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Pelosi leashes the Blue Dogs


Progressives say their position has not changed: bold reconciliation package comes first and then watered-down bipartisan infrastructure plan.

Pelosi runs over right-wing Dems as House approves $3.5 trillion budget blueprint

by Jessica Corbett — Common Dreams

In a party-line vote Tuesday afternoon that followed contentious negotiations, US House Democrats adopted a resolution to advance a key voting rights bill, bipartisan infrastructure legislation, and a $3.5 trillion budget blueprint to invest in climate action, Medicare expansion, child care, free community college, and other progressive priorities.

The resolution set up final votes for the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (HR 3684) and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR 4). It also crucially includes formal approval of the Senate-approved budget blueprint that some Democrats are calling the “Build Back Better Plan,” enabling Democrats to begin working on that package.

The 220-212 vote came after a small group of right-wing Democrats led by Representative Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) threatened to block the $3.5 trillion budget resolution — for a package Democrats intend to pass without any GOP support using a process that avoids a filibuster in the evenly split Senate — if the House didn’t first pass the bipartisan bill, despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and President Joe Biden’s commitment to passing the two proposals in tandem.

After negotiations with Gottheimer’s group Monday and Tuesday, language was included in the resolution to guarantee a House vote on the bipartisan deal no later than September 27.

The outcome of Tuesday’s vote was expected by Pelosi, who told Democrats earlier in the day during a caucus meeting: “I’m sorry that we couldn’t land the plane last night, and that you all had to wait. But that’s just part of the legislative progress… I think we’re close to landing the plane.”

In a statement later Tuesday, the speaker said that in consultation with Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR), chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, she is committing to passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill by next month’s deadline. She continued:

Passing an infrastructure bill is always exciting for what it means in terms of jobs and commerce in our country. Now more than ever, it also has to be a part of protecting our environment. I know that Chairman DeFazio will do the best possible job to that end in the Build Back Better Act.

We must keep the 51-vote privilege by passing the budget and work with House and Senate Democrats to reach agreement in order for the House to vote on a Build Back Better Act that will pass the Senate.

I thank Congressman Gottheimer and others for their enthusiastic support for the infrastructure bill and know that they also share in the Build Back Better vision of President Biden.

Meanwhile, progressive leaders in Congress emphasized the importance of the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package and expressed frustration with the so-called “moderates” like Gottheimer.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a leader in the effort to advance the budget reconciliation bill as chair of the Senate Budget Committee, turned to Twitter to highlight the consequences if Democrats fail to pass it:

“Unless Congress passes the reconciliation bill, the $300 monthly checks sent to every working family in America will expire in December,” Sanders said in a separate tweet. “We cannot let that happen. These checks are a big reason why childhood poverty in America has been cut by 61%. No reconciliation bill, no deal.”

Not long before Tuesday’s vote, Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), tweeted that “there’s nothing ‘moderate’ about voting against top Dem priorities like child care, paid leave, healthcare, immigration, and climate action.”

In a CPC statement after the vote, Jayapal said that the “transformative” $3.5 trillion budget resolution “is a win for the American people.”

Going forward, Jayapal added, “our position remains unchanged: We will work to first pass the Build Back Better reconciliation bill so we can deliver these one-in-a-generation, popular, and urgently needed investments to poor and working families, and then pass the infrastructure bill to invest in our roads, bridges, and waterways.”

In comments to NBC News following the vote, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cort’ez (D-NY) said that she is “not committing to any date” and the Democratic leadership “absolutely should not” count on her yes vote for the bipartisan plan if the bolder reconciliation package is delayed beyond the September 27 deadline.

Jayapal, in her statement, reiterated that the bipartisan bill and Democrats’ package “are integrally tied together,” and said that CPC members “remain united with congressional leadership and President Biden in our mission to enact the entire Build Back Better agenda that voters put us in the majority to accomplish — and every elected Democrat should do the same.”


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Beluche, La misión norteamericana en Afganistán


Biden: “Nuestra misión nunca
fue crear la democracia”

por Olmedo Beluche

Finalmente lo han confesado, respecto a 20 años de invasión y ocupación de Estados Unidos contra Afganistán, ahora el presidente del imperio más sanguinario de la historia lo confiesa: “Nuestra misión nunca fue crear la democracia”.

