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Símbolos Patrios

símbolo de la patria

Día de la Bandera

Sí, los políticos cambiaron el nombre. Piensan que pueden cambiar los nombres tradicionales, pero prohíben cualquier cambio, si no obtengan su parte de las rentas.

Es el Día de la Bandera. Los que salen a la calle y exigen que cambiar la forma en que se maneja Panamá sí respetan los símbolos de la nación. Sin embargo, parecen preferir a Patria como el himno para esta generación de panameños.


Himno Istmeño

letra por Jerónimo de la Ossa
música por Santos A. Jorge

Alcanzamos por fin la victoria
En el campo feliz de la unión!
Con cambiantes fulgores de gloria
Se ilumina la nueva nación!

Es preciso cubrir con un velo
Del pasado el Calvario y la Cruz,
Y que adorne el azul de tu cielo
De concordia la espléndida luz!

El progreso acaricia tus lares
Al compás de patriota canción!
Y te besan los pies los dos mares
Que dan rumbo a tu noble misión!

En tu suelo sembrado de flores,
A los besos del tibio terral,
Ya no pueden vivir los Señores:
Sólo reina el amor fraternal.

Adelante la pica y la pala!
Adelante sin más dilación!
Sólo así formaremos la sala
De este mundo feraz de Colón!



por Rubén Blades

Hace algun tiempo
Me preguntaba un chiquillo
Por el significado
De la palabra patria
Me soprendio con su pregunta
Y con el alma en la garganta
Le dije asi

Flor de barrio, hermanito
Patria, son tantas cosas bellas
Como aquel viejo arbol
Que nos habla y renueva
Como el cariсo que guardas
Despues de muerta la abuela
Patria son tantas cosas bellas

Son las paredes de un barrio
De su esperanza morena
Es lo que lleva en el alma
Como aquel cuando se aleja
Son los martires que gritan
Bandera, bandera bandera bandera

No memorices lecciones
Dictaduras o encierros
La patria no la define
Los que suprimen a un pueblo
La patria es un sentimiento
En la mirada de un viejo
Son la entera primavera brisa de hermanita nueva
Te contesto, hermanito, Patria son tantas cosas bellas


Tambor de Alegría

Tamborito tradicional, hay muchas versiones

Panameño, panameño,
panameño de mi vida,
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.

Al Tambor de la Alegría
¿Donde esta la vida mía?
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.

Por los santos de los cielos
y por la santa Virgen María,
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.

Si no tienes “mergollina”
sácate la lotería,
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.

Muchacha no seas tan tonta
cásate con policía,
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.

Que ganan noventa pesos
trabajando noche y día,
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.

Yo quiero pasear en coche
y también en el tranvía,
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.

Yo quiero que tú me lleves
¿Dónde está la vida mía?
yo quiero que tú me lleves
al tambor de la alegría.


La Rosa de Los Vientos

por Rómulo Castro

Cada uno lleva encima la huella de su sueño.

¿Quién dijo que la risa de tanta alma joven tiene que emigrar?
¿o que la llamarada de los sueños nobles ya no alumbra más?
¿quién dijo que nos ganó el olvido? ¿o que nos venció el “jamás”?
¿quien dice que hay caminos imposibles de encontrar?

¿Quién dice que perdimos, si entre las angustias sigue Panamá?
¿Quién cree que no hay manera de dar a su historia un mejor final?
Sigamos respirando, también por los demás, porque la causa es buena, no me canso de tratar.

Eh, ahe, ay ‘ombe; ahe, ahe, mi tierra, ay ‘ombe!
Eh, ahe, ay ‘ombe; ahe, ahe, mi Patria, ay ‘ombe!

¿Quién dijo que la vida se puede apuntalar a fuerza de mentiras, removiendo heridas, y olvidando amar?
¿Cómo borrar distancias sin echarnos a andar?
¿Por qué asumir que el Norte está en el Sur y delirar?

Eh, ahe, ay ‘ombe; ahe, ahe, mi tierra, ay ‘ombe!
Eh, ahe, ay ‘ombe; ahe, ahe, mi Patria, ay ‘ombe!

Yo soy de donde nace la rosa de los vientos
La azota el vendaval, pero crece por dentro
Yo soy de donde nace la rosa de los vientos
La azota el vendaval, pero crece por dentro

La rosa de los vientos!
La azota el vendaval, pero crece por dentro
Yo soy de donde nace la rosa de los vientos
La azota el vendaval, pero crece por dentro


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CD (pero Martinelli en desacuerdo), Los hechos recientes


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Baker, No reason to expect that Zuckerberg would get it

There is no reason to waste any effort trying to convince Mark Zuckerberg what is good for democracy. We just have to tell him, and make him a pay a very big price if he is too lazy or dumb to “get” it. Wikimedia photo.

