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From today’s editorial page…


The US Supreme Court leak

So did some clerk, did some justice, upset well-laid Republican plans to announce the repeal of Roe v Wade shortly after the US general elections in November? Are we to treat the person who violated old norms to do that as a disgusting criminal, upon whom the full weight of penal law must be brought to bear?

Joe Biden needs to wise up about such things and invoke his powers of pardon and commutation as needs to be the case. Is it in the US national interest to preserve that part of high court secrecy, even if what the justices may have been planning was a gross abuse of it? So allow the investigation to proceed and the leaker to be penalized, but lighten the penalty with a commutation or a pardon while leaving the rule in place.

Similarly, did Edward Snowden violate an obligation to keep NSA secrets, even if his offense was to reveal abuses and to advise the American and world public about things which they ought to know? So make a plea bargain that allows him to come back from Russia with his family, keeping the rule in effect but lightening any penalty on a public interest whistleblower.

The Julian Assange case is not similar. We might argue with his judgment or criticize his personality, but he was a journalist who received information – about a US war crime against a Reuters news crew and innocent civilians who were nearby, about a US foreign policy that for many years was based on lies, about a venal and petty crowd that had taken over the Democratic National Committee – and published this information. There is no rule worth defending in the Assange case. US charges against him should be dropped.

Back to the draft of the court ruling to overturn Roe v Wade, what’s important is the underlying matter, not the breach of protocols that allowed public access to and commentary and agitation about the proposed decision. All the more if the intention was a post-election sneak attack, but just the legal questions about whether the US Constitution protects rights to privacy and whether a woman’s decision to abort a pregnancy falls under the shadow of that protection are matters of vital public interest.

By lopsided majorities US public opinion favors legalized abortion, voting rights unfettered by racial or partisan discrimination and, subject to protections for the freedom of individuals, democratic government that rests on a cornerstone of majority rule. There is a 6-3 Republican majority on the US Supreme Court that believes in none of these things.

How it got that way can be traced along many lines. We can even review more than a century and a half of money trails to discern the evolution of the Republican Party from an organization that wanted to protect northern industry from the competition of slavery to the party that freed the slaves to the party of the robber barons to the party of corporate America to the white supremacist coalition that it is today.

In the here and now, the Grand Old Party’s stand on abortion in particular and on privacy rights in general offends most Americans. The leak of the draft decision by their top politicians in robes puts their hopes of regaining control of Congress in great peril. No matter what they might plead about objective and dispassionate scholarship by an independent judiciary, this is a political power play by the Republican Party and one of its nastiest and most reactionary components, the Federalist Society. It’s a political maneuver and ought to be fought politically.

So, how do you fight this politically? In addition to the noisy rallies, the quiet lobbying, the legal pleadings, the passionate speeches and writing? It starts with beating the Republicans in this year’s elections. Not by going for “electable” imitation Republicans who would give Democrats a majority only on paper. It means, for one thing, scoring a net Democratic gain of at least two US Senate seats so as to make Senators Manchin’s and Sinema’s obstructions irrelevant.

Win working Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress, and the main arena becomes the senate. The dance steps go something like this:

1. On a bare party-line majority vote, change senate rules to abolish the filibuster.

2. On a bare party-line majority vote once the filibuster is gone, expand the membership of the Supreme Court to 15 or more, to be filled by President Biden’s appointees. The US Constitution does not specify how many justices there shall be on the high court. If the court expansion is to be a lasting political success, the president needs to appoint inspiring champions of justice rather than mere party loyalists or corporate lobbyists. The good ones come in all colors and genders but what matters is “good ones,” as in following and extending the great Democratic traditions of Justices Frank Murphy, William O. Douglas and Thurgood Marshall.

3. On a bare party-line majority if need be after the GOP strangleholds on the Senate and the Supreme Court are gone, pass legislation to revive the US economy, strengthen democratic institutions and protect individuals’ freedoms, such that voters will fondly remember the power plays to pass them as brilliant, just and necessary.

But first, Democrats have to win the November election, starting by choosing the best possible candidates in the primaries, after those battles pulling together as a solid coalition for the fall, and going on to make retirement in a dacha outside of Moscow an attractive alternative for some now high and mighty Republicans.

Editorials: Legal battle in the press; and Now that we know the GOP plan

ricky's ride
Like a toddler crying “MINE!” he whines, and the Trump Justice Department didn’t help things by labeling it a drug case. But shop as he might for Guatemalan judges, prosecutors there resist returning an instrument of organized crime, which this plane is. Guatemalan Public Ministry photo.

Martinelli legal battles, fought in the press

It’s enough to make a lawyer feel like a voyeur, if she or he reads some of the press accounts of the Martinellis’ international litigation.

In countries with credible legal systems the legal profession’s ethical notions that lawyers should speak through their pleadings in the courts and judges should speak through their decisions might make a certain amount of sense. In jurisdictions where justice is for sale, or where crude and obvious prejudices are features of the legal system, it becomes fitting that legal battles spill out of the courtrooms and into the mass communications media. However, when that happens there is the enhanced risk of abuses all the way around – in the courts, in the media and in the streets.

