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Marcelino Ruíz fined for saying what others are afraid to say

Marcelino Ruíz, in the yellow and black shirt, under arrest at the justice of the peace office in La Villa de Los Santos. Justice of the Peace Rita González fined him $300, under which section of which law is not particularly clear. Photo from the Radio Temblor website.

El Grito de La Villa de Los Santos, 2018

“May lightning strike me if you are not involved in the Odebrecht cases!”

Marcelino Ruíz

Marcelino Ruíz, a 67-year-old Los Santos retiree who has been on disability since his 2006 poisoning by government-issue cough syrup laced with diethylene glycol, took the occasion of the observance of the 1821 first cry for independence from Spain to cry out a more topical truth. Making is way to the presidential viewing stand, Ruíz faced President Juan Carlos Varela and shouted out “May lightning strike me if you are not involved in the Odebrecht cases!”

Varela IS involved in the Odebrecht cases. The extent of it and the full legal ramifications are unknown.

After first denying it, Varela belatedly admitted that his Panameñista Party received millions of dollars from the hoodlum Brazilian corporation. The first allegations of this were made by Varela’s erstwhile chief of staff and the functional administrator of the Panameñista Party, the notorious Panama Papers lawyer Ramón Fonseca Mora. Varela’s admission came months later after other witnesses said the same thing and foreign prosecutors uncovered electronic and paper trails. There has been no formal investigation of this in Panama. By Varela’s limited timeline it would appear likely that lawyers would argue that the statute of limitations has run if ever anyone brought charges.

Ruíz was chased by SPI presidential guards and police to his mother’s house nearby. He was taken to the justice of the peace, who fined him $300. But all of a sudden he is a national hero to a great many Panamanians.

Odebrecht? It and its executives and operatives have been found guilty of crimes and civilly liable for many acts of wrongdoing in many Latin American countries, with the central modus operandi being the overpriced public works contract awarded in a rigged contest, with kickbacks going to public officials. It is widely considered the biggest graft scandal in Latin American history.

In Panama the company made a plea bargain on bribery charges that calls for a large fine to be made in structured payments over several years. Odebrecht continues to get government contracts here, with Varela making the argument that a guilty plea makes it legally impermissible to bar the company from new dealings with public entities here. Most recently a consortium of Odebrecht and FCC got the contract to extend the Metro commuter rail system to Tocumen Airport. FCC, controlled by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim — also the biggest shareholder of The New York Times — has also pleaded guilty to criminal acts of corruption.


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Kermit’s birds / Las aves de Kermit

Crested Oropendola / Oropéndola Crestada (Psarocolius decumanus), © Kermit Nourse. For a larger version click here. Para una versión más grande toque aquí.

Crested Oropendola / Oropéndola Crestada

Found scattered along the length of Panama in scattered pockets but reportedly most common in Eastern Chiriqui and Darien, these birds like to find a big tree in a forest clearing to build their distinctive nests.

Se encuentra dispersa a lo largo de Panamá en enclaves dispersos, pero se dice que es más común en Chiriqui Oriental y Darién. A estas aves les gusta encontrar un gran árbol en una brecha forestal para construir sus nidos distintivos.




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They have WAYS to make you confess, and…

Ahead of January’s World Youth Day there is construction ongoing at Catholic churches around Panama. Note the stack of cinderblocks between the main church in Las Uvas de San Carlos and the annex where Sunday school classes are held. On the road to El Valle, this particular church might be a popular place for backpacking pilgrims to stay overnight, if that is in the plans. If that is contemplated, one would suspect that they might want to add some more toilets and some showers. Photo by Eric Jackson. 


You disgusting degenerate! You coveted your neighbor’s ass, and when you die, you are going directly to Hell. Do not pass Go, do not collet 30 pieces of silver. UNLESS you confess your sins and are granted absolution.

(It might be hard if you were not brought up Catholic. What if the condition imposed is so many Hail Marys, but did learn the drill and your throwing arm is so out of shape that it’s unlikely that you could reach the end zone?)

In Parque Omar right now, church and state are collaborating to build the Parque del Perdon, a maze of 250 confession booths. La Estrella reports that 35 prisoners from unpleasant places like La Joya are among the construction crew.

