for the left by winning a few thousand votes in a congressional race than the Green Party has in its entire existence.

2) The Green Party not only hasn’t grown, it simply can’t grow. If the Greens ever really had a banner year and managed to get all the way up to, say, 3% of the presidential vote, it would become crystal clear to everyone that the Green Party had caused a Republican presidency, and its vote total would crash back down. The Green Party leadership may believe with perfect equanimity that Trump is exactly the same as a Democrat (or that even considering who might win a presidential election when one votes in a presidential election is a dirty compromise), but its voters don’t; there’s a good reason that the Greens have never surpassed their 2.7% “victory” in 2000, and it’s the same reason that polls show support for the Greens cratering this year from an already extremely low 2016 result: very few left-wing voters really want a Republican to be elected president.

3) Many people blame the Green Party’s comprehensive failure at every level on a US electoral system biased against third parties, but this is too kind to the party. The Vermont Progressive Party has been building power in that state for decades, after all, and has even won statewide office. The Greens’ failure to achieve anything remotely like this level of success anywhere in the country is no doubt in part due to simple incompetence, but the deeper problem is its choice to run presidential candidates and create a spoiler dynamic that makes it toxically unpopular with virtually everyone who shares its politics. The supposed justifications of this foolish strategy (that it preserves ballot access, that it might someday net the party some matching funds) collapse on the most cursory examination; the truth is that a moral commitment to vanity presidential campaigns that help Republicans is at the heart of the party’s identity.

4) Where does this identity come from? The odd thing about the Green Party is that it embodies a perspective on the US political system whose naivete and idealism is unmatched outside middle school civics textbooks. Many of us on the left remember a time when we ourselves were young enough to believe that the US political system was a forum in which voters expressed their unmediated individual preferences, etc.; most of us grow out of it and come to recognize that the electoral system is a terrain of struggle shaped by larger social forces. Some of us continue to engage with it on those terms and attempt to move the ball forward despite the obstacles; others decide that it is not an effective site of struggle at this historical moment and go do other kinds of organizing work. Not the Greens! They just keep doing the same unworkable thing, and regard a serious strategic assessment of the terrain as a terrible compromise on principle.

5) While I have been harsh on the Green Party so far, I must say that in Howie Hawkins they have found their perfect standard-bearer. Hawkins has spent the past two decades continuously losing elections. In 2017, after decades in Syracuse politics, he ran for mayor of Syracuse (population 140,000, a fourth of the size of a Congressional district) and got a grand total of 4% of the vote. That’s, yes, one thousand votes – the very same year that Jabari Brisport ran for New York City Council as a first-time candidate (every district is larger than Syracuse) and got 30% of the vote, 9,000 votes. Let me be clear: Winning as a third-party candidate is hard, but it’s not impossible. A serious candidate with an organizing mindset really can win. Bernie Sanders won, all those years ago in Burlington. But Hawkins isn’t a serious candidate; he isn’t really trying. He’s pretending to run for office, again and again and again, in order to make some obscure point that is clearly lost on the overwhelming majority of the electorate, as well it might be.

6) Did you know that the Green Party doesn’t control a *single* state legislative seat, anywhere in the country? There are thousands of such seats, most of them tiny, but none tiny enough for the Green Party’s organizing skills. Instead they’re gonna run for president, again.

7) If you’re serious about building a third party in the USA, there are a lot of ways to begin advancing that project–building a social base and local power, developing tactics and strategy, etc. There are a lot of examples to learn from, from the Nonpartisan League and the Populists to Kshama Sawant to the VPP. The Green Party isn’t among them. It isn’t a step in the right direction, or any direction. If you wanted to start a third party in the US right now the first thing you’d need to say is “we’re definitely NOT like the Greens.”

Every minute and every dollar spent advancing the Green Party project is a minute and dollar wasted. The left can’t afford this waste. Polls indicate that the Greens’ vote total is likely to crater this year, perhaps because voters don’t share their analysis that it’s cool if Trump wins; that’s all to the good, because the seas are rising quickly and the left can’t afford this crap.

