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Editorials: Protecting Panama’s sovereignty? and Does he get off on insanity?

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US Air Force building the air base in Meteti, Darien in 2010.

Is SENAFRONT there to defend Panama’s sovereignty?

It’s a story told often enough, in many different versions. The DEA agent, a US civil servant with a middle class standard of living that would seem fabulous to the Latin America cop, sits down to meet with one of the latter and notices the Rolex watch and expensive jewelry. The agent quickly realizes that she’s in the presence of the enemy.

Who knows what happened, how it happened or why? The Pentagon has insisted that the commander of SENAFRONT, the National Frontier Service that is both Panama’s border patrol and our de facto army, Commissioner Erick Estrada, be removed. President Varela is apparently going along with it. La Estrella reports that it’s about Estrada’s opposition to a string of US military electronic sensors in the Meteti area. All very classified, in a country where the US military bases were supposed to have been gone nearly 20 years ago.

Does a top Panamanian law enforcement officer have to be a crook to resist this country becoming, like back in 1904, a US military protectorate? Will there be more purges in the National Police when it is discovered that there are cops who don’t like Panama being used as a staging point for US military operations against Venezuela?

And what about a Panamanian diplomat or law enforcement official who has the occasion to sit down to meet with Donald Trump. Will SHE quickly realize that she’s in the presence of the enemy?


Harry “Pittsburgh Phil” Strauss. ‘Mr. Trump, you’re no Pittsburgh Phil.’

Dr. Warren, The Donald and Pittsburgh Phil

Harry “Pittsburgh Phil” Strauss (1909-1941) was Murder Incorporated’s most prolific and gifted hit man. He was never tried for the great majority of his crimes – he is said to have killed more than 100 people – but finally the State of New York got him on just enough, and executed him in the electric chair at Sing Sing.

When the cops nabbed him and pulled him before the court, he didn’t get all weepy and repentant and rediscover the Jewish faith of his ancestors. He didn’t deny that he had ever killed anyone. He pleaded insanity and acted up for the reporters and all others assembled. He probably was mentally ill, but he knew what his profession was and he knew that society considered it wrong. The jury didn’t buy it but Pittsburgh Phil kept up the act right up to the switch being thrown.

Donald Trump has surely heard that story. A New Yorker, The Donald has done business with mobsters all through his business career, starting with New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia notables from La Cosa Nostra, to money laundering for Russian gangsters starting in the 1980s, to a collection of former Soviet, Colombian, Brazilian and Panamanian underworld figures with his ill-fated project here.

Does he know that money laundering for mobsters is wrong? Does he know that calling foreign powers in to meddle in American elections is wrong? Perhaps The Donald is so self-centered that other people’s opinions mean nothing to him – but he has lied, and he has instructed others to lie, so there is at least an intellectual understanding about society’s official view. Even if, deep down inside, he believes that the universe revolves around himself so any other standard is beside the point.

Trump has been in rare, raving, threatening form of late. Revelations that he told off to US intelligence people who gave him bad news with an “I don’t care — I believe Putin” rejoinder is just gravy. People he once appointed are now dirty rats, treasonous and so on. He threatens the folks at Saturday Night Live with retribution. He threatens to overturn the constitutional arrangement in which the US House of Representatives holds the purse strings, seeking to declare a “state of emergency” in which he misappropriates these powers.

Dr. Elizabeth Warren, the senator from Massachusetts, presidential hopeful and noteworthy economist, suggests that in light of the president’s erratic behavior, the cabinet should invoke the 25th Amendment and declare him medically incapacitated. That would be the end of Trump’s presidency and the start of Pence’s reign of religious fanaticism. It might be a quick and elegant solution, a wise and prudent idea from she who would be president.

But do we really want to let The Donald beat the rap on insanity?