Click on El Panama America and Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal is crying about how unfair it is that Guatemala is still holding his plane. His sons, Ricardo Martinelli Linares and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, had been negotiating a plea bargain deal with the FBI and prosecutors with respect to daddy’s Odebrecht bribe money that they laundered – at least $28 million of which they ran through US financial institutions – when it became clear that they would not be able to make a deal that avoided them serving prison time. So they fled in this plane, registered through a company their father controls. They got as far as Guatemala, where they were held for a pending US extradition request and the plane was sequestered. When their mama the former first lady came to visit them in jail it is reported that she attempted to take that plane with her but the Guatemalan authorities wouldn’t have any of that.

That aircraft was used by criminals – now having pleaded guilty in a US federal district court to money laundering conspiracy charges – in an attempted getaway. Like cars owned by the offenders to get away from robberies, that plane is in most jurisdictions subject to confiscation as an instrument of crime. That its apparent ultimate owner has so far gamed the Panamanian legal system to avoid trial for the crime for which his sons await sentencing does not change that aircraft’s nature as a money laundering tool. The Martinelli operation, neither the father nor the sons nor the wife nor any of the companies, isn’t entitled to its return.

Now, then, what about El Panama America as both a fruit of and an instrument of crime?

There is a pending criminal trial, and there are people who have already pleaded guilty and are cooperating witnesses in the case, with respect to the EPASA newspaper chain – El Panama America, La Critica and Dia a Dia. Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal has engineered a very irregular Electoral Tribunal ruling that gives him impunity for an arrangement by which his administration let out overpriced road construction projects, skimmed off kickbacks from the contractors through a “factoring company” called New Business and used the proceeds to buy EPASA. The corrupt ruling of two of the three Electoral Tribunal magistrates is under appeal to the Supreme Court and is drawing international attention. If the dodge that allows Martinelli to avoid trial in the New Business case is allowed to stand, Panama’s standing to avoid international financial sanctions as a money laundering haven would then rest on the quicksand of other countries and international organizations themselves being corrupted. It’s just too flagrant.

Set aside the criminal law, however. El Panama America was purchased with public funds. No matter any procedural decision to let the intellectual author of those transactions walk, the resources of the Republic of Panama were used to buy EPASA and the chain rightfully belongs to the Panamanian people.

Even were public funds not used by Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal to purchase the EPASA newspapers, the Panamanian government is within its rights to declare eminent domain and force the sale of that property in the interest of preserving part of the nation’s historical and cultural legacy. It would have to be paid for, but there are other offsetting claims to litigate and complicate any compensation process. Any sort of reciprocity has the government sending in phalanxes of lawyers to prolong the process for the rest of the former president’s life, then fighting the heirs’ claims.

So, if EPASA rightfully is public property there are norms that have been and are being broken, but in any case the general principle is that state resources are not to be used to advance the personal or political fortunes of any individual or faction. Which the EPASA papers notoriously do.

To protect the integrity of the 2024 national elections, to strip criminals of the fruits of their crime, to stop the flagrant use of some of the larger national mass communications media for apologies for and advocacy of crime, the government ought to seize the EPASA papers.

What to do with these media, that’s another set of important and tricky questions. It gets into ethical questions with which the state-owned SERTV wrestles all the time, into to recovery and preservation of archives as cultural assets, into a set of horrible examples to be shown to journalism and civics students, into the labor rights of honest women and men who work or have worked for the EPASA media.

But Ricky Martinelli should do his whining without the use of media for which the Panamanian people paid.



The US Supreme Court leak

So did some clerk, did some justice, upset well-laid Republican plans to announce the repeal of Roe v Wade shortly after the US general elections in November? Are we to treat the person who violated old norms to do that as a disgusting criminal, upon whom the full weight of penal law must be brought to bear?

Joe Biden needs to wise up about such things and invoke his powers of pardon and commutation as needs to be the case. Is it in the US national interest to preserve that part of high court secrecy, even if what the justices may have been planning was a gross abuse of it? So allow the investigation to proceed and the leaker to be penalized, but lighten the penalty with a commutation or a pardon while leaving the rule in place.

Similarly, did Edward Snowden violate an obligation to keep NSA secrets, even if his offense was to reveal abuses and to advise the American and world public about things which they ought to know? So make a plea bargain that allows him to come back from Russia with his family, keeping the rule in effect but lightening any penalty on a public interest whistleblower.

The Julian Assange case is not similar. We might argue with his judgment or criticize his personality, but he was a journalist who received information – about a US war crime against a Reuters news crew and innocent civilians who were nearby, about a US foreign policy that for many years was based on lies, about a venal and petty crowd that had taken over the Democratic National Committee – and published this information. There is no rule worth defending in the Assange case. US charges against him should be dropped.