Ahora lo confiesan; ahora que cae sin pelear el gobierno títere y corrupto sostenido por la tropas norteamericanas; ahora, después de más de 100 mil muertos afganos y 5,000 bajas norteamericanas; ahora, después de gastar billones (en español) de dólares en armamento en ese país; ahora, luego de tantos bombardeos a poblaciones civiles; ahora confiesan que la “democracia” les importa un bledo, los importante para el imperialismo yanqui es su “seguridad nacional”, es decir, su control del mundo sin que nadie les amenace.

Ahora, después de 20 años de falsas ilusiones de parte de quienes creyeron sinceramente que las tropas yanquis invadieron Afganistán para imponer un régimen más democrático que el de los talibanes; quienes creyeron que las tropas norteamericanas defendían los derechos humanos y a las mujeres afganas de la opresión religiosa y social. Ahora está claro que al imperialismo yanqui las mujeres afganas les importan un pito.

Ahora que ha quedado al descubierto que el régimen impuesto por las tropas yanquis carece de bases sociales para defender conquistas sociales y democráticas, porque esos no eran sus objetivos, lo que quedó evidenciado reiteradamente en sus compromisos con violadores de derechos humanos y criminales de guerra, incluyendo a dirigentes talibanes.

Ahora quedó evidenciada toda la hipocresía y complicidad de los “demócratas” occidentales, de los socialdemócratas, de las organizaciones feministas al servicio de la burguesía y de las ONGs agentes del sistema, de las Naciones Unidas y de la Unión Europea, cuyas manos están manchadas de sangre también, porque el objetivo no era la democracia y los derechos humanos como falsamente alegaban.

Los talibanes, que son un movimiento político religioso retrógrado, con características medievales, reaccionario a cualquier avance de los derechos humanos, en especial, para las mujeres, enemigos de las libertades democráticas, pudieron sostenerse y ganar prestigio presentándose como defensores de la nación afgana contra la ocupación extranjera, gracias a las acciones ilegítimas de Estados Unidos y sus aliados, sus atropellos y sus abusos.

Los talibanes son criminales, pero los gobernantes y militares de Estados Unidos y sus socios de la OTAN son peores criminales y más hipócritas. Ronald Reagan, como presidente de la “democracia” norteamericana armó y animó a los talibanes para que lucharan contra la ocupación soviética en los años de 1980. Les llamaba “combatientes de la libertad”.

La hipocresía, la maldad y el crimen de los “demócratas” occidentales se mantienen en la actualidad, porque quienes arman, financian y legitiman a los talibanes son los emiratos del Golfo Pérsico y el régimen misógino y represivo de Arabia Saudita, con los que Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea e Israel mantienen cordiales relaciones.

Esto lo decimos desde Panamá, donde nos consta también que el objetivo de la invasión norteamericana de 1989, con sus miles de heridos y muertos, nunca fue la democracia ni sacar al dictador, su objetivo fueron los intereses y la seguridad nacional del imperialismo yanqui, confiésalo también Biden.



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Bernal, A number that’s as painful to consider as the chaotic policy

to be blessed or burned, or both
Yes, there surely are harder hit countries. But Panama is a nation of only some 4.3 million souls. Our losses have been staggering and the government’s corruption, hypocrisy and erratic deference to business groups and party activists who are in denial compounds the blow of these more than 7,000 deaths here.


by Miguel Antonio Bernal

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

George Orwell

The schizophrenia fomented by the joint criminal enterprise continues on its way, fed by citizens’ inhibitions against expressing themselves and demonstrating against the daily impositions by the “Gabyernito.”

Thus, we see and fear how the pandemic has brought mourning and pain to more than 7,000 Panamanian families. The indolence of the rulers has been more than scandalous, while fear, discouragement, confusion and stress have taken over, causing a public paralysis fueled by misinformation and media manipulation.

Today, in the midst of the prevailing – and imposed – situation, we citizens must demand a capacity for discernment. One that’s directed, without indifference and without shortcuts, with capability, clarity and resolution, to respond to bot old and new realities. Failure to achieve this will only bring more misfortune.

