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Gutman, “God” externalized to satisfy banal needs

What did Zappa say?
The editor’s mashup of the works of Gage Skidmore and Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni.

Intelligent Design: Defective Product

by W. E. Gutman

Unable to support their beliefs with empirical evidence, anti-Darwinists persist in injecting creationism into society’s collective psyche. They have since concocted a new slogan – “Intelligent Design” (ID) – the unverifiable assertion that the universe, the living beings that infect it, and the upheavals they endure are the work of an omniscient and omnipotent, though paranormal “noumena,” and not a freehand process such as natural selection (evolution) and the fortuitous effects of coincidence and unpredictability.

In public, ID advocates claim that they are looking for evidence of conscious design in nature, without considering the identity of the “designer.” Privately, however, they unambiguously insist on the idea that the designer is the Christian “God.” [Note the emphasis on Christian]. Forget the YAHWEH that the Jews invented nearly six thousand years before the Christian era and the Judeo-Christian deity that Muslims adopted and renamed Allah in the 6th century. Pushed to its incongruous extremes, ID might one day be called upon to quibble about things that fall from top to bottom not because gravity acts on them, but because a higher intelligence consciously and deliberately pushes them downward. Planes fall from the sky, they will say, buildings slump, and empires collapse because these events are predestined by an impenetrable force. They lack the intellectual flexibility to concede that technology cannot exist without the risk of accidents: The invention of the locomotive also contained the risk of derailment, the plane of a mechanical failure or human error, the stock market – of a crash. The vilest among them will claim that these misfortunes are in fact the result of divine revenge. A wide range of phenomena are attributed to ID: wars fought in the name of “God,” hunger, disease, earthquakes, cyclones and tsunamis.

Creationism presupposes two reciprocal attributes: the existence of a gifted (but unknowable) creator and an exceptional plan from which a useful and effective prototype can be rendered. Such a premise inevitably raises questions that, until now, ID has not been able or willing to answer. One can always quibble: “God” is outside of any human experience. Its existence is not obvious; it must be demonstrated. Thus arises the problem of its abstract existence, a dilemma that lies at the top of the philosophical effort and whose solution has a direct impact on the meaning and purpose of life. Believers insist: If “God” does not exist, then man becomes his own law and the norm of his own deeds; but if he exists, man must recognize his essential dependence on a creator, who is also his custodian, his legislator, and his judge, and before whom he is responsible for all his actions. His advent, some claim without going any further, was prima facie, obvious and primordial, ergo “God” was externalized in order to satisfy the need of men to fill a void.

~ ~

What “creator” fashions corruptible beings who kill for pleasure, reproduce shamelessly, cling to rival, inflexible, and absurd doctrines? Why do we suffer? Why are we defenseless against natural cataclysms that, according to ID, are unleashed against us for “mysterious reasons” by a capricious and unrecognizable supernatural force that owes us no explanation? What degree of intellect can be attributed to a “creator” who inflicts or tolerates atrocities for “the good that comes of them?” What cunning and irreducible energy orchestrates without apparent purpose – or turns a blind eye – to the paroxysms that convulse the universe? What abstract reasoning inspires an “almighty” who remains impassive before the sorrow and eternal suffering of men and beasts? How can such apathy be justified? What superior sapience grants itself virtues that men can never acquire and who claims to possess equal doses of benevolence and resentment, munificence and cruelty, genius and madness? What skillful author arms himself with an ego and proclaims himself perfect and infallible while our sobs are never heard, while we cry and suffer and die forgotten under the absurd pretext that suffering leads to salvation? What supreme entity is it, whose ear is inattentive and whose breast is unfaithful to the crowds that call him out and beg for help?

