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Polo Ciudadano, Minas y otros regalos

PC - OB?

En medio de una enorme crisis fiscal, el gobierno de Cortizo regala los recursos naturales a un puñado de empresarios

por Polo Ciudadano

La prueba palpable de que los empresarios en Panamá financian las campañas electorales a cambio de que, al salir electos, les favorezcan con contratos, la constituye el acierto de los dueños del sector minero al haber puesto a uno de sus empleados en la vicepresidencia de la República, como lo es José Gabriel Carrizo.

Carrizo fue abogado de la mina de Molejón, Minera Petaquilla, cuyo dueño era el célebre Richard Fifer, mina que luego de lustros de explotación incontrolable, fue cerrada alegando “quiebra” en 2013, dejando a centenares de trabajadores sin sus cuotas de seguridad social y, lo que es peor, dejando un peligro grave de contaminación con sus tinas de deslave contaminadas con cianuro en la que el estado tuvo que gastar millones de dólares para evitar una catástrofe. Richard Fifer, el jefe de Gabriel Carrizo, pese a ser condenado por apropiarse de las cuotas de la seguridad social, no pagó ni un día en la cárcel gracias a su edad.

Ahora tenemos que el gobierno Cortizo-Carrizo favorece al sector minero: 1-) Incluyendo 25 mil hectáreas de bosque en el régimen de concesiones mineras (13/5/21); 2-) Anulando una resolución de 2015 del Ministerio de Comercio por la cual el Estado asumía las tierras de la mina de Molejón; 3-) Casualmente, cinco días después, aparece el ministro Ramón Martínez que anuncia un acuerdo para traspasar la mina de Molejón a la empresa Broadway Strategic Metals Inc.

A todo esto, podemos agregar que el gobierno panameño mantiene intacto el leonino contrato con la empresa canadiense First Quantum, que explota la mina de cobre denominada Minera Panamá, ubicada en Donoso, provincia de Colón, pese a que la Corte Suprema de Justicia declaró en 2017 inconstitucional el contrato ley en que se basa. Según denuncia el periodista Sergio Sánchez Minera Panamá habría extraído el equivalente a 1.455 millones de dólares en minerales, pero a Panamá sólo le tocaron 29,1 millones de esa fortuna. Regalías de apenas el 2%, cuando en Sudamérica los Estados exigen entre el 40 y 51% de regalías.

A este robo contra el patrimonio de la nación panameña hay que añadir el tremendo daño ecológico que producen estas minas a cielo abierto, daño del que no se hacen responsables como quedó demostrado en Molejón afectando a las comunidades en las que también están eximidas estas empresas de impuestos locales.

Paralelamente se planifica otra traición a los intereses de la patria con la negociación de la renovación del contrato con Panamá Ports Co. (PPC), que administra los puertos de Balboa y Cristóbal, otro asalto en descampado contra Panamá: esta empresa, en 25 años, tuvo utilidades por 909 millones de dólares, y eso que hubo mucha a empresas subsidiarias, pero sólo pagó al país 8 millones, cuando debió recibir 82 millones de dólares, sin contar con que Panamá dejó de percibir 600 millones del canon fijo y variable que se pactó en 1997 y que el gobierno de Mireya Moscoso le perdonó.

El contralor de la República y el ministro de Comercio “no han encontrado nada anormal” y consideran que la empresa cumplió, con lo cual piensan renovar por otros 25 años en iguales condiciones, con lo que el robo al erario continuará aumentando.

Mientras el gobierno empresarial del PRD-Cortizo-Carrizo hace estos regalitos a empresas privadas a costa de los bienes públicos y las riquezas minerales nacionales, el déficit público se sigue incrementando en medio de la crisis. ¿Cómo combate el déficit el gobierno empresarial? Cortando gasto social: recortes en salud pública y educación llevan a estas entidades al borde del abismo; achicando el Plan Panamá Solidario y cortando las ayudas a los pobres.

El Polo Ciudadano sostiene que es hora de un cambio real. Tenemos que exigir una reforma fiscal progresiva, en la que el que más gana pague más impuestos, incluyendo las grandes empresas, que en su mayoría están exoneradas. También hay que exigir la revisión de esos contratos antinacionales que regalan a precio de feria toda la riqueza nacional. Por eso se requiere la constitución de una verdadera alternativa política popular que saque del poder a estos agentes corruptos, siempre al servicio de intereses privados.