Bear in mind…


Those who speak most of progress measure it by quantity and not by quality.
George Santayana


The first time Adam had a chance, he laid the blame on a woman.
Nancy Astor


The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else.
Umberto Eco


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Bernal, Corruption reigns supreme

PRD legislator Zulay Rodríguez responds to the MOVIN complaint that she is one of the legislators who has not published her legislative office’s payroll and other public expenditures via her office. She attacks principal MOVIN spokeswoman Annette Planells, conflating “they” (the universe of MOVIN people) with “she.” The legislator comes to the conclusion that MOVIN is not independent (of the polítical parties, it actually is, but of powerful social and economic forces in Panamanian society it isn’t) and equates the organization with President Varela. Actually, they supported Varela at the end of the 2014 campaign as the most likely person to thwart Ricardo Martinelli’s proxy re-election but later broke with Varela over corruption and constitutional reform issues. MOVIN is a business and professional classes movement that has included among its backers the probable richest man in Panama, Stanley Motta. For a xenophobic demagogue like Rodríguez, railing against the evil rich guy is a fairly standard campaign dodge. Columnist, law professor, radio show host and activist Miguel Antonio Bernal is an independent of a different stripe than MOVIN. He and they agree that no elected official ought to be re-elected this time.

Enough of this corruption

by Miguel Antonio Bernal

The Panamanian government, given present-day power brokers’ lack of will, does nothing – in reality – to diminish or eradicate the corruption that has become entrenched in each and every sphere of this country.

Within this degenerative process, the scourge of corruption ever more the consumes highest public officials and the top managers of private enterprise. Uncontrolled, it permeates all social sectors, creating explosive situations of exclusion and injustice.

The lack of means for citizen participation, on the other hand, contributes to the absence and ineffectiveness of control mechanisms needed to contain the local Odebrechts and their accessories within the machinery, such as the Comptroller’s and the Attorney General’s offices.

Electoral populism is fully and busily engaged. It’s a fraudulent tournament of corny tricks promoted by the three electoral magistrates and co-sponsored by their buddies in the courts and the legislature. Any desire to empower the citizenry to participate in national events through the full exercise of our rights is totally repudiated by misnamed “political class.”

Whatever civic preventive action through inspections, observers or demands for accountability in the face of multiple cases of corruption is not contemplated by any of the candidates. This warns us that “change so that nothing changes” has hijacked the process.

Day by day, we live in a “democracy” that has been hijacked by a few, for a few, and to the detriment of the great majority that’s reduced to being spectators rather than actors.

The participation of citizens in different spaces is urgent. To do this, organizing ourselves around a constituent process will allow us to better defend the public interest and strengthen civic action. “No to reelection,” for example, goes hand in hand with no more corruption.


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MOVIN, Pela el ojo

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¿Wappin? A wandering musical weekend

Kafu Banton, from his Facebook page. Photo by Josue Arosemena.

Weekend wanderings
Paseos de fin de semana

Enrique Guzmán y Los Teen Tops – Pensaba En Ti

Frank Zappa – Cheap Thrills

Rocky Sharpe & The Replays – Rama Lama Ding Dong

The Devotions – Rip Van Winkle

Santana – Do You Remember Me?

Atom – Great Gig in the Sky

Sia – Bird Set Free

Beyoncé – Broken-hearted Girl

Amy Winehouse – Back to Black

Café Tacvba – Eres

Alicia Keys – No One

Marina – Handmade Heaven

Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On

Kafu Banton – Cuando Se Viene de Abajo

Aswad – The BBC Sessions

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Lawsuit begs many questions, including the BNP’s solvency

The Banco Nacional de Panamá — a strange hybrid from the start.

Abdul Waked’s claim isn’t the only scandal, but it’s for double the amount of the National Bank of Panama’s cash on deposit

Supreme Court to hear potentially bankrupting suit against the BNP

by Eric Jackson

The Supreme Court’s Civil Bench has agreed to hear a lawsuit against the National Bank of Panama (BNP, by its Spanish initials) in which the Lebanese-Panamanian businessman seeks $1.268 in damages. The BNP has paid-in capital of only $650 million.