Some months ago the World Youth Day organizing committee announced a budget of some $54.4 million for the event, which will bring in many people from all over the world. Surely a lot of the expenses will be off of that budget, covered by other entities. If terrorists, fraud artists and convicted sex offenders are not to slip into the country with the devout, for example, the there will have to be extra staff and overtime pay at Migracion as the pilgrims converge on Panama.

The visitors will spend money in Panama and getting to and from here, so it would be no big surprise if the Panamanian economy scores a large net gain in the whole transaction that will be World Youth Day. If Pope Francis, who will be here for the occasion, has a good time that will be gravy — maybe also quantifiable in balboas y centavos, if anyone is both such a sharp economist and so crude.


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Beluche, La Independencia de España


Los Santos

La independencia de Panamá de 1821

por Olmedo Beluche


El Istmo de Panamá se sumó tarde al movimiento de Independencia de Hispanoamérica. Aquí no hubo rastros de un movimiento autonomista sino hasta 1820, y la primera declaratoria de independencia no llegó sino hasta noviembre de 1821, cuando ya el proceso estaba consolidado en esta parte del continente. Las razones del independentismo tardío panameño son varias y pueden ser encontradas en la obra Apuntamientos Históricos (1801 – 1840), de Mariano Arosemena.

La familia Arosemena pertenecía a la élite criolla del Istmo de Panamá, dedicada al comercio. Mariano jugó un papel primordial, como editor del primer periódico local, de inclinaciones liberales, fue uno de los actores clave de la proclama del 28 de Noviembre de 1821, pagando a las tropas españolas para que se retiraran hasta La Habana.

¿Por qué el Istmo fue una de las últimas regiones en sumarse al proceso independentista?

Por varios factores: crisis demográfica en el Istmo, de la cual se deduce la ausencia de producción agrícola o artesanal, con la consecuente debilidad de los actores sociales que fueron decisivos en otras regiones (artesanos, esclavos y masas de campesinos indígenas); su situación geopolítica que la convirtió en fortín español; y un criollismo dedicado al comercio, con la capacidad de adaptación oportunista que es característica de esta clase social.

Un cúmulo de circunstancias convencieron a los criollos panameños de pasarse al bando de la Independencia: el 28 de enero Maracaibo proclamó su independencia; el 6 de mayo, se crea la Gran Colombia; en julio, Sucre lucha victoriosamente por la liberación del Ecuador; ese mismo mes, San Martín concreta la independencia de Chile; el 6 de agosto se produjo la batalla de Carabobo, que selló la independencia de Venezuela; el 15 de septiembre Guatemala se declara independiente; el 27 de septiembre la ciudad de México cae en manos de Iturbide; Cartagena fue liberada el 1 de octubre.

Como consecuencia de la lógica militar, ya Simón Bolívar había ordenado que se preparara una fuerza invasora sobre el Istmo panameño organizada desde Cartagena, con 5,000 hombres y un centenar de buques que debía caer sobre Portobelo.

Al respecto dice Mariano Arosemena (“Apuntamientos históricos”): “… por manera que si no nos hubiésemos lanzado audaces los istmeños a los peligros inherentes a la proclamación de la independencia por nosotros mismos, esa gloria que supimos ganar no fuera hoi el laurel honroso que nos ennoblece”.

Para completar la dicha de nuestros comerciantes, evitándoles algún sacrificio, el virrey Sámano muere en Panamá el 3 de agosto; y el 22 de octubre, el general Murgeon se vio obligado a zarpar con el grueso de sus tropas para combatir en Ecuador, dejando el mando militar en manos del general José de Fábrega, realista, panameño y uno de los mayores terratenientes de la provincia de Veraguas, quien antes había combatido contra los patriotas de la Nueva Granda y que acabaría como “prócer” de la Independencia panameña.

Pese a todas esas buenas noticias, la élite criolla istmeña, asumía la siguiente actitud: “Sin embargo, encubríamos nuestras aspiraciones cordiales para que el capitán general (Murgeon) continuara iluso en su pretensión de que fuéramos súbditos de la monarquía, ya regenerada”.

