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Foo, The lowdown on the Libra

Libra could become more successful than other cryptocurrencies because it has the backing of multiple large international corporations. Shutterstock

The Libra: what consumers need to know about Facebook’s new cryptocurrency

by Ernest Foo, Griffith University

Cryptocurrencies have become a global phenomenon in the past few years. Now Facebook is launching it’s own cryptocurrency, in association with Visa, MasterCard, Uber and others. The stated aim of Libra is to “enable a simple global currency and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people.”

The announcement has sparked fears that Libra could be a threat to traditional banks, warnings to be cautious, and sceptical commentary of claims that it will help developing countries.

But let’s go back to the basics and look at what Libra is, how it compares to other cryptocurrencies and whether you should be concerned about using it when it eventually arrives.

What is a cryptocurrency?

Currency is a system of money that is commonly used in exchange for goods and services and, as a result, holds value. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are secured using cryptography.

The more popular recent cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain technology which uses a cryptographic structure that is difficult to change. One of the key properties of this structure is a distributed ledger that keeps account of financial transactions, which anyone can access.

What is Libra?

Libra is a new currency that is being proposed by Facebook. It’s considered a cryptocurrency because cryptography will be used to help protect the value of the currency from tampering — such as double spending — and to protect the payment process.

Libra has the potential to become successful because of the backing from the Libra Association, which is made up of large international corporations such as Facebook, Uber and Vodafone. MasterCard and Visa have also thrown their hats in the ring, but no traditional banks are on the list.

What’s different about Libra compared with other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are quite egalitarian in nature. That’s because there is no single authority that verifies transactions between parties, so anyone could potentially do it.

To authorize a Bitcoin transaction you would have to prove that you have done the work, known as a “proof of work.” For Bitcoin, the proof of work is to solve a mathematical puzzle. People who successfully solve the puzzle (proving they have done some work), can add transactions to the blockchain distributed ledger and are rewarded with Bitcoins. The process is known as mining.

The good thing about this is that it reduces fraud. Since anyone can potentially mine Bitcoins, it’s harder to collude as you wouldn’t know who the next person to mine a coin would be. And it’s simple to verify that the person is authorised because anyone can check that the puzzle has been solved correctly.

Based on the initial descriptions of the currency, it sounds like the difference with Libra is that it will verify transactions using a consensus system known as “proof of stake,” or a variation of this method. Under this system, transactions would be authorized by a group of people who have a stake or ownership in the currency.

This makes it easier to predict who the next person to authorize a transaction might be (since there are a relatively small number of authorizing group members), and then collude to launder funds without other group members knowing.

It appears the criteria to become a founding member of the Libra Association is to contribute a minimum of US$10 million entrance fee, have a large amount of money in the bank and be able to influence a large number of people.

What are banks and regulators worried about?

Cryptocurrencies affect governments and tax systems since they have little to no transaction costs when money is transferred across borders. So while the low transaction costs would be good for everyday users, the advent of a new cryptocurrency with a potentially very large user base has governments and traditional banks very concerned.

While Libra is open source — meaning the source code is available for all to view, use and modify — it’s the members of the association who will be overseeing the currency. Libra could herald a shift away from traditional government taxes and banking fees to a new international monetary system controlled by corporate entities like Facebook and Uber. That’s a concern because of the lack of oversight from regulatory bodies.

What should everyday people expect from Libra?

The backing of software giants means it’s likely that the user interface for Libra coins would be smooth and simple to use.

Low transaction costs would benefit users and the Libra Association promises to control the value of the currency so that it does not fluctuate as much as other cryptocurrencies. It’s unclear how they plan to do this. But value stability would be a great advantage in times of uncertainty.

What are the risks?

The everyday consumer probably wouldn’t know the difference between the “proof of work” and the “proof of stake” mechanisms. But since Facebook has a large database of users that are known to use Libra, it may be able to link Libra transactions to individuals. This could be a privacy concern. (Bitcoin transactions are anonymous because account numbers used in Bitcoin transactions are not linked to an individual’s identity.)

Recent cybersecurity breaches have contributed to a growing awareness of the vulnerabilities of IT systems. As with all software, the Libra implementation and management could be vulnerable to attack, which in turn could mean users could lose their money. But that is a risk that all cryptocurrency users face, whether they are aware of it or not.

What steps could consumers take to protect themselves?

No matter what cryptocurrency you choose to use, your funds are still accessible through the same interfaces: a web page or a mobile app. And the way you control access to your personal funds is by authenticating with a password.