What alpha and omega inflicts plagues that threaten to annihilate his masterpiece? What cruel and invisible despot decrees that his subjects will speak words that are not their own, that they will blindly obey the injunctions of his earthly delegates, that they will tremble before them, that they will recite prayers of recognition and veneration all repeated ad nauseam, day after day to a “God” who never shows his face, never lays his soul bare, never sheds a tear, never says he’s sorry, a “God” who grants life and, with it, the fear of dying? A “God” before whom they kneel or bow to, a ”God” who watches them with a stone face and a deaf ear to their most heartbreaking cries? ID is a prankster ploy, a psychological extortion concocted by hypocrites and charlatans who dazzle and exploit the feeble-minded and subvert them with lies that only blind belief can justify.

As for me, I am never surer of my origins than when I stare at our ancestors and first cousins, the great apes. I recognize in their inquisitive and impenetrable eyes an innocence – long lost – in this genesis and evolution still in progress. It is when I examine myself and observe my fellow Homo sapiens, that I worry about the future of the human race. This is a defective product that can never be withdrawn or repaired but that nature will repay for his impudence and terminal stupidity.

~ ~

There are many beautiful things in the Bible, a few verifiable strands of history, often snarky comments on the state of mind of old men, practical advice and tons of nonsense designed to robotize believers, paralyze them intellectually. The more absurdities and theatricality there are, the more we believe in them. Man is not influenced by facts. He prefers histrionics, gestures, sensationalism, melodrama. It has always seemed to me that men prefer to be ruled by monsters than by angels. I have also often proposed that they prefer fairy tales to truth, religion to science, apathy to action. When men need to believe in something, their brains break down.

~ ~

It was Sigmund Freud who postulated the now widely accepted theory that we are the product of our subconscious. But he was careful to add that the “subconscious” is not an amorphous and indelible entity; it is the product of countless dynamics, the least of which is genetic. Our subconscious mind is shaped and often perverted by early childhood experiences, some traumatic, and by brainwashing (the seeding of immutable ideas) by parents, teachers, clergy, and other individuals who are given some degree of authority over our lives. No one is “born” a believer or an atheist. No one springs from the womb a socialist or a conservative. Serial killers and good Samaritans are shaped, not begotten. The subconscious can be manipulated, and religion is the manipulative grandmaster who charms the herd with masquerades that hold paganism and idolatry (worship of statues) vampirism and cannibalism (communion) and that leads to a descent into terminal psychosis (belief in life after death).

All monotheistic religions are inherently violent. Neither Judaism nor Christianity or Islam is immune from criticism. Laws requiring the eradication of “evil,” sometimes by violent means, exist in the Jewish tradition. YAHWEH is a jealous, cruel, and resentful “God” (but he loves you…!) Allah “the Merciful” is also fearsome, strict, humorless, and often furious. Mainstream Islamic law is riddled with calls for violence, defensive or offensive, including the use of domestic assault, corporal punishment, and the death penalty.

In the philosophy of religion, Ockham’s Razor of parsimony is sometimes applied to argue the existence or non-existence of “God.” Although Ockham does not attempt to refute it, he offers a convincing argument that, in the absence of convincing arguments, disbelief is preferable. I disagree with those who suggest that Ockham’s Razor mixes apples and oranges. On the contrary, it illustrates with blinding clarity that a lack of belief cannot be codified. There are no orthodox, conservative or reformist atheists. Atheists do not have a “holy book,” a catechism or a Psalter. We all speak with one voice, that of reason. No schism can separate us. While religious people persist in convincing others of the validity (and divine origin) of their beliefs, we have no need to defend our irreligion. An atheist is content not to believe; a believer feels obliged to “share” if not to impose his convictions in order to validate his faith by thwarting the omnipresent doubts that obsess all believers.

Religion, utopian and irrational, clings to fictions that do not exist in the absolute vacuum of pure reason, to fabrications that must be “planted” in the mind so that they can lead to certain faits accomplis – “God” is the source of all essence and reality; Jesus was the son of “God;” he was born of a virgin; he died and flew to heaven; he was “resurrected;” and his death and rebirth opened a portal to eternal life.