A esas alturas (octubre) la prudencia seguía siendo la norma política: “Sobre todo, no era prudente exponer a un fracaso nuestro plan de libertad… Era el cuidado de los corifeos de la independencia istmeña prevenir todo acto inconsulto i precipitado. Teníanse, pues, reuniones secretas, dirijidas a ir madurando el gran proyecto de salvación”.

La Villa de Los Santos obligó a los comerciantes a decidirse por la independencia
Hasta que un levantamiento popular en la Villa de Los Santos, compuesta por pequeños campesinos, vino a acabar con tanta prudencia, y el 10 de noviembre de 1821, es la primera población panameña que tuvo el valor de proclamarse independiente de España.

Décadas después, cuando Mariano escribe sus Apuntamientos, todavía conserva una crítica contra los “novicios” santeños, que realizaron un movimiento revolucionario “irregular i deficiente”, según él, puesto que se contentaron simplemente con proclamarse “independientes”, sin definir qué tipo de gobierno se daban, “ni cosa alguna sobre los negocios de la transformación política”.

Pero los criollos del Cabildo de Panamá prefirieron optar por “medidas suaves”, y no se suman a la proclama. Los comerciantes panameños no estaban dispuestos a arriesgar sus vidas, así que se decidieron por el plan más incruento: sobornar poco a poco a la tropa realista para que desertara.

En una fecha entre el 10 y el 28 de noviembre, Mariano Arosemena hace alusión, por primera vez, a otros actores sociales distintos a la élite criolla. Según él, se crean dos o tres sociedades patrióticas conformadas por “maestros de arte (artesanos) de más influjo en el pueblo, a saber: Basilio Roa, Felipe Delgado, Abad Montecer, Juan Antonio Noriega, Manuel Luna, Fernando Guillén, Bruno Agüero, Juan Berroa, Manuel Aranzasugoitía, Salvador Berrío, José María Rodríguez, Alejandro Méndez, Guillermo Brinios, Manuel Llorent, José Manuel Escartin: estos incorporaron a las sociedades mencionadas a los discípulos suyo de confianza”.

Levantamos la hipótesis altamente probable de que este sector popular fue el que aportó el brío del que carecían los comerciantes criollos, acabando con las dudas y las prudencias.

La noche del 27 de noviembre hubo una deserción masiva de soldados que constituían “casi todas” las fuerzas militares que quedaban en la ciudad. De manera que, el 28 de noviembre, “el vecindario pidió que se reuniera el Cabildo… y se reúnen en la casa consistorial… Un inmenso gentío se apoderó de la barra, mientras que la plaza de la Catedral estaba llena de habitantes de las dos parroquias… La primera proposición, sometida al debate, fue si se proclamaría la independencia de este Istmo del Gobierno de España”.

Siempre precavidos los comerciantes, dejaron en boca del presbítero Martínez hacer la propuesta de votar por la afirmativa ante la primera proposición, pero “a reserva de lo que resolvieran las Cortes del reino”.

Por suerte, cundió la razón y fue rechazada la consideración del presbítero, y entonces fue que, con once años de retraso: “Panamá, espontáneamente, i conforme al voto general de los pueblos de su comprensión. Se declara libre e independiente del Gobierno español”.


El Istmo de Panamá se suma tarde a la Independencia de España por su debilidad económica y demográfica, por la ausencia masiva de sectores populares como los artesanos que fueron decisivos en otras regiones pero, sobre todo, por el carácter vacilante y oportunista de nuestros comerciantes.

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18 states’ attorneys general ask Whitaker to recuse




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¿Wappin? Through the fire / A través del fuego

Chaka Khan. Photo by Chrisna Herbst.