Back to the draft of the court ruling to overturn Roe v Wade, what’s important is the underlying matter, not the breach of protocols that allowed public access to and commentary and agitation about the proposed decision. All the more if the intention was a post-election sneak attack, but just the legal questions about whether the US Constitution protects rights to privacy and whether a woman’s decision to abort a pregnancy falls under the shadow of that protection are matters of vital public interest.

By lopsided majorities US public opinion favors legalized abortion, voting rights unfettered by racial or partisan discrimination and, subject to protections for the freedom of individuals, democratic government that rests on a cornerstone of majority rule. There is a 6-3 Republican majority on the US Supreme Court that believes in none of these things.

How it got that way can be traced along many lines. We can even review more than a century and a half of money trails to discern the evolution of the Republican Party from an organization that wanted to protect northern industry from the competition of slavery to the party that freed the slaves to the party of the robber barons to the party of corporate America to the white supremacist coalition that it is today.

In the here and now, the Grand Old Party’s stand on abortion in particular and on privacy rights in general offends most Americans. The leak of the draft decision by their top politicians in robes puts their hopes of regaining control of Congress in great peril. No matter what they might plead about objective and dispassionate scholarship by an independent judiciary, this is a political power play by the Republican Party and one of its nastiest and most reactionary components, the Federalist Society. It’s a political maneuver and ought to be fought politically.

So, how do you fight this politically? In addition to the noisy rallies, the quiet lobbying, the legal pleadings, the passionate speeches and writing? It starts with beating the Republicans in this year’s elections. Not by going for “electable” imitation Republicans who would give Democrats a majority only on paper. It means, for one thing, scoring a net Democratic gain of at least two US Senate seats so as to make Senators Manchin’s and Sinema’s obstructions irrelevant.

Win working Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress, and the main arena becomes the senate. The dance steps go something like this:

1. On a bare party-line majority vote, change senate rules to abolish the filibuster.

2. On a bare party-line majority vote once the filibuster is gone, expand the membership of the Supreme Court to 15 or more, to be filled by President Biden’s appointees. The US Constitution does not specify how many justices there shall be on the high court. If the court expansion is to be a lasting political success, the president needs to appoint inspiring champions of justice rather than mere party loyalists or corporate lobbyists. The good ones come in all colors and genders but what matters is “good ones,” as in following and extending the great Democratic traditions of Justices Frank Murphy, William O. Douglas and Thurgood Marshall.

3. On a bare party-line majority if need be after the GOP strangleholds on the Senate and the Supreme Court are gone, pass legislation to revive the US economy, strengthen democratic institutions and protect individuals’ freedoms, such that voters will fondly remember the power plays to pass them as brilliant, just and necessary.

But first, Democrats have to win the November election, starting by choosing the best possible candidates in the primaries, after those battles pulling together as a solid coalition for the fall, and going on to make retirement in a dacha outside of Moscow an attractive alternative for some now high and mighty Republicans.


Photo by Ryohei Noda.

No punishment has ever possessed enough power of deterrence to prevent the commission of crimes.

Hannah Arendt


Bear in mind…


The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crises, maintain their neutrality.



I married beneath me. All women do.

Nancy Astor


Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, on unselfish performance; without them it cannot live.

Franklin D. Roosevelt



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Barack and Michelle Obama, Abortion rights

hold on
Protest at the US Supreme Court. Photo by Miki Jourdan.



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What’s happening to Twitter since the Elon Musk deal was announced

Trump trolls small
On the right, a simple search for a Twitter feed, and the links that came from it. (To read a larger version in another tab click here.) On the left, one of the new right-wing troll feeds. Some of the right-wing stuff we have seen has been explicitly threatening violence, which has kept Twitter’s moderators busy, at least until and unless the acquisition is consummated, which is contemplated for this fall. Screen captures from Twitter.

Haven’t we seen THIS sort of thing before?

by Eric Jackson

We might recall how Nazis gamed the Google search engine so that searches for the word “Holocaust” first brought up articles that said that it never happened. In Panama we might recall notorious fraud artists Tom McMurrain and “Rex Freeman” flooded the internet with stuff touting their latest schemes, drowning out well justified warnings about them. We might recall how Putin’s troll farms flooded Twitter and Facebook, targeting groups with special messages, with scurrilous “Killary” stuff in the 2016 fall election campaign. We might recall 1920’s bogus electronic “groundswell” to divert African-American votes from Joe Biden to Kanye West. So much of it was bots — pieces of computer programming registered as persons and coordinated as swarms, usually to make it seem like there is a lot of interest in one sort of message or messenger. So much of it was trolls — real people hiding behind false personas like the “Democrats of America” above, usually to spread hatred, lies and division.

Over the years Twitter, Facebook and Google threw a lot of such feeds out — after taking a lot of money in 2016 to promote Putin’s and Trump’s fakes. People recruiting for armed right-wing militia violence,  spreading disinformation about the COVID epidemic or the 2020 elections, and participating in the incitement of the January 6, 2021 Capitol Riot were removed, including Donald Trump himself. Alternative far-right Internet operations were founded and a lot of people left the more established social media for those.