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Kermit’s birds / Las aves de Kermit

Yellow-crowned Night Heron ~ Martinete coronado OR Garza Nocturna cabeciamarilla ~ Nyctanassa violacea. Encountered at Panama City’s, Puente del Rey. Photo © Kermit Nourse.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron Martinete coronado

Especially a salt marshes and rocky beaches wading bird, mostly found on the Pacific Side but also a few on the Atlantic Side. These are found in the Perlas Archipelago, on Coiba and Taboga and a number of other Pacific islands. They’re also found farther inland, along wetlands adjacent to fresh water rivers. They’re common around Panama City. The species ranges from the Eastern USA to Peru and Northern Brazil and are fond in the Galapagos and the Antilles.

Especialmente un ave zancuda de las marismas saladas y las playas rocosas, que se encuentran principalmente en el lado del Pacífico, pero también algunas en el lado del Atlántico. Estos se encuentran en el archipiélago de Perlas, en Coiba y Taboga y en varias otras islas del Pacífico. También se encuentran tierra adentro, a lo largo de humedales adyacentes a ríos de agua dulce. Son comunes en la ciudad de Panamá. La especie se extiende desde el este de EE. UU. Hasta Perú y el norte de Brasil y le gustan las Galápagos y las Antillas.




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¿Wappin? Space is the place!

Illegal aliens from a reactionary galaxy.

Out there stuff that third agers may remember

Danilo Pérez – Galactic Panama

Pink Floyd — Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun

Jefferson Starship – Hijack

Cássia Eller – O segundo sol

Carlos Santana & Alice Coltrane – Angel Of Sunlight

Conjure One & Sinéad O’Connor – Tears From the Moon

Tangerine Dream – Minor Turbulence

The Jazz Hop Café – Space Traveling

Elton John – Rocket Man

Björk – Moon

Mad Professor – Solar System

Flora Purim – Open Your Eyes You Can Fly

The Beatles – Across the Universe

Enigma – Beyond The Invisible

David Bowie – Ziggy Stardust

Gato Barbieri – Straight Into The Sunrise

Lou Reed – Satellite of Love

Orbital – Halcyon On and On

Sun Ra Arkestra – NPR Tiny Desk Concert


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Editorial: A gold lure, so that we can be taken for suckers

This graphic is a collage from the company’s website, mashup by Eric Jackson. Some important things to know about the claim are FIRST, that this is NOT a “public company” in the sense of its shares being traded on any stock exchange which imposes auditing and transparency regulations upon it; SECOND, if there is a “Third Party Advisory Board and Compliance Committee” the Panamanian people have not been told who that is.

Nito plays us for suckers

Neither born yesterday nor fresh off the plane – the editor may be getting old, with these “senior moments,” but some knowledge and memory persists.

What to think of a Panamanian government, and of a company, that claims the would-be concessionaire to be “of Canadian capital,” and both of which conceal the identity of their Panamanian Chief Operating Officer? And that guy is a Duque, of the very wealthy clan that used to own La Cresta, related to one of the founding stalwarts of the PRD, the late former Vice President Fito Duque? Might be a wonderful and competent man, but what we are being sold has been misrepresented by concealment. It’s not some disinterested Canadian firm, but “The Families” – a rabiblanco clan with a PRD relationship all along. The Cortizo administration and the company didn’t say so because they knew what the Panamanian public would rightly presume.

What to think of a Panamanian government, and of a company, which almost certainly in the period when the company’s proposed revival of the Petaquilla gold mine swindle was being formulated, had as ITS TREASURER a man now wanted by Spain after absconding with some $112 million from a cryptocurrency scheme? Yes, the company belatedly admitted that the guy resigned as director last year, but as of this morning has never admitted since the gold mine revival project that he was their treasurer. So what kind of business plan?

Which gets into the editor’s memories of a now-departed Panamanian hero, Fernando Manfredo Jr., who was acting Panama Canal administrator during the worst of Noriega and invasion times, and who later was the environmentalist running mate in the 1994 Rubén Blades presidential campaign. Before those things he was Omar Torrijos’s Minister of Commerce and Industry. When the Petaquilla Gold scheme first came up the editor did not own The Panama News, Richard Fifer’s sister worked for the owner, and the editor was sent out on trip to see parts of Penonome and hear the Petaquilla pitch. And THEN talked to Manfredo about it. Manfredo said that as a business proposition the gold mine was a loser, that given environmental regulations the project could not make money while complying with the law. His opinion was that it was just a stock swindle for investors deluded by mirages of golden riches.