Through the fire

The Rolling Stones – Citadel

Bessie Smith – Send Me To The ‘Lectric Chair

Cienfue – La Décima Tercera

Imagine Dragons – Bad Liar

Curtis Mayfield – If There’s a Hell Below We’re All Going to Go

Pretenders – I’ll Stand By You

Chaka Khan – Through the Fire

Neil Young – Ohio

Mercedes Sosa – Solo le Pido a Dios

Peter Tosh – Whatcha gonna do

León Larregui & Mon Laferte – Rue Vieille Du Temple

Queen & David Bowie – Under Pressure

Shakira – Nada


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The Panama News blog links, November 9, 2018


The Panama News blog links

a Panama-centric selection of other people’s work
una selección Panamá-céntrica de las obras de otras personas

Canal, Maritime & Transportation / Canal, Marítima & Transporte

Hellenic Shipping News, Korea likely to get half of all shipbuilding orders

Seatrade, What US election results mean for shipping

Hellenic Shipping News, China turns to Russia to replace imports of US soybeans

Sports / Deportes

TVMax, El próximo técnico de la Marea Roja, tema que sigue abierto

La Prensa, Atletas reprochan malas usos de fondos deportivos

Economy / Economía

El Comercio, Favorita compra El Rey

Forbes, Panamá exenta de impuesto ITBMS e ISC para compras en Puerto Colón

La Estrella, Tocumen SA emite $650 millones en bonos corporativos

Reinhart, China’s opaque foreign development lending

Baker: Patents, copyrights and inequality

Eyes on Trade, Record US trade deficits during Trump presidency

E&N, Bill Gates propone cobrar impuestos por el uso de robots

Science & Technology / Ciencia & Tecnología

ScienceDaily, Tiny thorn snail discovered in Panama’s backyard

BBC, Por qué la inteligencia artificial puede ser racista y machista

CBS, Facebook says it didn’t to enough to counter deadly hate speech in Myanmar

Gizmodo, Climate change denier won’t run the House Science Committee

Science Daily, DNA uncovers two ancient migrations in the Americas

The Guardian, 10,000-year-old mummy was Native American ancestor

EcoWatch, Could ‘bionic mushrooms’ be the future of renewable energy?

News / Noticias

Center for Public Integrity, Where money mattered in US elections

BBC, Elecciones en Estados Unidos: 4 cosas que van a cambiar

The Forward, 55,000 Chicagoans voted for an overt Nazi

The New York Times, Whitaker on board of company accused of fraud

Reuters, Khashoggi murder further complicates “Arab NATO” plan

Opinion / Opiniones

Holmes: American gun culture is tyranny, not freedom

WOLA, Now we hold them accountable

Friedersdorf, Republicans must choose between Trump and the rule of law

Xinhua, World to benefit as China fills its shopping cart

Sader, La nueva izquierda chilena

More, A specter of dictatorship in Brazil

Gandásegui, St. Oscar Romero

Yao: Pompeo, o por qué Panamá debe abrir bien los ojos

Sagel, Nuestras efemérides patrias

Culture / Cultura

Remezcla, Panamanian urbano artists you ought to know

AP, Café Tacvba da concierto en albergue de migrantes

Sagel, Pasión por coleccionar


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Muere otro Manatí en San San Pond Sak

dead sea cow
Foto por Hector M. Guzmán — STRI.

Muere otro Manatí en el área protegida del
Humedal de San San Pond Sak en Changuinola

por Sonia Tejada – STRI

Esta cría de Manatí de aproximadamente 1.77 metros de largo se encontró hace algunos días. Al año mueren entre 2 y 4 animales y el estimado poblacional es menor a 30, impactando con estas pérdidas las posibilidades de recuperación poblacional.

Hector M. Guzmán, científico del Smithsonian en Panamá ha estado estudiando sus poblaciones desde el 2012 y ha hecho recomendaciones científicas de como mejor manejar y proteger este animal en peligro de extinción

Los manatíes o vacas marinas son apacibles herbívoros que pasan la mayor parte de su tiempo buscando e ingiriendo plantas ribereñas y del lecho marino de aguas poco profundas. Viven en aguas dulces y saladas, cerca de las costas de América y África. Su depredador más importante es el ser humano.


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Gandásegui, What the three main parties share

That, too, although it is but a symptom of a larger malady.

Elite parties chained to the past

by Marco Gandásegui, hijo

In May of 2019 an eighth electoral round will be held, with two major elements at stake that will not be debated among the parties that have alternated in power. One of these is the hegemonic neoliberal economic model that we have had for more than 30 years. The other is the US presence pursuant to treaties, pacts, accords and memoranda.