Atheists are steeled against the circularity of fixed ideas and the absurd dogmas of religion. They believe neither in hell nor in eternal damnation. They do not offer indulgences or immunity from sin in exchange for bribes. They have no pontiff or church in which “princes” dressed in purple live in Babylonian splendor. We do not “pass the plate,” we do not give sermons, we do not fulminate by predicting fire and brimstone. We do not warn against eternal agonies and do not promise life after death. We do not burn books. We do not have an Index of prohibited works. We do not need a Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [formerly known as the Holy Office of the Inquisition) which, by its very existence, demonstrates the perilous fragility of belief. Finally, atheists, rarely spontaneously but following moments of introspection, conclude that there is no “God” and that, therefore, human beings are neither created nor imbued with what could be a “plan” and that they have no idea what awaits them, neither before birth nor after. Atheism is simple, clear, and direct. Best of all, it spares us the burden of useless conjectures.

Born in Paris, W. E. Gutman is a retired Franco-American journalist and the author of sixteen books. Former international editor of the great futuristic magazine, OMNI, and former press attaché at the Consulate General of Israel in New York, he was on a mission in Central America between 1994 and 2006.



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Cine: Festival ICARO en tres provincias

En octubre y noviembre en Panamá, David, Puerto Armuelles y Changuinola, el festival regional de cine.

En tres provincias se presentará el Festival Icaro Panamá

por el Grupo Experimental de Cine Universitario (GECU)

El GECU de la Vicerrectoría de Extensión de la Universidad de Panamá y la Fundación pro Artes Escénicas y Audiovisuales (FAE) informan que el FESTIVAL DE CINE ICARO PANAMÁ 2022 se realizará, volviendo a lo presencial, a partir de octubre en tres provincias del país: Panamá, Chiriquí y Bocas del Toro, con los auspicios del Ministerio de Cultura y la colaboración de Casa Comal de Guatemala y en el interior la Fundación Montilla, Universidad de Arte GANEXA, Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí y los Centros de Bellas Artes de Puerto Armuelles y Changuinola.

Buscando llegar a la mayor cantidad de públicos este evento gratuito contará con distintas fechas en cada provincia, en Panamá del 28 de octubre al 1° de noviembre y David, Puerto Armuelles y Changuinola del 7 al 9 de noviembre.

La programación incluirá una selección de películas centroamericanas premiadas en el pasado Festival Internacional de Cine Icaro en Centroamérica, con sede en Guatemala; una selección de películas de todas partes del mundo también galardonadas en dicho certamen y la presentación de las películas panameñas seleccionadas, de entre las que respondieron a la convocatoria de este año, por un jurado local e internacional para representar al país en dicho encuentro regional en diciembre próximo.

El ICARO PANAMÁ 2022 contará también con un programa de actividades formativas compuesto por talleres, conversatorios y mesas redondas desarrolladas por cineastas extranjeros y nacionales invitados, dirigido a reforzar las capacidades y conocimientos de los cineastas del medio, especialmente de los más jóvenes. Mayor información a Mayor información al 6667-1379 o escribir a cine.universitario@up.ac.pa Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @IcaroPanama / www.icaropanama.com


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Keen, Many experts can’t relate to stodgy economic doctrines

Former Prime minister Boris Johnson meets OECD Secretary General Mathias Cormann for a bilateral meeting in 10 Downing Street. Picture by Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street.

Orthodox thinking won’t cut it: why Mathias Cormann’s leadership of the OECD has economists worried

by Steve Keen, UCL

In June 2007, Jean-Philippe Cotis, the chief economist of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, declared that 2008 was going to be a great year.

The economic situation was “better than what we have experienced in years”, he wrote, and the central forecast of the OECD, representing the world’s 38 wealthiest countries, “remains indeed quite benign”. He tipped “a soft landing” in the United States and “sustained growth” in OECD economies, with “strong job creation and falling unemployment”.