There was this hue and cry from the right about “cancel culture” from the left. As if the left wasn’t for decades the target of right-wing censorship and repression. As if the right isn’t calling for the imprisonment of those Americans who don’t share their views. So the world’s richest man, scion of an apartheid-era South African emerald mining fortune, announced that he’s going to buy Twitter, take it private and restore free speech.

The Twitterverse has reacted in various ways. Elon Musk has backtracked and explained a bit. Some people on the left have headed to the exits. Some people — and bots and trolls — on the right have come flooding in. But the deal is not yet done and the ongoing Twitter management hasn’t yet thrown out all rules.

We shall see. Those who stand and fight will probably beat those who run and hide. Those who fight hate speech with anti-hate speech may rise above the cacophony generated by the usual suspects.

Do not think that this is just a rumble between fanatics. In Europe, in the USA, in many countries that are democratic or otherwise, there are moves to regulate or restrict the social media giants. It’s not just about political speech, but about monopolistic practices that have distorted advertising markets. It’s about whether or not corporate power will be absolute.



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Rude but proper questions about the Thomases

Ginni pig
From whom came the money for her promotion of the January 6 Capitol riot? And who funded the $1.5 million ad buy attacking Ketanji Brown Jackson and promoting her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas? Ginni Thomas speaking at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. Photo by Gage Skidmore.

Who bankrolled Ginni Thomas as she
sought to overthrow the 2020 election?

by Lisa Graves – Common Dreams

On Tuesday of this week, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is chairing a subcommittee hearing for the US Senate Judiciary Committee on judicial ethics and transparency. This interrogation of the outside forces undermining the fairness of the US Supreme Court is sorely needed. Respect for the Supreme Court has nose-dived, according to a 2022 Pew poll, with the share of Americans who see the Court in a favorable light reaching the lowest level in nearly four decades. Just 16% of Americans surveyed believe the justices do a good job keeping politics out of their decision-making.

The extremism and extreme partisanship of the right-wing faction dominating the Court has been laid bare by the cases they hand-picked out of thousands to rule on this term, which may result in radically reactionary edicts that overturn Roe v. Wade, gut the EPA, and push religion further into public schools. Such declarations by the Court that Donald Trump packed with the help of dark money would be starkly at odds with long-standing legal precedents and the views of most Americans.

The expanding scandal surrounding Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni have deepened the crisis engulfing John Roberts’s Court.

One component of the way dark money continues to pervert the Court occurred just last month.

A curious thing happened during the wrangling over Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination: a secretly-funded $1.5 million ad launched, focused on…Justice Clarence Thomas. It used Judge Jackson as a hook to promote a fawning biopic on Thomas.

Just one day later, the Washington Post and CBS broke the news that Thomas’ wife, Ginni, had repeatedly texted Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, to overturn the 2020 presidential election. She even told Meadows which lawyers should lead the fight, namely conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell.

As public outcry over the actions of the spouse of a Supreme Court justice was about to explode, the ad was unveiled, polishing her husband’s image. That’s crisis management 101, and it amounts to a massive gift to the Thomases.

The front group behind the ad calls itself the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), but who wrote the check?

JCN is no impartial party. It’s the signature group of the Thomases’ long-time ally, Leonard Leo, who sits at the center of a court capture network that spent millions in dark money to put three new allies for Clarence Thomas on the Court: Justices Coney Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch.

In 2019, the Washington Post tallied Leo’s network at $250 million since 2014, which True North Research updated to nearly $600 million, not including recent funds raised to oppose Judge Jackson.

Ginni praised Leo when she gave him an award she created a few years ago:

“I also love …Leonard Leo. [He] has single-handedly changed the face of the judiciary under the auspices of … the Federalist Society… He has many hats, that isn’t even all he does. He doesn’t really tell all that he does, but I know enough to know the man is a force of nature.”

Like Leo, Ginni Thomas also wears many hats. As journalist Jane Mayer detailed in The New Yorker, Ginni has been in the thick of highly political activities, including paid consulting for FedUp PAC, backing Roy Moore’s 2017 Senate bid, and Frank Gaffney’s anti-Muslim group, Center for Security Policy, which has participated in Supreme Court litigation that Justice Thomas did not recuse himself from.

New revelations show Ginni Thomas wore another hat: trying to dictate who the Trump administration hired.

With each new revelation, new questions arise. Who was paying Thomas’ consulting fees when she sought to install people who fit her political agenda—and purge those who did not—in the White House?

Did Thomas receive any consulting payments while she demanded the White House stop counting Americans’ votes in exchanges with Meadows in November 2020. Was she acting on behalf of a client or in concert with other groups or funders?

Notably, weeks of communications between Ginni and Meadows remain missing. We do know she promoted and attended the event on the Mall that launched the bloody insurrection, but we are entirely in the dark about who was paying Thomas at the time.