Comrade Thälmann’s tale has a lesson for some US voters this year. Back in the 1920s and 1930s, Ernst Thälmann led the German communists. He and they had reasons to hate the social democrats and the liberals. In the chaos after World War I, members of those parties had a hand in the deaths of prominent communists. In the crash of Germany’s economy, the liberals and socialists rescued the corporations and left the middle class and working people to fend for themselves. And as Hitler began his rise to power, Thälmann was calling the social democats and liberals “social fascists.” The nazi threat grew until there came a time when they had just over one-third of the vote. If communists joined forces in the Reichstag with social democrats and liberals, the votes were there to stop Hitler. Comrade Thälmann wouldn’t do it. Hitler came to power. Thälmann died at the Buchenwald concentration camp.

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Food assistance and demagoguery in Panama City’s richest corregimiento

Junta Comunal
August 27: the local council refers citizen complaints about no food assistance to the national government. Or WAS IT the junta comunal? False messages played on into this story. Anonymous photo from Twitter.

San Francisco – an atypical backdrop to a microcosm

by Eric Jackson

San Francisco is the capital’s wealthiest corregimiento. It’s main drag is Calle 50. At its southwestern corner you find Punta Paitilla. Toward its southeastern edge you find ATLAPA and Jimmy’s. Punta Pacifica and Parque Omar are there.

The millionaires, however, remain a minority in San Francisco. A lot of the upscale residents just have well-paid jobs, on which they live paycheck to paycheck. Or did until the epidemic hit and put them out of work.

Then there are modest, middle class neighborhoods there, with plenty of retirees getting by on pensions, families that can only maintain themselves there with multiple incomes, people living on the informal economy when they are allowed to work.

There are people who mop the floors and trim the gardens of San Francisco who actually live in the neighborhood, too. And there are foreign citizens, legal residents or otherwise, getting by on a thousand different income streams, national or international, many of which have dried up in the economic crisis that strikes well beyond Panama and into their countries of origin.

Lots of PRD voters there, some the relatives of the political caste on juicy government salaries during this five-year sinecure cycle, some of them civil servants on more modest salaries. It’s generally not the sort of neighborhood where you get elected representante by passing out bags of food, but those astute enough to get elected tend to know and cultivate the votes of the folks who really do need a bag of groceries.

A few years back the electric company (before it changed into the present hands) complained that Paitilla was the very worst city neighborhood for electricity theft. Upscale sticky fingers? Those who are not all that upscale and count that among their hustles to hold out in the neighborhood? Dishonest landlords and business owners? Probably bits of all of those things.

So come the virus, the stereotype was that food aid would be essential in Santa Ana but there would be little need in San Francisco. The hard-nosed realist would know that there might be more needy people in one coregimiento than the other, but that food assistance would be necessary in both. Also, that fraud would be an issue.

A crowd gathers for bonos solidarios – food assistance vouchers – at the junta comunal in San Francisco. The national government says that they were summoned their by fake news spread via the social media. Also spread on the social media were claims that this crowd was composed of foreigners, also mostly false. Photo from social media.

So on September 3 the crowd assembled, was told that there was nothing to be had, and did not disperse.

Word spread online that immigration cops had been called. Perhaps a few people left because of this, and a delegation from Migracion did in fact come. Along with another delegation from the food assistance program. Panamanian citizens in need dealt with the regular folks, foreigners with an assistance program that La Migra runs. A sincere one that has been ongoing since day one of the epidemic, that division of the Ministry of Government insists, not a scam to round up and deport foreigners.

The national government has said that there were some malicious false messages, but what’s really happening is that San Francisco’s food assistance is changing – again. It started out with door-to-door distribution. Then it moved to the Junta Comunal, but was cut off without notice or explanation from the Cortizo administration. Now the national government says that the plan is to distribute the assistance at two schools in the large corregimiento.