That forecast – relying on the OECD’s “state of the art” economic model – proved, of course, to be spectacularly wrong. In 2008 the global financial crisis hit, the worst economic shock since the great depression.

Many critics, including myself, were not surprised. These “dynamic stochastic general equilibrium” models make assumptions that even died-in-the-wool mainstream economists can’t stomach. In 2010 the Nobel laureate Robert Solow told the US Congress they “did not pass the smell test”.

The OECD’s then secretary-general, José Ángel Gurría, took this failure of conventional economics to heart. In 2012 he established an internal think tank called New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC) to explore new ways to analyze and manage the economy. He deliberately set it up outside the OECD’s economics department so it could be free to consider ideas that mainstream economics ignored.

NAEC was a breath of fresh air in the normally stale world of economic policy debate. It heard from all manner of researchers – anthropologists, neuroscientists, physicists and engineers, as well as mainstream and non-mainstream economists – who used techniques mainstream economics remained resistant to, even after its obvious failures.

Those of us who worked with NAEC or spoke at its public seminars enjoyed the freedom to think and talk outside the mainstream economic box. I spoke at several seminars, including on climate change and financial crises.

Cormann changes tack

That came to an end with Gurría’s successor, Australian Mathias Cormann.

Cormann, who took over as OECD secretary-general in June 2021, had been Australia’s finance minister from 2013 to 2020 under the center-right Coalition government. He had a reputation as an “economic dry,” and someone who trusted the advice of economists.

One of his first actions at the OECD was to move the NAEC unit into the economics department. He also terminated the think tank’s regular public seminars, restricting them to the OECD’s ambassadors (one from each of its 38 member countries).

I and many other leading academics – including Nobel prizewinner Joe Stiglitz and Stephanie Kelton, the best-selling author of The Deficit Myth – felt this was a classic case of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

Why unconventional thinking is needed

We need new economic thinking for today’s many new challenges, because the record of mainstream economists on these issues is frequently terrible.

Take, for example, the work of William Nordhaus, who won the 2018 Nobel economics prize for his work on climate change. He assumed manufacturing, services and finance won’t be affected by global warming because they happen in “carefully controlled environments” – otherwise known as indoors. (I’ve written about this and the appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change in the journal Globalizations.)

We’re even facing problems that “conventional” economics is meant to understand, but which mainstream economists themselves admit they’re confused by.

For example, Nobel laureate and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote last week that he had underestimated the persistence of inflation, while also suggesting the US Federal Reserve was overreacting with its interest rate rises, which he said “will surely cause a major economic slowdown, quite possibly a recession”.

If economists can’t work out what to do with conventional economic problems, how likely are they to know what to do with unconventional ones such as climate change or the energy crisis facing Europe?

If ever out-of-the-box economic thinking was needed, it’s now.

Getting a response

In January we wrote to Cormann asking him to reverse his NAEC decision. Our letter said:

As academic and professional economists, we know that economic orthodoxy can be wrong. The history of economics and economic policy is one in which certain theoretical frameworks and policy approaches frequently become orthodox, and then are later superseded. This is often because the empirical evidence changes; sometimes because rival theories come to be more convincing; in some cases both. In these circumstances it is important that an organisation providing advice to governments, like the OECD, is at the forefront, not just of the present orthodoxy, but of competing views, theoretical frameworks and policy approaches.

We got no acknowledgement, let alone a reply.

Therefore we decided to publish an an open letter to Cormann on September 27. I’m happy to report Cormann has already replied to this letter. Noisy diplomacy works.

His response defends moving NAEC inside the OECD’s economics department (a decision with which we still respectfully disagree), but he also promises to invite past contributors to NAEC’s public seminars to a discussion on NAEC’s future work.

I look forward to receiving my invitation.The Conversation

Steve Keen, Honorary Professor of Economics, UCL

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.



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Polo Ciudadano, Los retos del movimiento popular panameño

Foto del Twitter de Convergencia Sindical.
Foto del Twitter de Convergencia Sindical.