Between 1984 and 2014, seven general elections were held. Three presidents of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), three from the Panameñista Party and one from Cambio Democrático (CD) were anointed. The electoral alternation deceives, if it leads one to conclude that there is some kind of political stability or continuity. Amdist all this, Panama suffered a US military invasion (1989), foreign military occupation for many years, the transition from a military regime to an oligarchic one and the governments of an incompetent Panamanian elite. All of the leaders, however, did agree on one aspect: the neoliberal economic policy that began with timid “economic adjustments” in the 1980s, followed by the consolidation of deregulation, privatization and flexibilization policies in the 1990s.

The three major parties present in the current National Assembly have already chosen their presidential candidates. So have the Broad Front for Democracy (FAD) and the Alianza. Later the three independent candidates will be defined by the Electoral Tribunal’s interpretation of their petition signatures. Everything indicates that eight candidates will aspire to occupy that chair in the Palacio de Las Garzas. With the exception of the FAD, no political party has a comprehensive platform to govern the country in the 2019-2024 period.

Notwithstanding the failure of the neoliberal economic model, all three major parties insist on keeping it. The propose economic growth based on a deregulated and quasi-monopolistic market.

Panama has a huge source of income, the Panama Canal — tolls represent annual revenues of more than $3 billion. Related activities generate revenues that exceed $6 billion per year. These revenues are the product of the export of services to the world merchant marine. The group or political party that controls power guarantees its management of those revenues coming from abroad.

The neoliberal model serves as a front to monopolize foreign revenues. In the programs of the traditional candidates, there is no mention — not one line — about the strategy that is intended to be applied about making use of these resources to meet the needs of the population. There are two words that have been banned by the three parties that alternate in power. One is the word “Development.” Another is “Plan.” Another word that is frowned upon, but which is sometimes used, is “Nation.” The combination of the three words, “National Development Plan,” is anathema to all Panamanian liberals (neoliberals and conservatives).

Without a plan it is easier to loot the treasury through misgovernment, which translates into the corruption that characterizes the highest circles of the governmental apparatus and the business sector. Recent governments have been very flagrant about their dispossession operations. What is striking is that the three parties will compete again for power despite leaving evidence of their mismanagement of the budget (for 2019 a budget of $23 billion was approved) and with all the corruption corruption cases in the courts.

The would-be winner among the three main party candidates would continue to appoint cabinet specialists to produce bills, decrees and contracts that serve to enrich an elite. The proposals of these candidates would continue to allocate 15 percent of the budget to the payment of an irresponsibly acquired debt.

Investment in the maritime sector — ports, shipyards, fishing — is not contemplated even though this is supposed to be the strength of the country’s economy. On the other hand, the dispossession of the lands held by the farmers and fishers who live on the seashores, be they on the Caribbean or the Gulf of Panama, is promoted.

In foreign economic relations the USA has shown itself not to be a reliable partner. China has shown a special interest in Panama. The Panamanian government and elites are interested in receiving what the Chinese bring. But they are only interested in receiving “commissions,” without proposing any national development plan.

The three major party candidates — some more, some less — are all associated with the past. None of them show any alternatives for the future.

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DNC, The firing of Jeff Sessions and appointment of Matthew Whitaker

DNC chair Tom Perez.

On the firing of Jeff Sessions and the appointment
of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General

by Tom Perez – chair, Democratic National Committee

This is a gross abuse of power and extremely dangerous to the rule of law. And put simply, it doesn’t pass the smell test.

Donald Trump has now hand-selected an acting Attorney General who has been openly and publicly hostile toward the special counsel’s investigation. Whitaker is not an independent law enforcement official. Nor was he confirmed by the US Senate to serve in this role. He is a Trump acolyte committed to protecting the president against any consequences for his potential crimes.

Yesterday, voters made clear that they won’t accept Donald Trump’s corrupt disregard for the rule of law. Elections have consequences, and this president will be held accountable for any interference in the special counsel’s investigation.


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