And wouldn’t you know, that soon after Fifer got his concession he sued to be exempted of environmental regulations, arguing that they would make the project non-viable. He lost, but went ahead with it and was allowed to cut many a corner on the rules.

The mine was in production from 2011 to 2014. Its shares were the subject of an international insider trading and money laundering scandal, which Panamanian justice approved on the basis that such stock manipulations on shares traded in other countries but not Panama are legal here. Our financial system has never recovered from the disrepute of that ruling. Other stock markets shun Panama’s Bolsa de Valores. It’s part of the litany that has Panama on so many international financial black lists and gray lists.

Left behind was a leaking toxic mess, a work force that never got fully paid and this debt to the workers and the government from Seguro Social payments deducted from workers’ paychecks but kept by the management instead of paid into the system.

Go to the company’s website and there are claims of expertise in mining, long on purchases and sales and on oil drilling, but nothing really about which gold mine, where.

Get into the matter of WHO – what they say about themselves, and what they conceal about themselves – and many alarm bells go off. Get into the particulars of this gold mine, and yet more alarms, and Mr. Manfredo’s take from long ago echoes down through the years.

That’s not all there is to it – there is the proposed precious metals refinery

It’s worthwhile to refer to the company’s website and the biographies they give about their team, bearing in mind as well the things they conceal. We’re not really dealing with captains of industry, but with financial operators here.

And what’s a precious metals refinery? There are very few of them that are considered acceptable by folks like the European Union. Why’s that?

It gets back to some other long ago stories on which the editor worked.

Years ago I attended an archaeology lecture at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute about the pre-Columbian settlement of Panama by Chibchan peoples. But for the Embera and the Wounaan, all of Panama’s indigenous nations trace roots back to the plateau around Bogota, and the Chibchan cultural area. The first evidence for that was linguistic, and indigenous folk history. More modernly they get into DNA.

They can roughly estimate by the differences between two related languages when those who speak them went their different ways.

And then, with cultures that leave grave goods, facts that might be interpreted differently can be discerned.

As to GOLD ornaments, different gold deposits have different alloys, generally in this region mixes of gold, silver and copper. So if they dig up a grave in Cocle and find a gold huaca, by the metallurgy they can often tell where the metal was mined. You find Colombian gold in a grave in Panama? A family heirloom? Something taken in war and recast? Evidence of trade or intermarriage?

Modernly, you are trying to enforce sanctions to strangle the Venezuelan economy, or shut down a warlord in the Congo? You can tell by ingots of unrefined gold more ore less by the content of the alloys.

Venezuelan or Congolese gold, subject to international sanctions? You can identify those things by the alloys. But if you refine it to separate out the other metals and have more or less pure gold, that takes away the identifying marks.

So, in addition to being a money laundering center, establish a gold laundering facility in Panama? Then whine about how unfair the international sanctions are?

The Europeans are mostly concerned with “conflict minerals” that finance atrocious wars in Africa, which in turn send people fleeing to the north. Gold is one of the big ones. Uncle Sam and some of his friends, on the other hand, are big into economic sanctions for broadly political reasons, including against such gold producers as Venezuela and Russia.

But there is another concern, based on a treaty passed in 2013 and as to gold ever so slowly being phased into effect – or ignored as the case may be. It’s about mercury.

Recall the tale of the mad hatter? Used to be, mercury was widely used in the production of hats from beaver pelts. That toxic metal killed many a hatter, but better known were the psychological and neurological effects of those who practiced that trade.

In a scholarly article, chemists Dr. Louisa J. Esdaile and Dr. Justin M. Chalker summed up the mercury issue:

Mercury-dependent artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is the largest source of mercury pollution on Earth. In this practice, elemental mercury is used to extract gold from ore as an amalgam. The amalgam is typically isolated by hand and then heated—often with a torch or over a stove—to distill the mercury and isolate the gold. Mercury release from tailings and vaporized mercury exceed 1000 tonnes each year from ASGM. The health effects on the miners are dire, with inhaled mercury leading to neurological damage and other health issues. The communities near these mines are also affected due to mercury contamination of water and soil and subsequent accumulation in food staples, such as fish – a major source of dietary protein in many ASGM regions. The risks to children are also substantial, with mercury emissions from ASGM resulting in both physical and mental disabilities and compromised development. Between 10 and 19 million people use mercury to mine for gold in more than 70 countries, making mercury pollution from ASGM a global issue. With the Minamata Convention on Mercury entering force [in 2018], there is political motivation to help overcome the problem of mercury in ASGM. In this effort, chemists can play a central role.