La Unidad de las Alianzas y Unidad Política

por Polo Ciudadano

El sábado 24 de septiembre el Polo Ciudadano de Panamá realizó el Foro “La explosión popular de julio en Panamá. Balance y perspectivas”. Se contó con la participación como conferencistas de Ileana Corea por Juventud Revolucionaria; Fernando Ábrego por ASOPROF – Alianza Pueblo Unido por la Vida; Juan Ramón Herrera de la AEVE – Alianza Nacional por los Derechos del Pueblo Organizado, y nuestro compañero Félix Villarreal por el Polo Ciudadano. Cada participante realizó importantes aportes al análisis de la situación de crisis y estallido social que movilizó al país, exponiendo sus experiencias y alternativas para continuar las luchas y fortalecer al movimiento popular.

Se hizo una evaluación de las luchas de julio pasado, de lo actuado por el movimiento organizado y de lo espontáneo en la respuesta popular, del proceso de la huelga y los cierres de calles, del papel determinante de las comunidades ngäbes y campesinas, de la instauración de la mesa del diálogo, de las victorias parciales, pero victorias, al fin y al cabo, y se hicieron estimaciones acerca del futuro inmediato y de los retos que tiene el movimiento popular panameño.

Se ponderó como un factor decisivo del éxito, la participación masiva de los sectores populares en las calles, como también de la unidad del movimiento. Unidad que, al inicio tuvo dificultades, pero se fue forjando al calor de la lucha popular, demostrándose que fue necesaria y decisiva para obligar al gobierno a sentarse a negociar y cesar las maniobras divisionistas que se internaron desde la vicepresidencia de la República.

La unidad hizo posible que las demandas de la lucha popular se materializaran en: un diálogo televisado que fue muy educativo para el país, en el congelamiento del precio de la gasolina en B/. 3.25 por galón, en un compromiso por una rebaja significativa de una canasta básica de 80 artículos (que luego no se ha cumplido cabalmente por sabotaje de empresarios y gobierno, pero que, al menos logró precios accesibles en las ferias del IMA), un decreto de rebaja de un listado de medicamentos que también ha sido saboteado por el sector privado.

Por estas razones, el criterio unánime de los participantes del Foro organizado por el Polo Ciudadano es que, para sostener los logros alcanzados, en el futuro inmediato se requiere mantener la unidad de las dos alianzas y el Frente del Oriente Chiricano, Indígena y Campesino, para seguir movilizando juntos y negociando juntos. Solo la unidad en la movilización y negociación obligará al gobierno a respetar lo acordado y a la patronal a cesar el sabotaje.

Polo Ciudadano considera que existe otra dimensión del debate en el movimiento popular que es necesario abordar y pasa por transformar la movilización y las acciones de lucha en resultados estratégicos a mediano y largo plazo, que madure hacia un Movimiento Político popular y unitario, que proponga al país un gobierno alternativo que sí cumpla con las demandas de comida, medicinas y combustibles al alcance de los sectores populares y la clase trabajadora.

Aunque falta mucho por hacer en ese sentido, este año se han dado algunos pasos que indican la importancia y necesidad de la unidad popular, en el marco del próximo torneo electoral del 2024. Han surgido candidaturas a través de la libre postulación, que expresan la lucha popular de julio, tales como las de la profesora Maribel Gordón, Richard Morales y Priscilla Vásquez, entre otras y otros. Sin embargo, aún no se ha vertebrado un movimiento político en torno a ellas y ellos, que convoque a la unidad de todos los sectores populares para confrontar a las diversas variantes de precandidaturas que han sido lanzadas por la burguesía. Es una tarea pendiente y necesaria.