Nor do we have any understanding of who Thomas was working for when her husband was the sole Justice to vote against ordering Trump to disclose White House materials related to January 6th to Congress—materials that include communications by his wife?

The financial disclosure filed by Justice Thomas does not reveal how much Ginni was paid in recent years, let alone the identities of her biggest clients or their funders. That’s outrageous and demonstrates that disclosure rules must be reformed.

We the People have a moral right to know who is feathering the nest of a Justice sitting in judgment of cases that reach the Supreme Court. We have a right to know if they have cases before the Court or are funding groups trying to reverse legal precedents and people’s rights.

The American people also have a right to know who bankrolled the PR campaign to promote Justice Thomas as the controversy over Ginni’s activities became public.

From the little that we know already, however, one thing is clear: Justice Thomas should resign; his wife sought to subvert our very democracy.

If he does not, Chief Justice John Roberts should insist that Thomas retire—immediately—rather than let this corruption continue to tar the Court.

The House should initiate Thomas’ impeachment. The January 6th Committee should hold Ginni Thomas to account if she refuses to turn over the complete records.

Finally, Congress must pass the DISCLOSE Act and AMICUS Act, as Senators Whitehouse, Bloom, and others have implored, in order to prevent something like this from ever happening again.

Americans deserve a fair and honest Supreme Court, above reproach and devoted to the highest standard of ethics—rather than the lowest of the low with Clarence Thomas on the bench.


Lisa Graves is executive director of True North Research, which investigates and exposes those distorting American democracy and public policy. She is the leader of BOLD ReThink, which is focused on responding to the Powell Memo and advancing bold alternatives. The former executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy, she served in that role from 2009 to 2017. Previously, Graves was Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the US Department of Justice in the Office of Legal Policy/Policy Development and served as Chief Counsel for Nominations for the US Senate Judiciary Committee for Senator Patrick Leahy.



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The Panama News blog links, May 1, 2022

Although it’s a holiday, a sad opus for hard times, by a Panamanian composer

The Panama News blog links

a bilingual Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección bilingüe Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas
If you are not bilingual Google Translate usually works
Si no eres bilingüe, el traductor de Google generalmente funciona

Canal, Maritime & Transport / Canal, Marítima & Transporte

La Estrella, El turismo de cruceros regresa a Panamá con grandes expectativas

Mundo Marítimo, Canal de Panamá recalibra la estructura de peajes

Reuters, Floating mines hit Danube ship traffic

Reuters, Ship insurers end coverage for Russia’s top shipping company


Economy / Economía

La Estrella, Panamá importará 80 mil quintales de café por desabastecimiento

TVN, Juzgado ordena suspensión de licitación del nuevo Mercado de Mariscos

La Estrella, Contatistsas estatales recibirán $150 millones para cuentas vencidas

Market Watch, Yale administrator stole $40 million

Newsweek, Biden possibly canceling student loan debt sparks fight with GOP

Market Watch, Broadband companies spending big to block Biden’s FCC pick


Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología

Mongabay, Why are Florida manatees showing up in Cuba and Mexico?

MIT Technology Review, Artificial intelligence is creating a new colonial world order

Mongabay, Un historial de derrames, impunidad y abusos en la Amazonía


News / Noticias

TVN, Relator por la libertad de expresión insta a autoridades a proteger a periodistas

El Siglo, Decomisan armas de guerra de Clan del Golfo en Veraguas

TVN, Operación ‘Metro’ deja aprehendidas a cuatro funcionarios públicos y 28 otros

El Siglo, Aulina Ismare, la primera cacique Wounaan

Daily Dot, Q runs for Congress

Insider, GOP efforts to overturn the 2020 election a dry run for 2024?

Colombia Reports, Liberals split over this year’s presidential election

Al Jazeera, West Bank attacks follow Israeli raid on Al-Aqsa

Opinion / Opiniones

Mizaq, India: Calls for Muslim genocide the new norm

Keillor, One more word about Twitter

Montini, Biggs’s not-so-little role in the attempted coup

Sawant, A resurgent workers’ movement should be willing to go on strike

Moreira, El dilema entre la ética y la tecnología

Ceballos, Diplomatic smokescreen between the United States and Colombia

TVN, Una semana de visitas y sorpresas políticas, bajo el Radar

López, Vigencia del 1 de Mayo en Panamá

Culture / Cultura

La Estrella, Carlos Vives: “Me preocupa dejar de escuchar voces de altura”

Remezcla, Bernie Sanders talks about Cardi B’s communication

El País, Jane Fonda’s candid confession

Página12, Laura Linney: “No hay nada más peligroso que la ignorancia”

Rolling Stone, Taj Mahal and Ry Cooder’s “Get On Board”

Telemetro, Rubén Blades es distinguido por Harvard con Medalla de las Artes


Contact us by email at / Contáctanos por correo electrónico a fund4thepanamanews@gmail.com


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Para defendernos de los piratas informáticos, los trolls organizados y otros actos de vandalismo en línea, la función de comentarios de nuestro sitio web está desactivada. En cambio, ven a nuestra página de Facebook para unirte a la discusión.  