That United Nations treaty, to which Panama is a party, is only slowly and unevenly implemented. One of its provisions lets countries ban the importation of gold and other things manufactured with mercury.

Consider where we are. The sort of small-scale mining in which mercury is used to separate gold is found in much of Latin America, including in several countries of the Amazon Basin, next door in Colombia and in Panama itself.

A dishonest gold refinery that looks the other way or actively falsifies records on the origin and extraction methods of metal that comes through its doors becomes quite the aid to illegal mining.

Back in the 1990s, the editor went on a boondocks slog to see one aspect of the illegal mining problem as affected Panama:

I went by piragua up the Cuango River in eastern Colon province with folks from INRENARE (a precursor of today’s MiAmbiente), the National Police and environmentalist groups.

That part of Panama had been invaded by dozens of Colombians, mostly young men, who were washing away a hillside along a tributary stream, using a fire hose and powerful pump, filtering the ore with screens and separating the gold from the rock with toxic chemicals. It was polluting the town of Cuango’s water supply. They had this sneering demagogue leader telling the Panamanian authorities that Cuango should just put chlorine in their water.

In my legally trained mind, I considered it a foreign invasion of Panama to strip away our resources and contaminate other resources in the process. As in, plenty of justification for the cops to just shoot the leader.

But I also know that what is legal isn’t always what’s wise, decent or effective. Risk a war with some Colombian faction or another, or the neighbor country’s government? Kill someone when less drastic means would do the job? Try to make mass arrests in an area of very difficult access? (We had to go more than an hour up jungle rivers.)

Eventually the cops caught up with these guys and there were selective arrests and the destruction of pumps and other equipment.

In such a situation in these days of the Minimata Convention, Panama could seize gold and identify the alloy, so as to give INTERPOL and other law enforcement agencies the identifying marks of such stolen resources on the international market.

However, a gold refinery makes that sort of enforcement of environmental laws far less possible.

Bottom line for Panama, which is already a target for international financial sanctions? Gold can also be laundered, and that practice becoming part of the isthmian business scene would likely draw some undesirable attention to these shores.


Eartha Kitt, studio photo colorized by oneredsf1.

          I’m a dirt person. I trust the dirt. I don’t trust diamonds and gold.

Eartha Kitt          

Bear in mind…

Brass shines as fair to the ignorant as gold to the goldsmiths.

Elizabeth I  

Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men.


Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.

Bob Marley


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MINSA, Medidas modificadas frente el COVID-19

Pronto abren las galleras, pero solo con un 25% de asistencia.

MINSA dice, excepciones para seguir…


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Levy, Think like a virus

Vito the Virus and his boys
To stop the spread of COVID-19 across the globe, it’s important to understand the evolutionary imperative that viruses have to spread their genetic material. COVID viruses. Photo by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Think like a virus to understand why the pandemic isn’t over yet – and what the USA needs to do to help other countries

by Karen Levy, University of Washington

Kill every human on the planet.

This is the first assignment I give students in my public health classes, filled with do-gooders passionate about saving the world. Their homework is to play a game called Plague, in which they pretend to be pathogens bent on infecting everyone on the globe before humans can develop a cure or a vaccine.

Why this assignment? Because as a professor of infectious disease epidemiology, I aim to teach students to think like pathogens so they can learn how to control them.

With COVID-19, thinking like a pathogen leads to an inevitable conclusion: Getting the vaccine out to everyone in the world as quickly as possible is not just an ethical imperative, but also a selfish one.

Viruses use their hosts to replicate their genetic material.

Passing on genetic material a key goal

While many wealthy countries soon will offer vaccines to their entire populations, people in poorer countries might have to wait years for their shots. About half of U.S. residents are now at least partially vaccinated. Many other countries have yet to reach 1% vaccination coverage.

In the interim, SARS-CoV-2 will take advantage of this opening.

In reality, pathogens don’t actually want to kill all of their human hosts, because they would eventually have nowhere to live. Their goal is to pass on their genetic material to the next generation. They will do what they can to answer their evolutionary call.

A virus to-do list

Of course, viruses and bacteria don’t have brains so they don’t “think,” per se. But like all life forms, these particular living creatures are trying to maximize their chances of reproducing and having their offspring survive and reproduce.