The claim is that when the US Treasury Department denounced the existence of a “Waked Money Laundering Organization” the BNP determined that Abdul Waked’s businesses were “commercially dead” and allowed creditors to freeze or seize those companies’ deposits in the bank. But the US conspiracy theory never held up in court. In fact, as to Abdul Waked there were never any civil or criminal charges brought. US courts ruled that he had no recourse, nor any right to see any evidence against him. As to his Lebanese-Colombian nephew Nidal Waked, criminal charges for drug money laundering were summarily thrown out by the US courts and in the end Nidal pleaded guilty to accepting a loan from a US bank for one purpose but spending it for another. As that loan had been repaid, the sentencing judge rejected federal prosecutors’ demand for a long prison term.

Meanwhile Abdul Waked was forced by US sanctions that included threats against those who did business with him, combined with the BNP’s denial of access to his assets to sell of much of his business empire at a loss. The big prize for Uncle Sam was the forced sale of a majority stake in the La Estrella and El Siglo newspapers, in favor of an expected to be pro-US new ownership that was vetted by the American Embassy. Abdul Waked’s lawsuit is about the business losses forced upon him by the bank’s actions.

The bank’s lawyers and fellow bankers are arguing that the suit is invalid first because the BNP had a greater duty to claimed creditors than to its depositor, second because the bank is the government’s, and third because bank employees are immune from liability for things that they do in furtherance of government policies.

Why such short reserves, and just what the BNP is and is supposed to be are relevant side questions.

Especially so, when there are multiple concurrent scandals and a long history at the bank. Top of the news lately is how some 318 checks in favor of about 35 persons, coming from at least 29 legislators, were drawn against a National Assembly payroll account at the BNP in the aggregate amount of some $808,000. All of these checks went through a single cashier and the supposed beneficiaries are denying any knowledge and even more adamantly having received any money. Prosecutors are leaning on the cashier but the ordinary prosecutors and courts have no jurisdiction over legislators. The Supreme Court investigates, tries and sentences legislators, while the National Assembly investigates, tries and sentences high court magistrates. There has for many years, with only a few exceptions, been a non-agression pact between the two institutions. Thus it may be that one corrupt bank cashier will take the fall for dozens of corrupt politicians — but for the latter the equation may change dramatically starting on July 1 if the voters oust many or all incumbent deputies in the May elections. 

And what IS the BNP? In many respects it’s considered a sister institution to all of Latin America’s central banks. But unlike those, and unlike the Federal Reserve in the USA, the BNP doesn’t issue currency. Coins, and sometimes corrupt games that get played with issuing those, yes. But the Panamanian balboa is the US dollar. In that sense the Fed is Panama’s central bank and has been since 1904. Shorn of major responsibilities of their regional counterparts, the political patronage appointees who head the BNP have over the years been less committed to considerations like prudence, due diligence and ethical standards.

Deeper yet, the scant resources on hand at the BNP are a function of Panama’s serious public debt. Yes, you can read all this purchased “journalism” about the Panamanian economic miracle, none of which will mention that Ramón Fonseca Mora of Panama Papers infamy was President Varela’s chief of staff at the start of the current administration. Nor does this genre of story mention the money laundering house of cards that much of Panama’s business scene actually is. And is US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatening retaliation against Panamanians who do business with the Chinese? Look at how precarious Panama’s main public bank is, and then figure how that plays into US fears of China coming in dangling attractive lines of credit.

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George Scribner art…

guna girl
La Niña Guna 5″ x 7″

Paintings, a lesson and upcoming workshops with George Scribner

Shanghai Disneyland

I wrote an article for a painting magazine about the experience I had painting the construction of Shanghai Disneyland between 2013 and 2016. It was an amazing journey. Here’s the article:


“Big Man on Campus” – Chickens in Panama! 9” X 12” — SOLD

Antillana con bandana roja.

I did a Painting from Photographs workshop in Westlake Village a few weeks ago. A fun class with some very talented students! My thanks to Wendy Gordin for setting this up.