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Formas antiguas de recolectar la cena del Océano Pacífico

Saboga fish trap
Dedicado a “los antepasados ​​que custodiaban el océano”, un mapa de historia interactivo creado por Pacific Sea Garden Collective vuelve a despertar las formas tradicionales de recolectar alimentos del mar desde Panamá hasta Australia y el noroeste del Pacífico. Aquí hay una trampa doble para peces en Playa El Encanto de la Isla Saboga en Panamá. Foto por Stewart Redwood.

Mapa interactivo de prácticas pesqueras indígenas en las costas del Pacífico

por el Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales (STRI)

Durante miles de años, los pueblos indígenas han inventado formas ingeniosas, a menudo sorprendentemente hermosas, de aprovechar los recursos marinos que, en combinación con sus sistemas de creencias, han evitado la sobreexplotación. Pero hoy día, la pesca comercial y el aumento vertiginoso de las poblaciones humanas están llevando el futuro de los recursos del mar hacia un peligroso punto de inflexión. Inspirado por el biólogo marino, Daniel Pauly, un grupo de poseedores de conocimientos indígenas y miembros de la comunidad, científicos y artistas dirigidos por Anne Salomon, profesora de la Universidad Simon Fraser, formaron el Pacific Sea Garden Collective y crearon un mapa interactivo elegantemente simple para compartir las formas tradicionales en que las personas interactuaron con el mar, con la esperanza de inspirar un futuro más sostenible.

Cada uno de los 22 puntos en el mapa se abre a una historia y fotos de un lugar a lo largo de las costas del Pacífico y una innovación indígena específica. A veces, las técnicas transmitidas de generación en generación todavía se practican hoy. En otros casos, como las historias se pierden cuando mueren los ancianos, solo los restos arqueológicos insinúan prácticas pasadas.

Una casa para pulpos en forma de cúpula, llamada Naw náaGalang, construida por el pueblo indígena Haida para aumentar la población de pulpos cerca del pueblo de T’aanuu Llnagaay, Columbia Británica, Canadá. Foto po R. Commisso, cortesía de la Reserva del Parque Nacional Gwaii Haanas.

Casas para pulpos en Canadá

30,000 miembros del grupo indígena Haida vivían en lo que ahora es la Columbia Británica, Canadá, antes de que los españoles colonizaran las Américas. Asolados por la viruela y otras enfermedades, su número se redujo a ~350 en 1900. Hoy en día, constituyen menos de la mitad de las 4,500 personas que viven en las islas Haida Gwaii.

Los Haida no solo consumen el pulpo gigante del Pacífico, Enteroctopus dofleini, sino que también lo usan como carnada para pescar halibut. Para aumentar la disponibilidad de pulpos cerca de sus asentamientos, construyeron casas de piedra para pulpos que imitaban las propias madrigueras rocosas de los animales en aguas poco profundas a lo largo de la costa.

Tradicionalmente, solo se recolectaban pulpos de tamaño mediano, dejando que los pequeños crecieran y los más grandes se reprodujeran. En contraste, las pesquerías comerciales contemporáneas capturan todos los tamaños. La práctica de verter lejía en las guaridas de los pulpos para expulsar a los animales también es insostenible y viola las antiguas leyes tribales. Los Haida, en busca de un futuro más sostenible, quieren recuperar la tradición de construir casas para pulpos.

Twin Heart Weir, Shi Hu, en el archipiélago de Penghu, Taiwán. Foto por Zeze0729 CC By-SA 3.0 a través de Wikimedia.

Jardines y estanques

Al crear un nuevo hábitat, modificar el hábitat existente o trasplantar especies a nuevas áreas, los pueblos indígenas aumentaron la disponibilidad tanto de plantas (cultivos de raíces y algas) como de animales.

Las Primeras Naciones a lo largo de la costa noroeste de las Américas crearon jardines de raíces de estuarios en terrazas donde cultivaron plantas como el Trifolium wormskioldii, la Argentina pacifica, la Fritillaria camschatcensis y Lupinus nootkatensis, además cazaron a los patos y gansos que se alimentaban de ellos. Labraron activamente el suelo y usaron palos de excavación para cosechar raíces y tubérculos.

En el noroeste del Pacífico, la gente recolectaba huevos de arenque colocando hojas de algas marinas, ramas de abeto o esteras tejidas en el agua como sustratos cuando los arenques estaban desovando. Los huevos se preparaban en salmuera o se ahumaban para almacenarlos y luego comerlos, o se usaban más tarde como cebo para peces. Esta práctica mejoró las zonas de desove y alentó a los peces a regresar en los años siguientes, en contraste con las prácticas pesqueras modernas en las que se mata a las hembras y se extraen los sacos de huevos.