As a single virus particle, you have two key items on the to-do list. First, you need a place to propagate. You need to reproduce yourself in large numbers, to increase the chances that one of your kids will do the right thing and provide you with some grandchildren. As a virus you are very good at this bit. No need to visit Tinder and find the perfect match, as you reproduce asexually. Instead you use the cellular machinery of your host – the human you infect – to reproduce yourself.

Second, you need a way to get from your current host to the next host that you will infect, otherwise known as transmission. For that you need both a portal of exit – the way to get out of your current host – and a portal of entry – the way to get into your next host. You need a susceptible host. And you need a way to travel to your next host.

Susceptible hosts? That was easy for SARS-CoV-2 when it first came on the scene. Because it was a novel pathogen, the entire global population was susceptible. No humans had full immunity to this particular virus from previous exposure, because it didn’t exist in human populations before 2019. Now, with each person who gets exposed or vaccinated, the number of susceptible hosts dwindles.

For a portal of exit, SARS-CoV-2 has a few options – mostly exhalation through breathing, but also through pooping and expelling other bodily fluids. For a portal of entry it has inhalation – the new host breathes it in – and to a lesser extent ingestion – the new host consumes it orally.

This means that transmission of this virus is relatively easy, involving an activity that people of all ages do all day: breathing. Other viruses require more specific activities or conditions, such as sexual intercourse or needle-sharing for HIV, or being bitten by a particular species of mosquito for Zika.

A woman inserting a swab into her mouth.
A woman at a testing site for asymptomatic COVID-19 in Portsmouth, England. Finnbarr Webster/Getty Images

SARS-CoV-2 is one smart virus

SARS-CoV-2 has had a lot of things playing in its favor, aside from having a global population naïve to it. Several other characteristics make it particularly successful.

First, while it does kill, it can also cause mild or asymptomatic infections in others. When pathogens kill most of their hosts, they are not so successful in spreading, because humans change their behavior in response to the perceived threat of the disease.

Ebola is a perfect example. College students would have been more likely to cancel their spring break plans to Florida in 2020 if they had expected that it might cause them to bleed out of their eyeballs, as happens in some people infected with the Ebola virus.

SARS-CoV-2 also has a long incubation period – the time between its infection of a new host and the start of the host’s symptoms. Yet it can be transmitted during the time before symptoms occur, which allows it to spread unnoticed.

Grieving women hugging one another.
Family members of a COVID-19 victim mourn as they wait outside Maulana Azad Medical College mortuary to collect the body on May 24, 2021, in New Delhi, India. Sanjeev Verma/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

More transmission, more new variants

If you’re thinking like the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen now, you’re furiously searching for a way around current vaccine formulations. The more cases you cause, the more chances you have for new variants that can break through the vaccines. You don’t care whether these cases occur in Montana or Mumbai. This is why no human is safe from the pandemic until transmission is controlled everywhere.

Thinking like a pathogen requires thinking over an evolutionary time scale, which for a virus is very short, sometimes the course of a single human infection. SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses have astonishing powers to adapt to changing conditions.

One of their survival strategies is the built-in mistakes in their reproduction machinery that cause mutations. Occasionally, a mutation occurs that improves the ability of a virus to survive and spread.

This leads to new variants, like those we have seen emerge recently. So far, available vaccines appear effective against the variants. But new variants may reduce vaccine effectiveness, or lead to a need for booster shots. The increased transmissibility of the new variants has already likely made chances of reaching herd immunity through vaccination out of reach.

We watch in horror as the virus ravages India, and to some it may seem like a distant threat. But every new case offers another opportunity for a new variant to emerge and spread worldwide.

A woman receiving a vaccine in Ecuador.
Grace Macias, a fieldworker who works on the author’s projects, gets vaccinated in Quito, Ecuador, on May 23, 2021. Photo by Grace Macias, CC BY-ND

To outsmart the virus, we need shots in arms everywhere

That is why global access to vaccines is not only a moral imperative but also the only way to outsmart the virus. The USA can do a lot right now to ensure global access to vaccines even as we step up vaccination here.

The United States has already made substantial commitments to COVAX, a global collaboration to accelerate the development and manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines and guarantee equitable distribution.

The United States. could channel additional funds now and pressure other countries to do the same. Funding commitments to COVAX may be hollow without a concurrent plan to quickly distribute the US vaccine stockpile that was amassed as we raced to buy up the first available doses.