Impulsar la creación de un Frente Único Popular en la lucha social y política podría confrontar el diálogo impasible del gobierno y los empresarios, levantando la demanda de que se hable mediante el sufragio universal, a través de una ASAMBLEA CONSTITUYENTE ORIGINARIA, cuyas decisiones se conviertan en leyes y en hechos, y no en palabras vacías y papeles mojados. Para ello se requerirá convocarla democráticamente, con otras reglas diferentes a las actuales de manera que los candidatos y candidatas que surjan de las luchas populares, puedan participar.


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Off the Deep End

way out there
Posted as his state was being lashed by Hurricane Ian. THEN, he and the rest of the Florida GOP House of Representatives delegation voted against federal hurricane relief funds. From his Twitter feed.

There are profound political statements.
But some parties go off the deep end.


Faced with a storm of criticism about it, including from some Republicans, the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) took this tweet down so the video does not work.


From time to time there are Americans who figure that since Canada’s national animal
is a rodent, maybe they need to be liberated by US forces.






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Fossil fuel profits surge on the gouge

A leading economist urged policymakers to “address corporate profiteering as a driver of inflation by reining in megacorporations and addressing the unsustainably high prices facing families around the country.” An ExxonMobil gas pumping station displays a purchase on June 9, 2022 in Houston, Texas. Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images via Common Dreams.

“Their price strategies are bearing
fruit” — oil and coal profits surge 340%

by Kenny Stancil — Common Dreams

Progressive demands for congressional action to curb corporate monopoly power were renewed Friday after federal data confirmed that certain heavily consolidated industries are continuing to rake in massive profits while working households struggle under the weight of high prices.

The latest figures from the Bureau for Economic Analysis show that the profits of the U.S. coal and oil industry increased 340% between the first and second quarters of 2022. Companies selling petroleum and coal products made an estimated $49.7 billion in profits from April to June, compared with $11.3 billion from January to March.

Meanwhile, executives in the nation’s transportation and warehousing sector enjoyed a nearly 40% increase in profits during the same time period, pocketing $124.4 billion in the second quarter after taking home $89.4 billion over the first three months of the year.

“We’ve heard directly from executives in the sectors that families depend on—from oil, to auto shops, to airlines—that inflation has been good for business,” Rakeen Mabud, chief economist and managing director of policy and research at the Groundwork Collaborative, said in a statement.

“The latest corporate profit data shows their price strategies are bearing fruit,” she added.

Through its extensive research on corporate earnings calls, Groundwork has documented what executives have been saying about their sky-high profits. The progressive think tank compiled some key findings from its analyses of oil, motor vehicle, airline, and commercial real estate giants:

  • Chevron made $11.6 billion in Q2, up from around $6 billion last quarter, and up from 247% a year ago. Their CEO touted it as one of the strongest in more than a decade, stating, “We delivered another strong quarter… the highest since 2008.” Chevron emphasized it was “focused on generating returns” instead of production, as their production actually decreased despite banking monster profits. [7/29/22]
  • Driven Brands, which runs auto shops and car repair services across the country, boasted that their essential services made it easier to take advantage of inflation: “We offer non-discretionary needs-based services. This means even as prices rise, consumers continue to get their vehicles repaired, maintained, washed and they’re all changed, and it will be very low on the list of services that are downsized when spending is squeezed.”[4/27/22]
  • Four major US airlines, Delta, United, American, and Southwest, each bragged about how they are constraining capacity on flights to drive up prices and pull in more profits. As Delta’s CFO told analysts, the company’s financial performance was ahead of expectations, with the “primary drivers are slower capacity restoration…” [7/13/22]
  • Prologis, a global commercial real estate firm, has benefitted from the war in Ukraine, with their CEO saying, “Europe is as good as I remember Europe being… the neighboring countries have actually increased demand and led to actually better market dynamics for unfortunate and tragic reasons but it simply has.” Prologis’ CEO also boasted how the company is able to tell customers to “take a hike” if they ask for a discount because of market conditions, as they eventually come back and end up paying more. [7/18/22]

Although retailers started charging more for gasoline in 2021 as consumer demand, which plummeted during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, began to outpace supply—deliberately suppressed at the behest of shareholders to boost profits—price gouging at the pump has intensified since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February.