Make sure you keep your password safe by making sure it is complicated and hard to guess. Look for applications that allow you to use two-factor authentication and make sure it’s turned on.

Libra is yet to prove its claims of making financial transactions safe and convenient. Only time will tell if its uptake will become widespread following its expected launch next year.

The Conversation

Ernest Foo, Associate Professor, Griffith University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


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¿Wappin? Buzzardly old tunes

When it's a little after six in the morning, the earth shakes several provinces away and agitated cats and a dog jump on your bed, so you get up but your joints are so very sore and you're not at all in the mood to hear hip hop, it's an indication that you have grown old and buzzardly.... Photo by Eric Jackson.
When it’s just after six a.m., the earth shakes several provinces away so two agitated cats and a dog jump on your bed, and you get up but your joints are so very sore and you’re not at all in the mood to hear hip hop, it’s an indication that you have grown old and buzzardly…. Photo by Eric Jackson.

Soaring around sniffing for something gross to eat

Elevándose olfateando para algo asqueroso para comer


Los Silvertones – Old Buzzard

Joan Baez – La Llorona

Otis Taylor – Resurection Blues

Maria Cristina Plata – Veinte Años

Nina Simone – How It Feels to be Free

Ed Robinson – Knocking on Heaven’s Door

Howlin’ Wolf – Meet Me In The Bottom

Johnny Cash – The Man Comes Around

Zu y Nuria – Lágrimas Negras

Mahalia Jackson – How I Got Over

R.E.M. & Neil Young – Country Feedback

Nneka & Joss Stone – Babylon

Dire Straits – Brothers In Arms

Atahualpa Yupanqui – Preguntitas Sobre Dios

Mike Cross – The Lord’ll Provide

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Nuevas razas de roya atacan el café de América Latina y el Caribe

El hongo de la roya se volvió más virulento, generando nuevas razas que están causando síntomas de la enfermedad en variedades con resistencia.

Hongo amenaza en varias zonas cafetaleras


Recientemente, en varias zonas cafetaleras de América Latina y el Caribe se comenzaron a reportar algunas variedades de Híbridos F1 de café, catalogadas con resistencia a la roya, con síntomas de la enfermedad. Esto debido a que el hongo causante de la roya ha experimentado cambios , generando nuevas razas.

“Varios Híbridos F1 presentaron resistencia a la roya por casi 20 años, hasta que ahora algunos de ellos empezaron a presentar síntomas. Esto no quiere decir que los híbridos hayan perdido su resistencia, los genes de resistencia a la roya están todavía presentes en ellos, lo que sucede es que al ser su resistencia en un solo sentido (vertical), cuando el hongo de la roya muta y aparece una nueva raza más agresiva, esta si puede llegar a afectar a los híbridos”, explicó William Solano, fitomejorador del CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza).

Elías de Melo, investigador en café del CATIE, detalló que a pesar de lo acontecido los híbridos son todavía más tolerantes a roya que las otras variedades de café, pues a pesar de que algunos presentan síntomas de la enfermedad su severidad es muy baja en la mayoría de las situaciones. “Cualquier material con resistencia, aún cuando puede ser afectado por nuevas razas de royas, siempre tendrá una mejor respuesta al manejo y controles de la enfermedad”, afirmó el experto.

La publicación Híbridos F1 de café, resistencia a la roya y estrategias a futuro explica que las nuevas razas de roya surgen por varias razones:

  • Porque el número de factores del hongo de roya aumentó, creando nuevas combinaciones más fuertes o poderosas
  • Debido al uso extensivo de una sola variedad (como ocurrió en Honduras con la variedad Lempira)
  • El no poner en práctica medidas preventivas como aplicar fungicidas, darle una buena nutrición a la planta de café, usar sombra adecuada, entre otras

Esto le da las condiciones ideales al hongo de la roya para desarrollarse y multiplicarse.

Para bajar o evitar el impacto de la roya y sus nuevas razas, incluso si se tienen variedades resistentes, de Melo recomienda a los productores que hagan un manejo integrado del cafetal con prácticas como: fertilizar (de forma orgánica o inorgánica) las plantas de café para mantenerlas bien nutridas, lo cual hará que las plantas tengan mejores posibilidades de aguantar el ataque de nuevas razas de roya; sembrar o mantener árboles (leguminosos, frutales o maderables bien distribuidos y manejados) en el cafetal que brinden una sombra uniforme (que cubra menos del 50%); y utilizar productos químicos o biopesticidas de forma preventiva para disminuir las condiciones favorables para el hongo y usar fungicidas cuando sea necesario.