Day to day the joint criminal enterprise dedicates itself full-time to trampling on civic dignity in all fields, generating more bitterness than I can possibly know how to express with clarity.

Those who control the government and its branches are not like those of ancient times who crucified people, beheaded them and so on just for fun. They are looking for something completely new, something that has never been heard of before in our country. They sow and reap lies more abundantly than ever before in our history as a republic.

A civic response is urgently needed to stop the uncontrolled irrationality that those in political power display. It will take an extraordinary effort to tackle the dilettantism of the population, to minimize the lack of human sensitivity and sympathy.

We cannot and must not allow ourselves to be defeated by the authorities’ lowbrow pitches. They’re the authors of the chaos that we experience now, and that which is coming. We must decide, prepare and transform apathy into solidarity and action.

We need to get on the road, without further delay, toward a true empowerment of the citizenry. It’s now or never.


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Danza en el Cine Universitario Virtual

strange dance moves

Este miércoles empieza un ciclo sobre
la danza en el Cine Universitario Virtual

por GECU

De este miércoles 25 al martes 31 se podrán apreciar 12 películas de corto y largometraje de directores de todo el mundo, en el ciclo LA DANZA EN EL CINE, que estará presentando gratuitamente la SALA VIRTUAL del CINE UNIVERSITARIO del GECU de la Universidad de Panamá, en conjunto con el Ministerio de Cultura, como actividad complementaria al Encuentro Nacional de Danza que lleva adelante nuestra principal institución cultural.

Cada programa presentará por 48 horas un largometraje de ficción junto con cortometrajes de distintas manifestaciones dancísticas, como ballet, flamenco, contemporánea, folklórica, popular, entre otras, dentro de los que se destacan BODAS DE SANGRE (España) de Carlos Saura; STORMY WEATHER (EEUU) de Andrew L. Stone; EL BAILE (Francia) de Ettore Scola; LAS ZAPATILLAS ROJAS (Reino Unido, 1948) de Michael Powell y Emeric Pressburger y FRANCES HA (EEUU) de Noah Baumbach.

En general se podrán disfrutar producciones de siete países: EEUU, Canadá, España, Panamá, Cuba, Francia y Reino Unido, sin costo alguno, emitidos desde https://www.gecupanama.com/cu-en-linea Mayor información al 6502-2316 o en cine.universitario@up.ac.pa



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Panama’s foreign policy: declarations on Afghanistan

Minister of Foreign Relations Erika Mouynes. MIRE photo.



Panama on today’s world scene:
our Afghanistan policy

Panama is a small country, which is formally neutral in many things. We have a history of taking in high-profile former heads of state fleeing political changes, mostly from Latin American and Caribbean countries, in the interests of preserving peace in the region. At the moment, however, our international assistance focus is as a relief flight hub and warehouse for Haiti earthquake assistance. We also have migration issues with Colombia and the United States in particular — people from third countries coming across our land border with Colombia in hopes of making it to the USA.

The official policy is a correct and humane processing of those who show up seeking refugee status. However in the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) there is a major anti-immigrant faction which, along with Panama’s limited resources, will prevent us from taking in a great many Afghan refugees. History suggests that we will accept a few.

Meanwhile, Panama has joined with many other nations in issuing two brief but important declarations regarding the change of government in Afghanistan.


Joint statement on Afghanistan

August 15, along with more than 100 other countries

Given the deteriorating security situation, we support, are working to secure, and call on all parties to respect and facilitate, the safe and orderly departure of foreign nationals and Afghans who wish to leave the country. Those in positions of power and authority across Afghanistan bear responsibility—and accountability—for the protection of human life and property, and for the immediate restoration of security and civil order.

Afghans and international citizens who wish to depart must be allowed to do so; roads, airports and border crossing must remain open, and calm must be maintained.

The Afghan people deserve to live in safety, security and dignity. We in the international community stand ready to assist them.


Joint statement on the situation of Afghan women and girls

August 18, along with 21 other countries and the European Union

We are deeply worried about Afghan women and girls, their rights to education, work and freedom of movement. We call on those in positions of power and authority across Afghanistan to guarantee their protection.