También en el noroeste del Pacífico, la práctica de construir jardines de almejas se remonta a miles de años. La gente construía paredes rocosas en la línea de marea baja o construían otras estructuras rocosas según la forma de la costa, que aumentan la cantidad de sedimentos en una playa y proporcionan más hábitat para las almejas. En el Pacífico Sur, los maoríes también cultivaron almejas, otros mariscos y algas tanto sembrando nuevas áreas con almejas o pedazos de algas como moviendo rocas para crear un mejor hábitat.

En Australia, los pueblos aborígenes Gunditjmara cultivaron las Anguilla australis en una serie de estanques y canales creados por los flujos de lava en el lago Condah y cubriendo un área de 10,000 hectáreas. En el pasado, el área se drenó parcialmente para aumentar los pastos para el ganado, pero ahora se está restaurando.

En Corea, durante cientos de años, las buceadoras llamadas Haenyeo han administrado colectivamente los fondos marinos de las aldeas para optimizar el uso de los recursos. Las buzos contienen la respiración y recolectan a mano animales individuales de acuerdo con un cronograma y reglas previamente acordados.

Ensenada Honda, Isla Pedro González, Panamá. Foto por Stewart Redwood.

Trampas y diques para peces

Quince de los puntos del mapa detallan distintos tipos de trampas y diques. Vale la pena echar un vistazo a la web seagardens.net sólo para ver las fotografías de estas estructuras. Desde Yap en Micronesia hasta Shi Hu en Taiwán, Hawái, Filipinas, Chile, Panamá, Costa Rica y el noroeste del Pacífico, las trampas para peces y los diques hechos de piedra y/o madera son arte terrestre increíble, cada uno adaptado al sitio donde se encuentra construido y el tipo de peces u otras presas (delfines, tortugas) que la gente intentaba capturar.

Las playas del Pacífico tienden a ser largas y de pendiente muy suave. Por lo que es posible construir muros de piedra, corrales de madera o muros de piedra coronados por corrales de madera para atrapar peces cuando baja la marea. En Panamá, donde los corrales de piedra abandonados son comunes a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico, pero gran parte del conocimiento indígena sobre los recursos marinos se ha perdido, el arqueólogo Richard Cooke del Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropicales se asoció con Francisco Herrera, del Centro de Estudios y Acción Social Panameño, y al geólogo independiente Stewart Redwood, para poner los corrales de piedra de Panamá en el mapa. Combinaron análisis de restos de peces en sitios arqueológicos (que muestran que el 70 por ciento de los peces que la gente consumía en algunos sitios del interior provenía del océano), con historias recopiladas de residentes costeros que recordaban cuando todavía se usaban corrales para pescar, con un estudio detallado de la captura en una trampa contemporánea para comprender cómo se podrían haber utilizado los corrales en el pasado. En Chile, donde la pesca comercial ha diezmado las poblaciones de peces, los habitantes de la costa utilizan corrales construidos en el pasado como lugares para cultivar algas o sembrar mariscos.

Los ríos y arroyos también canalizan los peces hacia trampas y presas. Se utilizaron trampas de piedra y cimientos de piedra que sostenían cercas de madera para la captura controlada de salmón y arenque del Pacífico. Las regulaciones tradicionales garantizaban que las cosechas fueran sostenibles al dejar las trampas abiertas durante ciertos períodos para mantener poblaciones saludables de peces.

Las trampas para peces de marea hechas de piedra, apuntan hacia el mar en las islas de Yap en los Estados Federados de Micronesia. Estas estructuras se encuentran bajo el agua durante la marea alta y capturan peces cuando las mareas retroceden. La gente de Yap dice que las primeras trampas, o Aech, como se las conoce localmente, fueron construidas por espíritus hace más de 1,000 años. Foto por Bill Jeffery.

Reactivando sistemas alimentarios y de gobernanza sostenibles y justos

Como concluye la historia sobre las casas de pulpo: “Estamos en la cúspide de un cambio histórico”, y ¿qué mejor momento para mirar al pasado en busca de inspiración? En un comunicado de prensa sobre el mapa de la Universidad Simon Fraser, Kii’iljuus Barbara Wilson, una matriarca Haida y académica concluyó: “En esta época de cambio climático, es realmente importante reconocer la maricultura indígena como conservación y reconocer la gobernanza de las Primeras Naciones sobre nuestra tierra y recursos. Nos las arreglamos para vivir en este mundo durante miles de años sin la destrucción ecológica masiva que está ocurriendo ahora. Se trata en gran medida de no tomar más de lo que necesitas”.


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¿Wappin? Listen — you may learn / Escucha, puedes aprender

now if only it could be weaponized
Most have translating subtitles. Even if you’re perfectly bilingual, you may have something to learn.
La mayoría tienen subtítulos de traducción. Aún si eres perfectamente bilingüe, podrías tener algo que aprender.