And speaking of painting from photographs…


A few tips on painting from photos …

1. Try to paint from a computer screen vs a printed image. The problem with most printed images is the darks go very dark and the lights flare out eliminating all detail and washing out the color. Another advantage of working from a computer screen (or tablet or cell phone) is you can tweak the image, adding more light and color particularly in the shadow areas. The colors in a printed image tend to disappear.

2. These are the three steps I take in a computer before I paint from a photo.


We generally try and paint too much. Make the painting about something – crop in on a center of interest. If you have to work from a printed image use inexpensive mats to crop. These are from Michael’s.

Don’t forget, the photo is just for reference. not to be taken literally. Edit out what isn’t important.


Lightening your image will reveal more color in the shadow areas and more closely reflect what your eye sees. Shadows have a lot more light and color in them because other objects and colors are being reflected into them. It’s easier to see this using a computer.

You also don’t need a humongo desk top system to prep your photo. The editing software on both the iPhone and Android phones (or tablets) make this pretty easy.


Use your editing program to add more color to your image (don’t overdo it, a little bit goes a long way). I try to create emotion in my work and color is probably your most powerful tool. I always warm my photographs in my computer (yellows and orange) before I paint them, it always adds more appeal to your work – my personal preference.

I cropped in on the shot below to what I thought was important, eliminating detail in the background and adding more color and emotion. Note how much warmer the overall painting is.

“Dead Slow II” – A ship in the Panama Canal during rainy season. A very rainy season… 9” X 12” — My thanks to Mark Goodrich for the title.

“The Miraflores Approach” 12” x 16” Painted on Commission
A southbound ship prepares to enter the last set of locks before entering the Pacific. The Panama Canal is roughly 50 miles long with locks on both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The locks raise ships 85 feet above sea level to a man made lake in the middle of the isthmus. I go to Panama at least once a year and try and paint on location. I’m still blown away by this extraordinary engineering feat built over 100 years ago.



I’ll be doing a two day Beginner to Intermediate Oil Painting workshop at the Sonoma Community Center, April 27th and 28th. If you’d like to enroll, please contact Liz Treacy at liz@sonomacommunitycenter.org. Look forward to seeing you!

I’ll be doing another oil painting workshop in Montrose in June. If you have any interest let me know.

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Kermit’s birds / Las aves de Kermit

Found in Panama City’s Parque Natural Metropolitano. For a higher resolution photo click here.
Se encuentra en el Parque Natural Metropolitano de la ciudad de Panamá. Para una foto de mayor resolución toque aquí.

The White Shouldered Tanager ~ Tangara Hombriblanca ~ Tachyphonus luctuosus

photo / foto © Kermit Nourse

My friend Eric Jackson from The Panama News says tanagers don’t like to be photographed and that is especially true about this species. which never seems to stay put for long. This tanager is far ranging from Guatemala deep into South America, in central Brazil and northern Bolivia. Another common Spanish name for it is Tangara Luctuosa.

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Mi amigo Eric Jackson de The Panama News dice que a las tangaras no les gusta que los fotografíen, y eso es especialmente cierto sobre esta especie. Lo que nunca parece quedarse por mucho tiempo. Este tangara está muy lejos de Guatemala en el sur de América, en el centro de Brasil y el norte de Bolivia. Otro nombre común en español es Tangara Luctuosa.


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Gandásegui, What to look for in ACP directors

The ACP board of directors. They are short-handed due to a resignation — which was NOT one of the four members who have been named in criminal investigations or unflattering audit reports. ACP Photo.

The qualifications for ACP board members

by Marco A. Gandásegui, hijo

The Panama Canal continues to be the centerpiece of any analysis of Panamanian reality. As a result of a negotiation – really an imposition — made at the beginning of the 20th century, the United States built the waterway that connects the two largest oceans on the planet. From 1914 to 1999, the canal was administered by the United States, based on the global geopolitical interests of that northern country. In 1999 the waterway, and all of the infrastructure that accompanied it, was transferred to the Panamanian government once the Torrijos-Carter Canal Treaty signed in 1977 was fulfilled.