Afghan women and girls, as all Afghan people, deserve to live in safety, security and dignity. Any form of discrimination and abuse should be prevented. We in the international community stand ready to assist them with humanitarian aid and support, to ensure that their voices can be heard.

We will monitor closely how any future government ensures rights and freedoms that have become an integral part of the life of women and girls in Afghanistan during the last twenty years.



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A war ends, a refugee crisis ensues: progressive Democrats weigh in


Hard time for it, but antiwar Dems speak up



Congressional Progressive Caucus on the situation in Afghanistan

In his remarks yesterday [August 16], President Biden provided a heartfelt and honest explanation to the American people regarding his commitment to ending America’s longest war. To those who advocate for an endless military presence in Afghanistan, he asked, “How many more generations of America’s daughters and sons would you have me send to fight Afghanistan’s civil war when Afghan troops will not? How many more lives, American lives, is it worth? How many endless rows of headstones at Arlington National Cemetery? I’m clear on my answer: I will not repeat the mistakes we’ve made in the past.”

When President Biden announced his withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, progressives applauded the move. We continue to maintain, as the White House clearly does, that even after spending $1 trillion, sending hundreds of thousands of troops into Afghanistan over 20 years and losing 2,300 American lives, the United States could not have averted this outcome without an endless military presence. And we agree with the President that the American government has a moral responsibility to all those affected by our actions.

The President’s decision is overwhelmingly supported by the American people, with recent polling showing 70 percent of the country, with bipartisan majorities, supported his plan to withdraw all troops by September 11, 2021. Despite this consensus, Congressional Republicans have disingenuously chosen to play politics at this moment. Republican administrations began the war in Afghanistan, controlled it for 12 of the past 20 years, and initiated the peace process with the Taliban last year that led to an agreement for a U.S. withdrawal. They should participate in the needed examination of why 20 years of war have failed, rather than playing the blame game. Our focus now must be on the human beings on the receiving end of this policy.

We appreciate the efforts the administration is undertaking to ensure the safety and security of those currently in Afghanistan, but our government needs to go farther — and work faster. The United States must ensure refugee processing moves forward without bureaucratic delay, and with special allowances recognizing the difficulty for people to leave Afghanistan. In addition to the State Department’s work to expedite Special Immigrant Visas, we must also expand these visas and grant Temporary Protected Status to Afghans residing in the United States. We must increase humanitarian aid to support civilians who fled to Kabul and provincial capitals and are without shelter, food, medical assistance or vaccines. The heartbreaking situation confronting ordinary Afghans after 20 years of American war requires us to act as quickly as we can.

Finally, we urge the Biden Administration to continue engaging diplomatically with the Taliban and regional actors to avoid further bloodshed, protect human rights, and avoid mass migration and instability. This means cooperating with aid agencies, the United Nations, and neighboring countries with an interest in a positive outcome, including Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey.















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Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan: The Taliban again

It is a joke to say values like “women’s rights,” “democracy,” “nation-building” etc. were part of the US/NATO aims in Afghanistan!

RAWA responds to the Taliban takeover

Afghan Women’s Mission has been in touch with RAWA to address their needs at this urgent time. In this brief Q&A with AWM Co-Director Sonali Kolhatkar, RAWA explains the unfolding situation on the ground as they see it. Click HERE to donate to RAWA.

Sonali Kolhatkar: For years RAWA spoke out against the US occupation and now that it has ended, the Taliban are back. Could President Biden have withdrawn US forces in a manner that would have left Afghanistan in a safer situation than currently? Could he have done more to ensure the Taliban were not so quickly able to take over?

RAWA: In the past 20 years, one of our demands was an end to the US/NATO occupation and even better if they take their Islamic fundamentalists and technocrats with them and let our people decide their own fate. This occupation only resulted in bloodshed, destruction and chaos. They turned our country into the most corrupt, insecure, drug-mafia and dangerous place especially for women.

From the very beginning we could predict such an outcome. On the first days of the US occupation of Afghanistan, RAWA declared on October 11, 2001:

“The continuation of US attacks and the increase in the number of innocent civilian victims not only gives an excuse to the Taliban, but also will cause the empowerment of the fundamentalist forces in the region and even in the world.”

