Editorials: Arithmetic plus principles; and Grifting along

This is not a goveling sycophant’s use of a government-funded image. Is it a heinous crime? The guy wants to make it a crime to use his image without his blessing. Look for the candidates who would pass a law banning legal actions over the use of politicians’ images, and make it one of your cutting-edge issues. From an Asamblea Nacional video, electronically altered by the editor.

Changing the electoral math

Martinelli holed up in the Nicaraguan Embassy with cops waiting outside to take him to prison if he steps out? He may have been a front-runner in the polls, but color him irrelevant.

The PRD pulling out all the stops to break tradition and retain the presidency? If they didn’t have such a ridiculous candidate it might be possible.

The electoral math for next May has changed and will be momentarily hard to predict. It looks at the moment like it may be a close race among Rómulo Roux, Martín Torrijos and Ricardo Lombana, with others left in the dust and the toxic negative cloud being the realities and perceptions of the candidates’ relationships to the mining colony project.

Listen carefully to what the candidates propose, both to find attractions and to find disqualifications. Beware of magic solutions. Denounce bigotry, racism, class snobbery, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and other such below-the-belt appeals when you see or hear them. Don’t let anyone buy your vote, nor get away with offering to do so.

Don’t be a pendejo. Yes, the editor has his point of view and favorites. But think and vote for yourself if you are a Panamanian citizen.


Graphic by gfkDSGN – pixabay.com

Thanks to Ron Filipowski of MeidasTouch.com, a reminder

List of Some of Trump’s Failed Businesses:

• Trump Steaks
• Trump Vodka
• Trump Board Game
• Trump University
• Trump Mattresses
• Trump Ice
• Trump Shuttle
• Trump Vitamins & Urine Test Kits
• Tour de Trump
• New Jersey Generals
• Trump Modeling
• Trump Princess
• Trump Mortgages
• Trump Success Cologne
• Trump Magazine
• Trump Style
• Trump Taj Mahal
• Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino
• Trump Castle
• Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts
• Trump Entertainment
• Trump Marina
• Trump Casino Indiana
• Trump Travel Agency
• Trumpnet Telecom
• Trump Tower Tampa
• Trump Empire Cologne
• Paris is Out Musical
• Management of Trump Ocean Club Panama


Voltaire (Marie François Arouet), a bust by Jean-Antoine Houdon.

                     If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.


Bear in mind…

Eccentricity is not, as dull people would have us believe, a form of madness. It is often a kind of innocent pride, and the man of genius and the aristocrat are frequently regarded as eccentrics because genius and aristocrat are entirely unafraid of and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the crowd.

Edith Sitwell

Complaining is good for you as long as you’re not complaining to the person you’re complaining about.

Lynn Johnston

I loathe the expression “What makes him tick.” It is the American mind, looking for simple and singular solution, that uses the foolish expression. A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm.

James Thurber


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