Since 2000, the canal has been managed by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), a public company whose sole shareholder is the Panamanian people. Canal revenues are almost entirely the product of tolls paid by more than 14,000 ships — of all sizes — that pass through their locks annually. In 2018 it had revenues that exceeded $3 billion. Nearly half went directly to the coffers of the Panamanian Treasury to be incorporated into the national budget.

Despite this enormous wealth that the treasury gets every year, little is known about how the canal is managed. The ACP is about to get its third administrator. It has a board of directors made up of 11 members. The board appoints the administrator. Of the members of the board, nine are appointed by the President of the Republic for a period of 10 years. Another is the Minister of Canal Affairs. There is also a deputy elected by the National Assembly. The board of directors should be accountable to the sole shareholder of the sanal: the Panamanian people. Every year in the National Assembly – which according to the Constitution represents the people — the president of the board of directors of the ACP delivers a check that leaves everyone astonished by the huge sum that it represents.

But who are the members of the board of directors? Are they prepared to fulfill their obligations? Are they at the service of the country or do they have other agendas?

It is up to the current president — Juan Carlos Varela — to appoint three new board members before he hands over his office to his successor on July 1, 2019. Like the last four presidents, everything indicates that he will select them under pressure from powerful economic interests. The members of the board of directors handle billions of dollars from canal revenues and related activities. Most do not have much knowledge about the waterway. Some do not know it at all. Many come to the ACP with another agenda.

What are the qualification that the members of the board of directors should have?

Let’s make a list of six basic areas with which the chosen one should be familiar. If she or he meets the six qualities mentioned below, that makes an excellent candidate for the position of director. If five traits are found, that’s very good. Those who can handle four are good or acceptable. Those who only have three or less they are unacceptable.

  • The first quality is that to know the details of world maritime trade. This incudes the projections of world production and maritime technologies. It includes knowing the importance of commercial routes.
  • The second quality is to have knowledge the security of the 9,000 ACP employees. Not just workplace safety, but their levels of education, health, pay scales and prospects for the future
  • Third, a director should know the details of how that complex structure that is the canal is maintained.
  • Fourth is a good knowledge of the watersheds that feed the canal the water that ships need to travel from one ocean to the other. In addition, urban growth and its impact on the waterway.
  • Fifth, knowledge of how to guarantee expeditious access to financial resources so as to be ever more autonomous.
  • Finally, the director should have a working knowledge of geopolitics and of the interests of the great powers, in order to maintain the neutrality of the canal and the country in a conflictive world.

Obviously, the board of directors should have naval engineers, environmentalists, economists and financiers, labor lawyers, international relations specialists and sociologists to be in a position to supervise the entire operation of the canal. At present, these are conspicuous by their absence. President Varela can fill that void. He can choose new directors from among his school friends or his fellow party members, as Panamanian presidents usually do. Provided that they master at least four or more of the qualities mentioned above.

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Migration crisis on Panama-Colombia border

Migrants, said to be Africans, trying to make their way into Panama from Colombia. Or so it is presented. The unattributed photo is from the local Colombian news website Noticias Uraba, which covers that remote corner of northwestern Colombia more than the national Colombian media do.

Hundreds of migrants, some sick, stuck in the bush at the border with Colombia

by Eric Jackson, from other sources

Local Colombian media report that on February 11 Panama’s SENAFRONT border police shut down crossings from Colombia in the northern part of the binational border. They report that at least 700 undocumented migrants, said to be mostly Africans but perhaps with Haitians or Cubans in the mix, had come into the town of Acandi via the waters of the Gulf of Uraba from the opposite shore in Turbo. They then set out by foot to Panama and by a few accounts some got over the border. 

But the main group was met by Panamanian authorities, who discovered that at least half a dozen were ailing with malaria. Was it of one of the deadlier African strains? So it was imprecisely reported. From Panamanian officials we are hearing nothing.