Mark Zuckerberg is a rich jerk

by Dean Baker

Last week, New York Times columnist Timothy Egan had a piece headlined “Why Doesn’t Mark Zuckerberg Get It?” The piece then goes on to document how Facebook has become a medium for spreading lies and nonsense all over the world, that many ill-informed users have come to believe.

This is what Egan wants Zuckerberg to “get.” While it would be nice if Zuckerberg understood the problems created by Facebook, and took effective measures to address them, the problem with Egan’s piece is that there is no reason to expect that Zuckerberg would get this point.

Zuckerberg is not a political philosopher concerned about the public good. There is a zero evidence he is a deep thinker of any sort. He is a Harvard boy who stumbled into a good idea and had the necessary connections to get very rich from it: end of story.

It is bizarre that so many people look to the country’s billionaires to tell us how the world should be constructed or think that these people have any great insight into such matters. Being a billionaire means that you were successful at getting very rich. There is no reason to believe that billionaires have any more insight into major policy issues than anyone else.

Imagine if we turned to LeBron James, a truly great basketball player, to get advice on how best to deal with global warming. LeBron is a smart guy, but no one would expect him to have special insights into dealing with global warming, in spite of his incredible skills on the basketball court. In the same vein, why would anyone think that Zuckerberg would know or care about how Facebook should be run in a way that protects democracy?

Zuckerberg runs Facebook to make to make money (lots of it), not to promote democracy. The way to fix the problems of Facebook is not to convince Zuckerberg of its harms, the way to fix Facebook is to change the law.

Ending Facebook’s exemption from libel law

The best way to address the immediate issue of concern with Facebook, that it will run political ads with lies, is simply to remove Facebook’s exemption from libel law. In the early days of the Internet, Congress passed the Communications Decency Act, which established rules for Internet. The law included a provision, Section 230, which exempted intermediaries like Facebook from libel. This provision means that Facebook, unlike the New York Times or CNN, cannot be sued if it transmits false and damaging claims about individuals, companies, or other entities.

It is difficult to see why Facebook, or any Internet intermediary, should enjoy this sort of special treatment. Zuckerberg has said that he doesn’t want to be in the business of determining what is true. It may be the case that his Facebook team is not terribly competent, but the fact is that his competitors in traditional media have been in this business for decades.

I cannot buy an ad in the New York Times or on CNN attacking Donald Trump, Joe Biden, or any other political figure unless I can demonstrate to them that the claims in the ad are true. This is partly because these companies are worried about their reputations, and don’t want to be associated with passing along lies, but also because they could be subject to a libel suit if they helped me pass along libelous claims.

Zuckerberg might argue that Facebook’s operations are highly automated, people can buy ads on Facebook without any human intervention. This means that it doesn’t have staff available to review all the ads that it runs. That is undoubtedly true, but that is Mark Zuckerberg’s problem. Just as the New York Times and CNN pay people to review the ads they run, Facebook can pay to review the ads it runs. That will cost lots of money and reduce Facebook’s profits, but so what?

It is worth noting the contrast in the treatment of copyrights and libelous material by Facebook. In accordance with the law, Facebook polices its site for copyright violations. If someone has posted material that has been identified to Facebook as infringing on a copyright, Facebook will remove it from any sites where it has been posted. By contrast, Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook doesn’t care if posted material can be shown to be false and libelous.

It is hard to see an argument as to why we should not be at least as concerned about protecting democracy as protecting copyright holders’ ability to make money from their copyrights. It may be too much to demand that Facebook preemptively review posts for libelous material, but as with copyright infringement, they can be required to remove material that has been demonstrated to be false and damaging.

The law can also require that Facebook take steps to correct the damage from any false and libelous posts. This could mean that it would post a correction to the material that would appear on any Facebook pages where the libelous material appeared.

Allowing for such corrections could be one of the items that Facebook includes in those “terms of service” that no one ever reads. If people object to the idea that they may having a correction to their libelous posting appear on their Facebook page, then they can opt not to use Facebook. (Consumer choice is great.)

Facebook and other Internet intermediaries often try to portray themselves as passive actors, like a bulletin board on the web. There are in fact many such passive bulletin board type sites on the web. The difference between these sites and Facebook, is that these sites don’t make money from advertising or their participants’ personal information. If Facebook wanted to go that route, then it could be exempted from responsibility for libelous material, just as a neighborhood bulletin board would not be held responsible for libelous material.

However, if Facebook wants to compete with print and broadcast outlets for advertising dollars, it should be held to the same rules as these outlets. There is no justification for special treatment for rich jerks from Harvard. There is no reason to waste any effort trying to convince Mark Zuckerberg what is good for democracy. We just have to tell him, and make him a pay a very big price if he is too lazy or dumb to “get” it.


Dean Baker is the co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). He is the author of several books, including Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better bargain for Working People, The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive, The United States Since 1980, Social Security: The Phony Crisis (with Mark Weisbrot), and The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer. He also has a blog, “Beat the Press,” where he discusses the media’s coverage of economic issues.