In addition to vaccination, the United States and other well-resourced countries can help increase the availability of testing in all countries. These countries can also provide technical and logistics assistance to improve vaccine rollout efforts and work to coordinate and improve global genomic surveillance so new variants are quickly identified.

If this all seems expensive, think of the crushing economic costs of going back into lockdown. This is no time to be cheap.

To avoid jeopardizing the effectiveness of the millions of shots going into arms in rich countries, we must get shots into the arms of people in all countries.The Conversation

Karen Levy, Associate Professor of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


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Panama Maritime Authority in special session over Panama Ports contract

The Port of Balboa, circa 2019. Panama Maritime Authority photo.

A new ports deal could become
the template for other things

by Eric Jackson

Since this past Thursday, May 27 the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP by its Spanish initials) has been in “permanent session to consider the application of Panama Ports, a subsidiary of Hong Kong based Hutchison Ports, for a 25-year renewal of its 1997-2022 concession contract for the ports of Balboa and Cristobal.

Originally the deal called for a $22.2 million base rent, plus 10 percent of gross revenues. However, these requirements were waived in a 2002 decree by then-president Mireya Moscoso under a “parity” deal with respect to other port operations. The deal was again changed under the 2004-2009 Martín Torrijos administration, with the Panama government acquiring a 10 percent stake and presumably that percentage of profits or dividends. However — and the concept is relevant to other concession contracts — there were usually no profits, nor any dividends. Those were eaten up by overhead expenses and capital investments, some visible at a glance in all of those modern new cranes.

So the allegation against Panama Ports isn’t exactly fraud. It’s mostly that they reinvested their revenues in expanding and improving the ports. In the first 23 years and five months of the concession, Balboa and Cristobal reportedly generated $909 million in gross revenues, but Panama only received $8 million. Now it is claimed that with the canal expansion bringing bigger ships what load and unload more containers, notwithstanding the epidemic that ports are much busier and generate more revenue.

This, just at a time when Panama in free falling into a debt crisis and looking to generate more income. Other companies — Maersk subsidiary APM Terminal is one that’s mentioned — have expressed an interest in taking over from the Hutchison subsidiary if no deal is reached..

There is a deadline of sorts. The contract runs out next January and if no deal is reached then by the terms of the original contract there would be an automatic 25-year renewal.


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STRI: Una nueva especie de cigarra

La Dra. Annette Aiello tiene un sistema de radar en historia natural que la mayoría de nosotros carecemos. La observación del exoesqueleto de un insecto en una maceta puede conducir a la identificación de una nueva especie. Aiello en su laboratorio del Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales. Por lo general, cría orugas para averiguar en qué mariposas se convierten cuando son adultas, pero en este caso, centró su atención en las cigarras que emergen de una planta en su porche en Arraiján, Panamá. Foto por Jorge Alemán — STRI.

El camino hacia el descubrimiento de una nueva especie de cigarra

por STRI

Las cigarras de 17 años que emergen dramáticamente por miles de millones en 15 estados de EE. UU. desde Georgia hasta Nueva York y al oeste de Illinois están haciendo un gran escándalo, un fenómeno exclusivo de América del Norte, pero miles de otras especies de cigarras en el planeta también pasan la mayor parte de sus vidas bajo tierra, muchas de ellas emergiendo por debajo del radar de la percepción humana. Debido a que la mayoría de las especies de cigarras no emergen simultáneamente como las especies del género Magicicada, las cigarras periódicas, se sabe poco sobre su historia natural. Impulsada por una atención inusual a los detalles y la curiosidad, Annette Aiello, entomóloga del Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (STRI) en Panamá, se unió a un grupo muy selecto de personas que han criado cigarras con éxito, una hazaña que puede revelar sus plantas hospederas, su tiempo de reproducción y otras facetas misteriosas de su naturaleza, y en este caso, puede resultar en la identificación de una nueva especie.

Según los registros publicados, solo tres de los muchos cientos de especies de cigarras en América del Norte, Central y del Sur habían sido criadas previamente de huevo a adulto.