The main reason we were against this occupation was their backing of terrorism under the nice banner of “war on terror.” From the very first days when the Northern Alliance looters and killers were installed back into power in 2002 to the last so-called peace talks, deals and agreements in Doha and release of 5,000 terrorists from prisons in 2020/21, it was very obvious that even the withdrawal won’t have a good end.

The Pentagon proves that none of the invasion or meddling ended up well. All imperialist powers invade countries for their own strategic, political and financial interests but through lies and the powerful corporate media try to hide their real motive and agenda.

It is a joke to say values like “women’s rights,” “democracy,” “nation-building” etc. were part of the US/NATO aims in Afghanistan! The United States was in Afghanistan to turn region into instability and terrorism to encircling the rival powers especially China and Russia and undermining their economies via regional wars. But of course the US government did not want such a disastrous, disgraceful and embarrassing exit that left behind such a commotion that they were forced to send troops again in 48 hours to control the airport and safely evacuate its diplomats and staff.

We believe the United States left Afghanistan out of its own weaknesses not defeated by its creatures (Taliban). There are two significant reasons for this withdrawal.

The main reason is the multifold internal crisis in the United States. The signs of the US system decline was seen in the weak response to Covid-19 pandemic, attack on Capitol Hill and the great protests of the US public in the past few years. The policy-makers were forced to withdraw troops to focus on internal burning issues.

The second reason is that the Afghan war was an exceptionally expensive war whose cost has gone into trillions, all taken from taxpayer money. This put such a heavy dent on the United States financially that it had to leave Afghanistan.

The war-mongering policies prove that their aim was never to make Afghanistan safer, let alone now when they are leaving. Furthermore, they also knew that the withdrawal would be chaotic yet they still went ahead and did it. Now Afghanistan is in the limelight again due to the Taliban being in power but this has been the situation for the past 20 years and every day hundreds of our people were killed and our country destroyed — it just was rarely reported in the media.

Sonali Kolhatkar: The Taliban leadership are saying they will respect women’s rights as long as it complies with Islamic law. Some Western media are painting this in a positive light. Didn’t the Taliban say the same thing 20 years ago? Do you think there is any change in their attitude toward human rights and women’s rights?

RAWA: The corporate media is only trying to put salt on our devastated people’s wounds; they should be ashamed of themselves the way they try to sugarcoat brutal Taliban. The Taliban spokesperson declared that there is no difference between their ideology of 1996 and today. And what they say about women’s rights is the exact phrases used during their previous dark rule: implementing Sharia law.

These days the Taliban have declared an amnesty in all parts of Afghanistan and their slogan is ‘what the joy of amnesty can bring, revenge cannot’. But in reality they are killing people every day. Just yesterday a boy was shot dead in Nangarhar only for carrying the tricolored Afghan national flag instead of the white flag of Taliban. They executed four former army officials in Kandahar, arrested a young Afghan poet Mehran Popal in Herat province for writing anti-Taliban posts on Facebook and his whereabouts is unknown to his family. These are just a few examples of their violent actions despite the “nice” and polished words of their spokespersons.

But we believe their claims may be one of the dramas being played by the Taliban and they are just trying to buy more time till they can organize themselves. Things happened so fast and they are trying to build up their government structure, create their intelligence and make the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which is responsible for controlling the little details of people’s daily lives like the length of the beard, the dress code and having a Mahram (male companion, only father, brother or husband) for a woman. Taliban claim that we are not against women’s rights but then it should be within the framework Islamic/Sharia laws.

Islamic Sharia law is vague and construed in different ways by Islamic regimes to benefit their own political agendas and rules. Furthermore, the Taliban would also like the West to acknowledge them and take them seriously, and all these claims are part of painting a whitewashed image for themselves. Maybe after a few months they would say that we will hold elections since we believe in justice and democracy! These pretenses will never change their true nature, and will still be Islamic fundamentalists: misogynist, inhuman, barbaric, reactionary, anti-democracy and anti-progressive. In a word, the Taliban mentality has not changed and will never change!