Noticias Uraba says that the Panamanian border guards used tear gas to turn the migrants back, with only partial success. Meanwhile the mayor of Acandi, Lilia Córdoba, told that medium that the migrants were not welcome back into town because of the health risk posed by the several reported malaria cases. So at last word there are hundreds of people stranded in the bush along the border.

Both sides of the so-called Darien Gap between Panama and Colombia are pretty remote — rough, forested, roadless terrain and not well served by media and telecommunications services. It has historically provided many hiding places and obscure routes for smugglers, guerrillas and paramilitary groups. During Colombia’s long and only partially ended civil conflict the part around the Gulf of Uraba, opposite Puerto Obaldia and beyond that Guna Yala on the Panamanian side, was the turf of the AUC paramilitary that was in that area funded in part by the US-based Chiquita Brands. Since then that particular right-wing private army has gone through various changes and morphed into the Clan Usuga, a violent drug smuggling gang that operates in Panama now. Other criminals operating in the area now dedicate themselves to the smuggling of other cargoes — human beings, seeking to slip into Panama en route to the United States if they can make it.

Until last year Panama had a policy of letting undocumented migrants pass through the country so long as they did not stay more than 30 days here. However, Costa Rica and the United States in particular objected to that policy and the Varela administration agreed to take stronger steps to stop migration without visas.


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Editorials: Sad ending; and Will the B section run?

In reality, a Panameñista campaign ad. But because it’s posted on the president’s Twitter feed instead of on billboards, the Electoral Tribunal will see it otherwise.

At long last, it comes to this

President Varela took farms and homes from people and gave them to the subsidiary of US-owned Dole. The people evicted were offered irrisory compensation, nothing all close to replacement value.

Ancient petroglyphs considered holy to many of the Ngäbe people were flooded over and destroyed, as a gift to Honduran hustlers, European investors and a rabiblanco law firm who got a dam concession with a fraudulent environmental impact  statement. Varela said that foreign interests trump those of Panamanians.

Panamanian neutrality as our main defense of the Panama Canal? Varela takes orders from the Pentagon, takes sides with the most atrocious human rights abusers in the Middle East and has given an excuse to a wide variety of fanatics in many places to see Panama as an enemy power. So of course his administration ends with the overt return of US forces to the isthmus.

Look and listen carefully to the candidates. Is there someone who will lead Panama back toward independence?


This raucous, squabbling party will have a crowded 2020 presidential primary field. That’s not a bad thing. Those who are busy trying to “clear the field” by defaming candidates do neither America nor the Democratic Party any service.

The “killer” Bs…

Enough of the dangerous fiend imagery.

There is all the time in the world for things to change but polls suggest that the GOP base is sticking with Donald Trump and that any of the many candidates of possible candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination would beat Trump. Alarmist stuff about how the Democrats die if they go to the left, or go to the right, or try someone new, or get stuck on someone old – that’s just nonsense.

Are there foreign voices in the crowd? Perhaps, but surely this is mainly homespun by operatives and pundits, or wannabe operative or pundits, looking for advantage in what will be a large crowd of candidates.

Speculation about the so-far undeclared ones is more interesting than the vilification of those already announced. Will Biden run? Will Beto jump in? Will Bernie take the plunge?

Could be that we get these three men in the race, in a year when Democrats are looking for a woman. Could be that anyone with any sort of record in public life gets it cherry picked for that one obscure datum that can bludgeon a campaign to death. Perhaps….

If any or all of these guys decide to run for president, they should be welcomed and respectfully heard. If anyone runs a “Stop B…” or stop anybody else campaign, the purveyors of that are the ones who ought to be outed and stopped. This time Democrats should get to vote for whom they want without threat or stigma.

The mortal threat to Democrats this time around is the possibility of would-be power brokers rigging or appearing to rig the primaries. That could leave people whose votes the eventual Democratic nominee needs unenthusiastic about voting in the fall.

Bear in mind…

In a world where carpenters get resurrected, everything is possible.

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Man is a clever animal who behaves like an imbecile.

Albert Schweitzer

Some third person decides your fate: this is the whole essence of bureaucracy.

Alexandra Kollontai

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