In the commentary below the newspaper stories about the situation at the junta comunal there was a steady stream of xenophobic bile. Was that PRD legislator Zulay Rodríguez’s call center? San Francisco is not in her legislative circuit but in any case she was shrieking about foreigners on Twitter rather immediately. Thing is, Zulay has this habit of calling those Panamanian citizens she rails against foreigners. That sort of racism has played into the bono solidario distribution in several parts of the country.

A microcosm of what? We might infer a lot of things. Clunky government functions and a deteriorated relationship between the president and the political caste are the more readily apparent things.

The epidemic is easing off in Panama, at least for the moment. Some of the controls are loosening and the economy may nudge up a bit. However, these are hard times and will continue to be. Not a good time for food assistance to break down. Nor to have government officials pointing fingers at one another.

Zulay Rodríguez’s response to Panamanian citizens in somebody else’s legislative circuit who were hungry and could not get the food assistance they expected.



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Not JUST the Panama Canal’s growing Arctic competition

At its current rate, the sea level rise will be “enough to double the frequency of storm-surge flooding in many of the world’s largest coastal cities” by the end of the century.

‘Worst-case scenario’ of melting ice and sea level rise coming to pass, warn researchers

by Julia ConleyCommon Dreams

The lives and homes of sixteen million people living in coastal areas around the world could be threatened by the current rate of ice-melt in Antarctica and Greenland, which tracks with the “worst-case scenario” put forward by global scientists.

Researchers at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom and the Danish Meteorological Institute released a study this week showing that the scenario the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned about is coming true as the melting of ice has accelerated in recent years, with sea levels rising 1.8 centimeters or 0.7 inches since the 1990s.

Over the last five years, the study shows, melting ice has overtaken thermal expansion—in which the volume of sea water grows as it gets warmer—as the primary driver of sea level rise.

The alarming findings of the study, published Monday in Nature Climate Change, follows research published by Ohio State University last month, which showed that Greenland’s ice melt has passed the “point of no return,” and even redoubled efforts to stop the warming of the globe by ending fossil fuel extraction will not be enough to stem looming catastrophe.

If Greenland’s ice sheet were to disintegrate entirely, the study published this week said, sea levels would rise more than 22 feet.

The loss of Antarctica would cause sea levels to rise 190 feet.

The complete loss of the two ice masses is not currently anticipated by scientists, but the current melting rate could add 17 centimeters, or more than six inches, to sea levels by the end of the century.

“Although we anticipated the ice sheets would lose increasing amounts of ice in response to the warming of the oceans and atmosphere, the rate at which they are melting has accelerated faster than we could have imagined,” said Dr. Tom Slater, lead author of the study.

The expected sea level rise has significant implications for coastal cities and towns around the world, the authors said, and humanity is currently “in danger of being unprepared” for the impacts.

The effects of the current rate of ice-melt could be “calamitous” even in the next two decades, tweeted climate campaigner Ben See in response to the study.

The melting of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica “is overtaking the climate models we use to guide us, and we are in danger of being unprepared for the risks posed by sea level rise.”

There’s a risk of calamitous sea level rise of 0.5m by the 2040s. https://t.co/nsigFrQbSq

— Ben See (@ClimateBen) August 31, 2020

The expected change in sea levels by the end of the century would be “enough to double the frequency of storm-surge flooding in many of the world’s largest coastal cities,” said Dr. Anna Hogg, co-author of the study.



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Jazz: Bird centennial

Charlie Parker at the Three Deuces New York, 1947. Photo by William P Gottlieb.

Charlie Parker: a century of the genius who changed jazz forever

by Emile Wennekes, Utrecht University

His audience knew him as “Yardbird”, or more usually, just “Bird”. The variety of sobriquets given to jazz alto saxophonist Charlie Parker, who would have turned 100 on 29 August 2020, is indicative of his different personae – most important, of course, his musical personalities.