El nivel de percepción de Annette Aiello para estos eventos de historia natural es como un sistema de radar que la mayoría de nosotros carecemos. ¿Cuántas personas enjaularían una planta de interiores y crearían una hoja de datos para registrar cuántas cigarras emergen de una maceta? Eso es lo que hizo Annette después de ver un caparazón de cigarra vacío, un exoesqueleto, en una planta de lengua de suegra o planta espada (Dracaena trifaciata) en Arraiján, Panamá. Varios años después, cuando Brian Stucky estaba en Panamá con una beca de corta duración del Smithsonian para estudiar los parasitoides de las cigarras, Annette, que suele estudiar mariposas y polillas, le contó sobre su experiencia de cría y le mostró la colección de las 29 cigarras: 12 machos y 17 hembras, que habían salido de la maceta. Para la mayoría de ellos, Aiello pudo recolectar tanto el exoesqueleto de la ninfa como el insecto adulto.

“La asombrosa historia de este artículo es que, por cierto, Annette tenía una planta de interior en su porche y notó un exoesqueleto en ella… y luego construyó una jaula enorme para poner toda la planta dentro y obtuvo todos estos datos.”, Comentó Brian. “Me sorprendió varios años después, cuando escribimos el artículo, necesitaba más información sobre cuándo replantó la planta y, por supuesto, tenía esa información por escrito, lo cual fue simplemente increíble”.

El ciclo de vida de la mayoría de las cigarras es simple: las hembras ponen huevos en ramitas u otras partes de las plantas y cuando las ninfas nacen, se arrastran hacia el suelo y pasan la siguiente fase de sus vidas bebiendo agua y minerales de las raíces de las plantas. Algún tiempo después, las ninfas maduras se arrastran fuera del suelo; emergen los adultos; los machos cantan; las hembras los encuentran; se aparean y el ciclo inicia de nuevo. Para la mayoría de las especies de cigarras en el mundo, no se sabe nada sobre en qué plantas ponen sus huevos o qué comen, cuánto tiempo permanecen bajo tierra, qué determina la duración de sus vidas y qué influye en su decisión de emerger del suelo para aparearse.

Annette trasplantó su planta unos 500 días antes de que surgieran las primeras ninfas. Debido a que las cigarras juveniles son muy frágiles, Annette y Brian piensan que los huevos deben haber sido puestos después de que la planta fue trasplantada, por lo que el ciclo de vida completo debe ser menos de 500 días, mucho más corto que las cigarras periódicas en los EE. UU., que tienen ciclos de vida de 13 y 17 años. Y a diferencia de las cigarras periódicas, que emergen todas a la vez, los 29 individuos tardaron 53 días en emerger.

Cuando Brian Stucky, ahora facilitador/consultor de inteligencia artificial en Investigación en Computación en la Universidad de Florida, comparó las cigarras que Annette crió con otras en las colecciones de STRI, el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres y la Colección de Artrópodos del Estado de Florida, que contiene un número bastante grande de especímenes de cigarras de América Central, no encontró otros especímenes que coincidieran exactamente. Cree que probablemente se trata de una nueva especie del género Pacarina, pero no puede estar seguro porque todavía no hay suficiente información sobre este grupo.

Para identificar esta especie, será necesaria una revisión exhaustiva de todos los registros de las especies de Pacarina, grabaciones de sonido de sus cantos únicos y los cantos de especies relacionadas, y más información sobre las plantas hospederas naturales de las especies de este género en sus áreas de distribución.

“El trabajo muy limitado que se ha realizado sobre los ciclos de vida de las cigarras en los trópicos se ha centrado principalmente en las cigarras que son plagas del café”, explicó Brian. “Cuando se estudian estos organismos que pueden tardar una década más o menos en desarrollarse, no es un camino hacia resultados o publicaciones rápidas, por lo que ese tipo de trabajo simplemente no se realiza. Se considera de baja rentabilidad, al menos por la forma en que medimos actualmente la productividad científica”.

Pero Annette, que forma parte del personal de STRI, ha pasado muchos años criando mariposas y polillas a partir de orugas, una tarea más sencilla, pero de ninguna manera sencilla. Para criar orugas, tiene que averiguar qué hojas comen y esperar hasta que la oruga forme una pupa, de la cual emerge la mariposa adulta.

“Cuando comencé a criar lepidópteros, fue solo para descubrir qué mariposas y polillas provienen de qué orugas”, comentó Annette. “Otras personas también han hecho esto. Dan Janzen y Winnie Hallwachs criaron muchas orugas en Costa Rica”.

Cuando llegó por primera vez a Panamá en 1976, Annette pasó mucho tiempo criando una de las mariposas más comunes, Anartia fatima. Su planta huésped es una de las malas hierbas más comunes, Ruellia blechum (familia Acanthaceae) comúnmente conocida como Blechum.