Sonali Kolhatkar: Why did the Afghan National Army and the US-backed Afghan government fall apart so quickly?

RAWA: Some major reasons out of many are:

1) Everything was done according to a deal to handover Afghanistan to Taliban. The US government negotiating with Pakistan and other regional players had agreement to form a government mainly composed of Taliban. So the soldiers were not ready to be killed in a war that they knew there was no benefit of the Afghan people in it because finally it is set behind closed doors to bring Taliban to power. Zalmay Khalilzad is highly hated among Afghan people due to his treacherous role in bringing the Taliban back to power.

2) Most Afghans understand well that the war going on in Afghanistan is not the war of Afghans and for the benefit of the country, but waged by foreign powers for their own strategic interests and Afghans are just fuels of the war. A majority of the young people were joining the forces because of severe poverty and unemployment, so they had no commitment and morals to fight. It is worth mentioning that the United States and the West tried for 20 years to make Afghanistan a consumer country and hindered the growth of industry. This situation created a wave of unemployment and poverty, paving the way for the recruitments of the puppet government, the Taliban and growth of opium production.

3) Afghan forces were not so weak to be defeated in the course of a week, but they were receiving orders from the presidential palace not to fight back Taliban and that they should surrender. Most provinces were peacefully handed over to the Taliban.

4) The puppet regime of Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani were calling Taliban “dissatisfied brothers” for years, and released many of their most ruthless commanders and leaders from prisons. Asking Afghan soldiers to fight a force that is not called “enemy” but “brother” emboldened the Taliban and hit the morale of the Afghan armed forces.

5) The armed forces were plagued by unprecedented corruption. The large number of generals (mostly former brutal warlords of the Northern Alliance) sitting in Kabul grabbed millions of dollars. They cut even from food and salary of soldiers fighting in the frontlines. “Ghost soldiers” was a phenomenon exposed by SIGAR. High-ranking officials were busy filling their own pockets; they channelled salary and ration of tens of thousands of non-existing soldiers into their own bank accounts.

6) Whenever forces were besieged by Taliban in the hard fight, their call for help was ignored by Kabul. In numerous cases tens of soldiers were massacred by Taliban when they were deserted without ammunition and food for weeks. Therefore the rate of casualties among armed forces was very high. In the World Economic Forum (Davos 2019), Ashraf Ghani confessed that since 2014 over 45,000 Afghan security personnel had been killed, while in the same period only 72 personnel of US/NATO were killed.

7) Overall in society growing corruption, injustice, unemployment, insecurity, uncertainty, fraud, vast poverty, drugs and smuggling, etc. provided a ground for reemergence of Taliban.

Sonali Kolhatkar: What is the best way for Americans to help RAWA and Afghan people and women right now?

RAWA: We feel very lucky and happy to have the freedom-loving people of the United States with us during all these years. We need the Americans to raise their voice and protest against their government’s war-mongering policies and support the strengthening of the people’s struggle in Afghanistan against these barbarians.

It is human nature to resist and the history bears witness. We have the glorious examples of US struggle “Occupy Wall Street” and “Black Lives Matter” movements. We have seen that no amount of oppression, tyranny and violence can stop resistance. Women will not be shackled anymore! Just the next morning after the Taliban entered the capital, a group of our young brave women painted graffiti on the walls of Kabul with the slogan: Down with Taliban! Our women are now politically conscious and no longer want to live under the Burqa, something they easily did 20 years ago. We will continue our struggles while finding smart ways to stay safe.

We think the inhuman US military empire is not only the enemy of the Afghan people but the biggest threat to world peace and instability. Now that the system is on the verge of decline, it is the duty of all peace-loving, progressive, leftist and justice-loving individuals and groups to intensify their fight against the brutal warmongers in the White House, the Pentagon and the Capitol Hill. Replacing the rotten system with a just and humane one will not only liberate millions of poor and oppressed American people but will have a lasting effect on every corner of the world.

Now our fear is that the world may forget Afghanistan and Afghan women like under the Taliban bloody rule in late 90s. Therefore, the US progressive people and institutions should not forget Afghan women.

We will raise our voice louder and continue our resistance and fight for secular democracy and women’s rights!