Parker was a legendary soloist, inspiring bandleader, daring composer, ingenious innovator and a source of inspiration for many generations still. A jazz idol, full stop. But his off-stage personality revealed a more tragic figure: a drug addict and alcoholic.

Bird lived hard and lost his performance licence, several jobs and attempted suicide twice. All in all, his physical and mental health were already waning at an early age. That he died young then, at just 34 years old, was not really a shock. He passed away a week after his last public performance, on 12 March 1955. This last concert took place in the famous New York nightclub Birdland – aptly named in his honour.

Charlie Parker is considered “one of the most striking performers in the entire history of jazz, and one of the most influential”, according to the Rough Guide to Jazz. The more authoritative encyclopedia in academic circles, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, qualifies him in comparable terms and characterises Bird as a “supremely creative improviser”.

Early Bird

Parker was born and raised in a musical family in Kansas City, Missouri, which was known for its vibrant music scene. He started to play the saxophone when he was 11 years old, taking lessons at a local music school and joining high school bands.

But he chiefly developed as a musician by carefully studying his older peers. Inspired by the big bands of Bennie Moten and Count Basie, Parker embarked on the blues and swing tradition of his time. Yet he felt something was missing.

His aural vision was to strut out to the quarter-note pulse of swing. But the adventurous Parker sought distractions from this predictable performance convention by making off-beat accents, syncopations and beats against the metric grain. At the same time, he also deemed the melodies of the standards musicians played in his era rather passé.

While leaving the original harmonies of songs basically intact, he took off to replace their melodies with creations of his own. These new lines and their subsequent improvisations generally included formulas like the “ya-ba-daba bebop” transcribed in onomatopoeic “scat singing”.

Bird and Bebop

Through Parker, complexity in jazz grew considerably. He aimed – and flew – higher, literally, by performing melodic lines that jumped to the next octave, overtly appropriating notes from a higher register. Like an alto riding piggyback on a soprano, and vice versa. This progressive musical concept required alterations in the supporting chords too. It enriched the accompanying harmonies with additional notes from these very same higher octaves.

To summarise Parker’s innovations in jazz is to describe the genre of bebop, of which he was one of the founding fathers and main protagonists. Bebop became the dominant style in jazz from the mid-1940s to the late 1950s, when it was subsequently overshadowed by new directions including free jazz and jazz-rock.

Bebop was then rediscovered in the 1970s, to ultimately become accepted as the “classic” style of jazz. And Bird is the epitome. He not only influenced his own generation and inspired his fellow saxophonists up to the present day. Every self-respecting jazz musician – no matter what their instrument – must study Parker’s unique playing style that essentially boils down to about a hundred different formulaic lines, which he sewed into his improvisations like a patchwork quilt.

Bird and Beethoven

Parker’s modernisation of jazz affected every single parameter of music, including instrumentation. With Parker and his associates, the big band era made legendary by the orchestras of Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman and the like, drew to a close.

The smaller ensemble, or combo, with a modest rhythm section of drums, bass, piano (or guitar or vibraphone, for that matter) and a few wind instruments, became the new milestone of jazz. Parker’s own quintet – which included, among others, Miles Davis on trumpet and Max Roach on drums – was, once again, trendsetting.

Given Bird’s far-reaching influence on the evolution of jazz, it’s no surprise that many aficionados consider Parker on a par with classical composers like Mozart and Beethoven. Such qualifications consider jazz as equal to classical music, and are testament to it being taken seriously as a mature musical genre. Jazz can be regarded as America’s original contribution to music history – and, by consequence, an important topic of academic study.