Canciones que significan algo
Songs that mean something

Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here

Mon Laferte & Enrique Bunbury – Mi Buen Amor

Erykah Badu – Next Lifetime

Adele – Set Fire to the Rain

Carlos Vives – Carito

The Temptations – Papa Was a Rolling Stone

The Supremes – Stop! in the Name of Love

Haydée Milanés & Julieta Venegas – Si ella me faltara alguna vez

Katie James – Deja que Salga La Luna

Ruben Blades – Amor y Control

Richie Ray & Bobby Cruz – Sonido Bestial (Live)

Buffy Sainte-Marie – Universal Soldier

Larry Verne – Please Mr. Custer

Neil Young – Cortez the Killer

Eddie Palmieri – Unfinished Masterpiece


Contact us by email at / Contáctanos por correo electrónico a fund4thepanamanews@gmail.com


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Editorials: Keep Digicel; and When white supremacists use Black English

a keeper

Digicel takeover: failure and opportunity

First the Cortizo administration allowed a merger between certain Internet operations of Cable & Wireless Panama and Claro, giving the combined company some 56 percent of the cell phone and Internet business in the country. That left Millicom subsidiary Tigo and Ireland-based Digicel to split the difference as junior competitors. But on April 6 Digicell filed for voluntary liquidation, arguing that after having made major investments that had not become profitable, it was unsustainable it to continue in business in the reconfigured Panamanian market.

The Cortizo administration, like those of Varela and Martinelli before it, has been friendly to the idea of telecommunications market monopolies. In one sense, there was open advocacy of having fewer companies operating in Panama, especially during the Varela administration. All along, concession contracts that called for national coverage were routinely ignored, as were anti-competitive agreements to divide Panama into telecom turfs.

Come the disaster of the COVID epidemic and it turned out that with their monopolistic configuration the Panamanian telecom industry left significant areas of Panama beyond the Internet’s reach for online remote schooling.

Will another disaster yet strike? There are some remote areas, some of special interest to those trying to fight the “War on Drugs” and others where illegal mass migrations across our borders take place, where Digicel was left as the local cell phone provider. So is it just a natural and acceptable result of “the invisible hand of the market” that people living in those areas can’t call the cops if a major crime is taking place in front of them?

To just allow those consequences isn’t really viable. Nor does it seem viable to find some other private company to take up the position that Digicell is abandoning. Perhaps the Digicel operations might go to Tigo or the post-merger industry leader. But in the meantime, there are people, businesses and government institutions that need to keep their phone services going.

Thus on April 28 the public utilities authority (ASEP) took over Digicell Panama to preserve the jobs and keep the services running while the government figures out what to do.

Like the hit that Panamanian tourism took when two Dutchwomen got lost in a national park, could not find a cell phone connection to call for help and died in a flash flood, this is a disaster. Maybe not so serious a disaster as an epidemic that kills more than 8,000 people here, but one that threatens to leave yet other parts of our country incommunicado.

A government that leaves market worship to philosophy classes and gets down to the tasks or running this country would be well advised to keep Digicel, build upon it, and run it as a public component of a mixed national telecom industry. Owning 49 percent of the shares of the telecom companies but leaving all control in private hands isn’t really much public ownership. In fact it’s a structure that encourages corruption — instead of sharing profits with the government companies can pay their executives exaggerated sums and report that after expenses there aren’t any profits to share. A truly public telecom operation lets the country serve areas not served, compete with companies that give poor service where they have no competitors and be fully connected to confront emergencies big or small when they inevitably arise.

Don’t sell Digicel. Keep it and run it wisely in the public interest.


Florida governor Ron DeSantis using black boys to register objections to a subject that he forbids them to learn. They don’t look very happy about it. Do we want to get into the evolving over the generations Black English epithets for African-Americans who become the tools of white supremacists? To do so would get a white person accused of racism, but the better reason not to get into that is because these are just kids who are being manipulated by unscrupulous politicians. From an AP photo of a Republican rally in the Palm Beach area.

Be aware of language and its abuses

“Woke” is a contemporary Black English term popularized by musician Erykah Badu about a decade and a half ago. In politics, it was widely used by Republican false persona trolls in the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns to flood black and progressive social media groups with messages that it’s “woke” for black people to abstain from voting, or to cast spurious votes in 2020 for Kanye West.

(Shall we get into a one-word characterization by a prominent black person of West, who garnered some 60,000 votes out of some 160 million cast in 2020? The word is “jackass” and the characterization as to West was coined by Barack Obama.)

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “woke” as a slang adjective meaining “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).” Essence Magazine editor complains about the way that the term is now used, especially by those who LIKE racial and social injustice and their proxies or fake personas: “terms indigenous to our way of thinking or advocating get co-opted and distorted beyond recognition in mainstream society.”

Is the GOP running on “anti-wokeness” this year? It’s just old-fashioned white supremacy, the sour old vintage marketed in new bottles this time.


Bronze sculpture of Rachel Carson by Una Hanbury, at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery. Photo by Bailey614.

Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth, are never alone or weary of life.

Rachel Carson

Bear in mind…

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Surely something resides in this heart that is not perishable, and life is more than a dream.

Mary Wollstonecraft

The cause of Freedom and the cause of Peace are bound together.

Léon Blum



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