El insecto más desafiante que haya criado Annette fue un escarabajo. Un colega, Bill Eberhard, le trajo un nido de ave que contenía dos larvas de escarabajos. “Lo colgué en un lugar ventilado en un invernadero para que tuvieran ventilación y humedad al mismo tiempo. Uno de ellos hizo un capullo, luego el otro. Mantuve los capullos en jaulas de malla en mi laboratorio hasta que emergieron los dos escarabajos y pude establecer la conexión entre las características de la larva y el adulto. Finalmente, envié a los adultos a un especialista en los Países Bajos que confirmó su identificación”.

Un sitio web llamado cicadamania.com comentó lo siguiente sobre la cría de cigarras: “si decide criar cigarras, considere lo siguiente 1) es posible que el 95% de las cigarras mueran, 2) el cuidado de los huevos es fundamental, 3) use plantas hospederas preferidas según la especie, 4) use una especie con un ciclo de vida corto, 5) use macetas transparentes para que pueda ver las cigarras a medida que se desarrollan”.

Entomólogos como Annette, que es investigadora permanente, y Brian, que apoya su pasión por las cigarras mientras ayuda a los biólogos a utilizar la inteligencia artificial para la investigación de la biodiversidad, seguirán aprendiendo más sobre este misterioso grupo de insectos.

“Lo maravilloso de la historia natural es que puedes ver cosas que nadie más ha visto”, comentó Aiello. “Solo busco algo que parece fuera de lugar”. La información de historia natural que recopilan investigadores como Annette y Brian puede parecer trivial, pero estos son los expertos a los que las personas recurren cuando necesitan identificar plagas de cultivos, o simplemente un insecto inusualmente hermoso en su jardín.

El Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales, en ciudad de Panamá, Panamá, es una unidad de la Institución Smithsonian. El Instituto promueve la comprensión de la naturaleza tropical y su importancia para el bienestar de la humanidad, capacita estudiantes para llevar a cabo investigaciones en los trópicos, y fomenta la conservación mediante la concienciación pública sobre la belleza e importancia de los ecosistemas tropicales. Video Promocional


Referencia: Aiello, A. and Stucky, B.J. 2020. First host plant record for Pacarina (Hemiptera, Cicadidae). Neotropical Biology and Conservation. 15(1):77-88. https://doi.org/10.3897/neotropical.15.e40013


cicada trap1
Annette colocó esta jaula sobre la planta, Dracaena trifaciata, para capturar las cigarras, Pacarina sp. que se estaban alimentando de las raíces. Este es uno de los exoesqueletos que las cigarras dejaron en la planta cuando emergieron como adultos. Foto por Annette Aiello.


Macho de Pacarina sp. criado en una planta de lengua de suegra, Dracaena trifaciata. Foto por Annette Aiello.

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Nito’s gold refinery: will he make us “the next Dubai” of conflict gold laundering?

“You see, this brighter gold comes from Lugushwa, and the other comes from Namoya. It is easy to tell the difference in the quality,” said George, a gold dealer. Photo by Sasha Lezhnev – Enough Project.

A facility to erase the tell-tale hallmarks of gold’s origins?

brief note by Eric Jackson

You can tell much about a piece of unrefined gold by its chemistry.

Like where it was mined — a place with sanctions like Venezuela? A paramilitary-controlled zone in a country at war?

Or HOW it was extracted or separated. Like with mercury, perhaps in violation of Panamanian environmental laws, or of the UN’s Minimata Convention on Mercury? There is a lot of illegal mercury separation of gold throughout Latin America. People and ecosystems die.

There are not too many certified gold refineries in the world. At an unethical gold refinery the origins of gold can be erased, so that it might be marketed in violation of laws and treaties.


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¿Wappin? Como dijeron los zoneitas, “pingding”

San Carlos by EJ
La playa en San Carlos, foto por Eric Jackson. Mostly cumbia, a little bit of tamborito tonight.

In proper Panamanian Spanish, it’s “pindín”

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Concierto Karen Peralta y Margarita Henríquez

Nenito Vargas y Los Plumas Negras – Prisionero de Tus Labios

Samy y Sandra Sandoval – Sábados Típicos

Dayra Moreno – Soltera y Sin Compromiso

Rigo Fuentes y Flia con Jhonathan Chávez – Tamboritos Tradicionales

Estercita Nieto – Mal de Amores



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