Parker’s centennial is currently being celebrated worldwide with new (re)releases, radio and television documentaries, and tribute concerts. And rightly so. Once you’ve been seduced by the Bird, you will never stop listening to classics like Confirmation, Scrapple from the Apple, Billie’s Bounce, or the one with the most amusing, yet appropriate title: Ornithology.The Conversation


Emile Wennekes, Chair Professor of Musicology: Music and Media, Utrecht University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


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Fined for a kiss / Multadas por un beso

amor prohibida
This lesbian couple kissed in their car, in the capital’s San Francisco corregimiento, when a police officer took notice. He told them that their kiss was an offense against public morals, arrested them and ultimately took them to the justice of the peace not in San Francisco, but in Bella Vista. There the two women were fined. They told their story on social media.
Esta pareja de lesbianas se besó en su auto, en el corregimiento capitalino de San Francisco, cuando un policía se dio cuenta. Les dijo que su beso era una ofensa a la moral pública, los arrestó y finalmente los llevó ante el juez de paz no en San Francisco, sino en Bella Vista. Allí las dos mujeres fueron multadas. Contaron su historia en las redes sociales.

¿Amor prohibido o error policial?
Prohibited love or police error?


A la luz del incidente y la denuncia pública, la Policía Nacional emitió el comunicado público anterior.

In light of the incident and the public complaint, the National Police issued the above public statement:

“The National Police wish to state that we regret the incident with the couple in the Paitilla sector, that we apologize and announce that we are undertaking an investigation of this regrettable act.

We state our profound rejection of  all actions, conduct and attitudes that carry with them the exclusion or or discrimination against people.

Respect for human rights is fundamental in our mission to protect and serve, and this includes the commitment to respect human integrity and dignity at all times, promoting a society of tolerance, inclusion and justice for all.”


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Para defendernos de los piratas informáticos, los trolls organizados y otros actos de vandalismo en línea, la función de comentarios de nuestro sitio web está desactivada. En cambio, ven a nuestra página de Facebook para unirte a la discusión.  

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vote final


Hightower & Bendib, Down to just him and those who would fall with him

Mr. T -- not THAT one, the wimpish white one
The Republican platform — and the Republican Party itself — has been reduced to one word: Trump.
Cartoon by Khalil Bendib.

Where did the GOP go?

by Jim Hightower — OtherWords

With our national election looming, someone should put up “lost dog” signs in every neighborhood saying, “Missing: Republican Party Platform.”

Voters won’t find one though, for this so-called major political party has decided not to produce a specific statement of what it stands for this year, nor will it offer to voters an itemized set of policies its public officials would try to enact if elected.

Indeed, the GOP hierarchy is so disdainful of the electorate that it says the party will not present a platform until 2024 — four years after the election!

They even imposed their policy silence on their own grassroots delegates, decreeing that any attempt by them to adopt new platform proposals at the Republican National Convention would “be ruled out of order.”

Instead of a political party, the GOP of 2020 has become a pathetic puppet show of weakling officials and sycophantic subordinates being jerked around by the maniacal whims of a bloated ego with despotic fantasies. The once respectable Republican National Committee has meekly ceded its authority, duty, respect, and relevance to a single unhinged authoritarian.

In essence, they’re saying that the platform — and the party itself — is one word: Trump.

Whatever poppycock the Glorious Leader utters today, whomever he attacks tomorrow, whichever fantastical conspiracy he embraces next week, the GOP will applaud, bow, and in unison reply “Amen.” Sad.

Republican senators, governors, captains of industry, elders, and others who once had power, prominence, some prestige, and maybe even a little pride now meekly wear Trump’s collar and kowtow to his conceits, leaving an entire party with a sole operating principle: “What he said” — even when they can’t figure out what he’s actually saying, or why, or what it means for the United States and its people.

That’s not a party, it’s a national embarrassment.


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Democrats abroad survey on state primary voting experiences


Did you vote in your US state’s primary? If yes, Democrats Abroad wants to hear from you about any voting issues or difficulties that you experienced.

Please go to this short survey to tell us about your primary voting experience. The survey does not require that you add personal details beyond your US voting state and country of residence.

The Democrats Abroad Voter Protection team is gathering this information to help prepare for issues this fall. Your help is very much appreciated and could help protect thousands of votes this year.

Interested in other steps you can do to protect your vote? Please go to this article to learn more.

Many thanks and happy voting!

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Democrats Abroad