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B’Tselem, Common Occupied Territories harassment hits our researcher

hr worker in occupied palestine
‘Aref Daraghmeh, human rights worker. Photo by the Daraghmeh family.

B’Tselem field researcher ‘Aref Daraghmeh arrested for his human rights work

by B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

B’Tselem field fesearcher ‘Aref Daraghmeh was arrested on Thursday, October 31, at around 10:00 a.m. at Tayasir Checkpoint in the Jordan Valley (West Bank).

After being held at the checkpoint for about an hour, he was taken to a nearby military post. Soldiers left him sitting on a chair in the sun. One soldier hit him on his back. After about four hours Mr. Daraghmeh felt ill, fainted, and was taken to a nearby clinic and from it to a hospital in Afula where he received medical treatment.

At 10:00 p.m. he was moved from the hospital to the police station in the settlement of Ariel. He was held there for hours, during which police questioned him about his presence at a demonstration, which took place last week, against the settlement point (“outpost”) “Shirat ha’Asabim” that was erected in 2017. At the protest, Daraghmeh documented security forces’ conduct towards protestors.

At about 4:00 a.m. he was released.

During this whole time the military and police refused to give any information on Mr. Daraghmeh’s medical condition and whereabouts, in spite of repeated requests. His arrest yesterday is another example of the attitude of Israeli authorities towards millions of Palestinians for more than 52 years: a daily reality of violence, oppression, harassment, disregard and humiliation.


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Blades, Sal a la calle y no te calles

Montaje gráfico de la cuenta de Twitter de Gaby Gnazzo.
Texto de la cuenta de Twitter de Rubén Blades.

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“Jóvenes Vándalos” dan sus razones

da yoot

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Bernal, What do you call lower than mediocre? (Other than “diputado”)

Dr. JI
Dr. José Ingenieros (1877 – 1925)

Low-grade legislation: a classic explanation

by Miguel Antonio Bernal

The deputies have shown us their inexcusable ignorance of legislative matters. In the same way, they have shown us their null knowledge in constitutional matters.

The president, meanwhile, has bet that media interventions of a totalitarian, autocratic and threatening nature will lead the population to change their way of thinking in the face of the attempt to impose a package of reforms that changes nothing of much importance.

We witness an accelerated institutional decomposition that’s greater than we previously thought. The mediocrity of those who govern us now yields its space to an even lower level.

What do we call it? “Bajocridad?” Seeing the free fall of our so-called “political class,” I allow myself to return to some thoughts of Don José Ingenieros’s work on the human condition.

Given the number of stutterers that have taken over the political, social and economic scenes of our country, and who intend to gag dignity, the Italian-Argentine physician and philosopher Ingenieros’s wise analyses become relevant today. He noted:

* Every now and then social equilibrium breaks in favor of mediocrity.

* Those who rule don’t create this state of affairs. They represent it.

* The mediocre do not dare to confront those who think differently. They are fundamentally insecure and seek excuses that always rely on the disqualification of the other.

* They lack the courage to express or debate in public their ideas, aims and projects. They communicate by way of monologue and applause.

* Those with this attitude hold within themselves the conviction that they possess the truth and the light, and their adversaries the error and the darkness.

* They do note abide forms. They confuses them with formalities, so they do not know courtesy, which is a form of respect for others.

* They feel free of guilt and serene in their consciences if legal decisions free them from penalties for the crimes they commit.

* Impunity tranquilizes them. There are always mediocre people – they are perennial. What varies is their prestige and influence.

* When they replace the qualitative with the convenient, the rebel is the same as the lackey because values adjust to the circumstances.

* They have more personal presence than projects.

* The decline of “education” and its confusion with “teaching” allows a society without ideals and without culture, which facilitates the existence of ignorant and rapacious politicians.


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Movimiento Otro Camino, Las protestas

Foto de la cuenta de Twitter de Ricardo Lombana.

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¿Wappin? Música panameña

Listen to the drums — they’re restless!
Escucha la batería, ¡están inquietos!

To start the month of patriotic holidays…

Para empezar al mes de fiestas patrias…

Rómulo Castro – La Rosa de lo Vientos

Nenito Vargas – La Última Mariposita

Yomira John – Mama Congo

Ulpiano Vergara – Cuanto La Quise Yo

Kafu Banton – Habla Como Pana

Karen Peralta – Santeño Quisiera Ser

Joshue Ashby C3 Project – Colón Surgirá

Alfredo Escudero & Los Montañeros – Aquel Gran Amor

Giovana Robinson – La Tulivieja

Bebito Vargas – El Bracito

Samy y Sandra Sandoval – La Golosa

Erika Ender – Te Conozco de Antes

Sech et al – Imaginate

Rubén Blades & Wynton Marsalis – Patria

El Tambor de la Alegria por Juan Pastor Paredes y Carmen Lagnon


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Centro de Iniciativas Democráticas, Represión de manifestaciones en Panamá

Roderick Toribio, herido y detenido por la Policia Nacional.

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