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¿Wappin? Voices from the distaff side / Voces del lado femenina

Erika Ender
Erika Ender. Foto por Los Promotores.

Women’s voices ~ Voces de mujeres

Chrissy Hynde – Creep (subtítulos en español)

Mon Laferte – Te Ví

Luci & The Soul Brokers – Suena Panamá

iLe & Natalia Lafourcade – En Canto (English & Spanish lyrics)

Dua Lipa – Love Again

Celeste – Hear My Voice

Alanis Morissette — Thank You (subtitulos en español)

Erika Ender – In The Middle

Esperanza Spalding – On The Sunny Side Of The Street

Juana Aguirre – El Gigante

Lila Iké – Second Chance

Omara Portuondo y Orquesta Failde – Concierto en el aniversario de TeleSUR

Joni Mitchell – Woman of Heart and Mind (documentary, subtítulños en español)


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Successors to Petaquilla gold mine swindle seek vast expansion

cover map
Notice the middle of proposed “Zona 2.” In this renewal and expansion of the Petaquilla Gold scam, the Canadian-registered company whose chief operating officer is of the PRD-connected Duque family wants to explore the possibility of strip mining Coclesito, where PRD founder General Omar Torrijos had his rural retreat. For a larger version of this map of gold exploration concessions sought by Broadway Strategic Minerals Panamá, SA — Minera Broadway — click here.

A breathtaking land grab attempt emerges from the careful information control

by Eric Jackson

Color this rural conflict — one that people in other remote areas of Panama, including in the indigenous comarcas, will be closely following.

The never-profitable as a whole but money generating for a few hustlers Petaquilla Gold project — whose legal representative at one time was none other than current Vice President Gabriel Carrizo — would be revived, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry told us in the middle of this past May. On May 13, we were told that Richard Fifer’s concession was revoked for things like non-payment of Seguro Social withholding for its workers and non-peformance of environmental remediation measures — in general, walking away from this leaking toxic hole in the ground when the money ran out and the Vancouver stock exchange de-listed the company.

Five days later we were told of a Canadian savior approaching the Panamanian government with a proposal to pay off Petaquilla Gold’s past-due obligations and restart gold mining operations.

What we were not told is that the company’s chief operating officer, Fernando E. Duque Cardoze, isn’t some veteran Canadian mining exec but rather the scion of prominent Panamanian families, one member of which was vice president of Panama during the PRD administration of Toro Pérez Balladares.

What we were not told is that preceding the announcement of the “offer” there were a series of meetings with Petaquilla Gold’s erstwhile legal representative, one José Gabriel Carrizo Jaén, now Vice President of Panama Gaby Carrizo, put in charge of economic policy by President Nito Cortizo.

What we were not told is that along with the proposal to restart the gold mine came a series of requests for a vast new expansion of the mining concession. See the map. If granted, there would be 21 communities within the concession and a number of others close enough to be affected. 

If you look up this company, which goes by several names, what they put out does not show an experienced mining company, environmentally friendly or otherwise. Look deeper into the Canadian company and its predecessors and the activities of some of its dignitaries and you find that what they mainly have done is bought mineral concessions near other existing concessions that other people have, and then if successful sold the concessions that they have reserved.

Wasn’t that actually what Richard Fifer did? He got a concession for a huge area of western Colon province and northern Cocle, started digging for gold on a small portion of it, and sold off most of the concession to what, after several changes of ownership, has become the Minera Panama copper mining concession. A lot of money changed hands on stock swindles and the sale of gold ingots, but the operation as a whole never made money. Indeed, before any mining operations began, Fifer went to court to seek immunity from such environmental laws as existed, because he said that those laws would make his mine unprofitable. (He lost that case.)

So, do Fernando E. Duque Cardoze and  José Gabriel Carrizo Jaén really intend to strip mine the historic rural retreat of General Omar Torrijos Herrera? In Colon we witness the ongoing demolition of historic buildings by PRD officials, which frees up the land to be sold or developed by those who hold title, generally more than a generation removed from those who were last able to collect rent on the properties. And if Broadway gets the big mining concession expansion and in turn flips it to some international company that’s actually into the strip mining business? They’re not going to care about the environment, and much less about Panamanian history.