Soluciones desde la ciencia y el desarrollo

Ante lo que se presenta, desde el punto de vista de mejoramiento genético, Solano mencionó que el CATIE, en los últimos 5 años, ha estado creando nuevos Híbridos F1 de café con nuevas fuentes de genes de resistencia, no usados anteriormente. También, está variando la estrategia de creación de híbridos para incluir varios genes de resistencia a la roya (y no solo uno), con el propósito de acumular diferentes fuentes, brindando así más sostenibilidad a la resistencia del café a la roya.

Por otra parte, en el marco de Programa Centroamericano de Gestión Integral de la Roya del Café (PROCAGICA), en alianza con PROMECAFE, el Centro de Cooperación Internacional en Investigación Agronómica para el Desarrollo (CIRAD) y las instituciones cafetaleras de Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá y República Dominicana se está coordinando una plataforma de seguimiento y monitoreo de estudios de razas de roya.

Parte importante de esta iniciativa es que se realiza un monitoreo constante de la incidencia de roya en diferentes variedades de café, manteniendo así una vigilancia continua en los diferentes países.


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FB esp



Scribner scenes and an upcoming workshop

“Colorful Personality,” from a picture taken on the beach in Gorgona, 9″x12″ oil on canvas

New art by George Scribner

George Scribner, a Panama native, is a senior Disney artist who was commissioned by the Panama Canal Authority to paint the canal’s recent expansion over the course of that construction job.

As before he signed on with Disney long ago, he still teaches art. His next available lessons are a two-day painting with mixable oil paints workshop at the Mendocino Art Center in California, on August 31 and September 1. Everyone will be painting from still life set-ups and he will be giving personal demonstrations. For more information and to sign up, click here.

GS bp
Balloon Parade at Disneyland

Business Lunch: New York City street scene

Kinderdijk in the Netherlands

GS Koblenz
Koblenz in the afternoon

The Balloon Parade is in a Disney gallery but the rest of the above paintings are for sale. For more information about that, please contact the artist at scribner.george@gmail.com


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Editorial: President Nito


Set to take over

On Monday Nito Cortizo takes the oath, and with a working majority in the legislature. By political circumstance he gets to make a bunch of extraordinary appointments that his predecessor could not get confirmed. This is going to be the least divided government since the 1989 US invasion. Cortizo will not, like Ricardo Martinelli did, have to twist arms to get disloyal opportunists to board his ship of state. He has his own people in place.

By a narrow plurality Panamanians elected a politician, not Superman. But he will be the president and the country really can’t afford a fifth straight failed presidency. All patriotic Panamanians, including the nearly two-thirds majority who voted against him, should wish Cortizo well.

He has put together a team of a few old party hands and a new generation about whom we mostly don’t know very much. If he is wise, after a year or two he will ask for the resignations of all members of his team, tell a lot of them that he wants them to stay where they are and carry on, ask some of them to move to some other post in the government and thank and say goodbye to a bunch of others. Too much loyalty to individuals is a time-honored route to failure, but the antidote to that is not to be a miserable boss. We will see Cortizo’s managerial skills in short order.

He inherits a bad economy, one made worse by Panama being caught in the middle of an economic conflict between the Panama Canal’s historic two best customers. A United States with threats but few offers? Cortizo was educated in the USA and knows the good and bad of Americans. A China dangling lines of credit? Cortizo’s a businessman who didn’t run on a platform of how he was going to manage the country like a business, but who surely has the sense to understand that the Chinese will want their loans repaid. Corrupt offers from Brazil? Cortizo needs to be the one who oversees the prison custody of those who took such before and very intolerant of anyone who would play those games in his administration.

The hopes are always higher than the expectations. Let Nito narrow that gap.


the sage

When armies are mobilized and issues are joined,
The man who is sorry over the fact will win.

Lao Tzu                         


Bear in mind…


Before a war military science seems a real science, like astronomy; but after a war it seems more like astrology.

Rebecca West



Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.

Horace Mann



We are not gathered here today in order to change the world. We are here with a more modest proposal – which proposes to create a new world.

Comandanta Ramona



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Bendib, Concentration camps

Caricature by Khalil Bendib — OtherWords

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The Panama News blog links, June 25, 2019


The Panama News blog links

a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas

Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte

La Estrella, Lewis Navarro declinó como ministro canalero y Nito designó a Royo

Seatrade, Wallem boss warns against replacing seafarers with machines

gCaptain, US high court: no punitive damages in Jones Act personal injury cases

World Maritime News, Oslo set to be zero emissions port

Seatrade, Shipping confidence dips

Sports / Deportes

Stars & Stripes FC, Scouting report: USA vs. Panama in the Gold Cup

El Siglo, Chemito peleará ante Sardinez

Economy / Economía

La Estrella, Exceso de inventario en construcción

Xinhua, Panama sends its first beef shipment to China

Mining Technology, First Quantum begins copper shipments from Panama

La Estrella, Hablan Cortizo y la FAO sobre areas de cooperación agropecuarias

Prensa Latina, Gray list discourages foreign investment in Panama

Forbes, George Soros leads chorus of wealthy calling for a new wealth tax

Varoufakis, Fiscal money can make or break the Euro

Krugman, The Trumpification of the Federal Reserve

Pistor, Facebook’s Libra must be stopped

Kollman, La cuerda floja de la economía macrista

Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología

STRI, Andean sky islands generate diversity

Splash, Sensory deprivation trouble

STRI, Las avispas parasitoides pueden convertir a las arañas en zombis 

BBC, ¿Qué es el Cibercomando de EEUU?

Forbes, Spanish soccer league fined for online spying

The Guardian, How Peru fell in love with a sea giant

News / Noticias

TVN, Se otorgarán terrenos para embajada china en Clayton

La Prensa, Estudios sobre represas en Río Indio y Río Bayano avanzan

Global Financial Integrity: Odebrecht, social mobilization and journalism

Durand: El tsunami Odebrecht, su corrupción y su captura del Estado

CPJ, Intercept Brazil staff threatened for investigation on corruption

BBC, El video de torturas en la desaparición de los 43 estudiantes

Roll Call, Trump: “I don’t do exit strategies”

Al Jazeera, Palestinians react to Kushner plan

Opinion / Opiniones

Khrushcheva, Should the Russians hug the Chinese?

Schenwar & Hayes, They are concentration camps – and also prisons

Boff, US alignment with Bolsonaro would not solve Brazil’s crisis

Hakim, The Odyssey of Trump and Bolsonaro

Camacaro & Mills, Guaidó’s star fades

Paz & Cepeda, Galápagos: nuevo “portaviones natural” en Sudamérica

La Estrella, El suicidio en la Policía 

Sagel, Lo que necesitamos en nueastros aeropuertos

Culture / Cultura

Pocho.com, Latinos for Trump are back with new posters

The Guardian, Stan Lee’s posthumous adult novel coming this fall

BBC, ¿Cuál es el origen de las religiones y cómo evolucionaron?


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Kermit’s birds / Las aves de Kermit

Yellow-headed Caracara / Caracara Cabeciamarilla / Milvago chimachima — Puente El Rey, Panama Viejo, Panama. © Kermit Nourse. For a larger version / para una versión más grande, click here / toque aquí

Yellow-headed Caracara
Caracara Cabeciamarilla

Some do not classify this bird as a soaring raptor, but rather a scavenger; however, I disagree having watched them pounce on their prey from above. These are pasture and scrubland birds, one of those species that has thrived on deforestation and, to the extent that it’s a scavenger, feasts on road kills. They will pick and eat ticks from living cattle. They range from southwestern Costa Rica to northern Argentina and in Panama will be found all down the Pacific Side lowlands until they run into the Darien forests, and along Colon’s Costa Arriba on the Atlantic Side.

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Algunos no clasifican a esta ave como una rapaz en alza, sino como un carroñero; sin embargo, no estoy de acuerdo con verlos saltar sobre sus presas desde arriba. Estas son aves de pastizales y matorrales, una de esas especies que ha prosperado en la deforestación y, en la medida en que es un carroñero, se da un festín de muertes en la carretera. Ellos recogerán y comerán garrapatas del ganado vivo. Abarcan desde el sudoeste de Costa Rica hasta el norte de Argentina y en Panamá se encontrarán en las tierras bajas de la costa Pacífica hasta llegar a los bosques de Darién, y a lo largo de la Costa Arriba de Colón en la costa Atlántica.



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What Republicans are saying

Is it true that she will now join Ronald Ziegler in some sort of hall of fame? Altered White House photo.

The GOP message…











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What Democrats are saying

Mayor Pete
“If the US is perceived as seeking to dominate the world as a matter of just calculation around our interests, then I think it’s going to be morally suspect, and it’s going to arouse a lot of resentment around the world and ultimately be self-defeating.”
Mayor Pete Buttigieg
photo by Lorie Shaull

Dem say…









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