And is there a bigger picture? There always is. Where there have been failed mines in the past, particularly around Cerro Quema in Los Santos, communities in the surrounding areas are mobilizing against new toxic flows coming down from the hills, as in times past. In the Ngabe-Bugle Comarca the blockages of the Pan-American Highway were about roads unrepaired, or promised but never built — this time. But whether it’s allocation of government resources, displacement by dams, the national government interfering in indigenous self-government or whatever, the fear that outsiders intend to strip mine indigenous communities is never far from the surface and adds fury to the protests of the day.

A rural protest against new mining concessions. FRENADESO photo.

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Baby talk for bats

batworman 1
Mother-pup pair of Saccopteryx bilineata on their perch. The pup is attached to its mother’s womb.
Photo by Michael Stifter.

Like human babies, these bats learn to communicate through babbling and vocal imitation


Among the sac-winged bat family, Saccopteryx bilineata is the most communicative species. Their repertoire of elaborate songs and calls are part of their courtship strategy for mating. Given the complexity of their ‘language,’ these bats start their vocal learning process at a young age. In a recent study, former Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) visiting scientist Ahana Fernández, discovered that, just like baby humans, S. bilineata pups ‘babble’ as part of their initial language-learning stage.

Her research, which encompasses several years, two countries (Panama and Costa Rica) and countless hours sitting quietly in front of roosting bats, has revealed behaviors that are rarely associated with non-human mammals. For instance, last year in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Fernández described a phenomenon that could resemble “baby talk” or motherese when female S. bilineata mothers address their pups.

“During my first field season when I spent many hours sitting quietly in front of the animals observing them, I realized that mothers and pups interacted during the babbling practice of pups,” said Fernández, who is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Mirjam Knörnschild’s Behavioral Ecology and Bioacoustics Lab at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin. “Especially, mothers were producing a particular call type during pup babbling.”

This behavior suggests that social feedback is important during the vocal development of this bat species, just as with humans.

In her most recent study, published in Science, Fernández reveals that the babbling behavior of S. bilineata pups is strikingly similar to human infant babbling. They both share the same main features, including reduplication (repetition of syllables) and rhythmicity (babbling bouts with a regular beat). Much like human babies, baby bats also spend a great deal of their day either babbling, nursing or resting attached to their mothers.

“While babbling, pups learn a part of the adult vocal repertoire through vocal imitation of adult tutors,” Fernández said. “This makes pup babbling a very interesting behavior because it tells us when learning is taking place and offers great opportunities to study if and how different factors, for example the social environment, influence learning success.”

Aside from humans, S. bilineata is the only mammal known to display babbling behavior and vocal imitation. These parallels between the vocal development of S. bilineata and humans may offer valuable insights for biolinguistics studies around the evolution of human language.

In order to conduct this type of research, Fernández and other scientists in Knörnschild’s lab must perform very unique fieldwork: they habituate the bats to the presence of human observers close to their day-roosts, obtaining observations of their natural behaviors in a completely undisturbed environment during months and over decades. This is highly unusual for bat research as most labs work with captive animals or wild animals that are tracked automatically.

“The permanency of field sites provided by STRI is crucially important for our research because we aim to follow individually marked bats throughout their whole lives and learn as much as we can about their social interactions and communicative abilities,” said Knörnschild, who is also a research associate at STRI. “Our findings on shared babbling characteristics in bat pups and human infants would not have been possible without a deep understanding of our bats’ natural and social history for which long-term data is essential.”

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, headquartered in Panama City, Panama, is part of the Smithsonian Institution. The Institute furthers the understanding of tropical nature and its importance to human welfare, trains students to conduct research in the tropics and promotes conservation by increasing public awareness of the beauty and importance of tropical ecosystems.

For months working in the field, Fernández frequented bat habitats near their perches, observing their natural behaviors and recording their vocalizations in a completely quiet environment. Photo by Ana Endara.


Babbling in a vocal learning bat resembles human infant babbling, Science Magazine, Fernández, Burchardt. Nagy & Mirjam Knörnschild, at https://science.sciencemag.org/content/373/6557/923


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