While receiving an average of $2.8 billion dollars per day in public subsidies, the same fossil fuel corporations that are harming the planet have capitalized on war—jacking up prices and rewarding investors with massive stock buybacks.

An overwhelming 80% of US voters—including 73% of Republicans—said they would support the Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax when congressional Democrats introduced the legislation in March.

Dozens of progressive advocacy groups and lawmakers have urged President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to support the measure, which would redistribute an estimated $45 billion to US households.

Despite Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass) argument earlier this year that the proposal can help Democrats win in the quickly approaching midterms, it hasn’t gone anywhere in the existing Congress.

A new poll finds that the Democratic Party’s “biggest gains” in voter support come when they “take on the corporate monopolies that are driving up prices, despite making super profits.” Amid the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, the current majority party can highlight how the GOP minority’s obstructionism is “doing big corporations’ bidding on price-gouging and taxes.”


The survey suggests that even if they don’t have a sufficient number of votes at the moment, Democrats should publicly and aggressively push for the kinds of progressive economic policies they could enact if they win big enough House and Senate majorities in November’s pivotal elections.

On Friday, Mabud stressed that “policymakers must address corporate profiteering as a driver of inflation by reining in megacorporations and addressing the unsustainably high prices facing families around the country.”

This echoes the case the economist made during her congressional testimony last week, when she told House lawmakers that the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes, which threaten to put hundreds of thousands of vulnerable workers out of a job, “will not address any of the underlying causes of our supply shortages and do nothing to address profiteering.”

“Big corporations are getting away with pushing up prices to fatten their profit margins, and families are quite literally paying the price,” Mabud added. “It’s time to rein them in.”



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After more than four years, a US ambassador to Panama is confirmed

Mari Carmen Aponte, confirmed as the next US ambassador to Panama. US State Department photo.

Welcome to Panama, Ambassador Aponte

by Eric Jackson

After more than four years without an ambassador in charge of our diplomatic mission here, The American Embassy in Clayton will have a full-fledged “Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Panama.” Mari Carmen Aponte, an attorney and career diplomat, will be here soon. She has served as ambassador to El Salvador, Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and, in an acting capacity in the face of Republican opposition to most Democratic nominations, chargé d’affaires for the United States in the Dominican Republic and US representative at the Organization of American States. Before her diplomatic career she was the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico’s Federal Affairs Administration.

First named by Joe Biden in October of last year, but with a formal submission of her nomination to the US Senate delayed until this past January, Aponte didn’t get a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing until this past May. At that hearing she said that the United States should not allow the widespread corruption in Panama to get worse. 

Officially well received, expected nationalist and faux nationalist voices take Aponte’s motives to be interventionist and thus unacceptable.



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What regional heads of state said at the UN General Assembly (III)

Ralph Gonsalves
“We in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are working hard and smart, but without a fair and just economic order globally, an especial regard for ‘small island exceptionalism,’ a global architecture of enlightened multilateralism, and internationalist solidarity, our herculean national efforts are unlikely to yield the requisite abundant fruit. Trying to go up a fast-moving down-escalator is a challenging exercise.” Vincentian Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves. United Nations photo.

What they said at the UN

Saint Vincent & The Grenadines – Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves

Grenada – Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell

Bahamas – Prime Minister Philip Edward Davis

St. Lucia – Prime Minister Philip Joseph Pierre

Antigua & Barbuda – Prime Minister Gaston Alphonso Browne

Saint Kitts & Nevis – Prime Minister Terrance Micheal Drew

Belize – Prime Minister John Briceño


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Movimiento Democrático Popular, Los gremios empresariales se mueven

La Gran Alianza en sus inicios, cuando anunciaron su intención de revertir los acuerdos que terminaron con los cierres de julio. Solo para que sepamos quién y qué, aunque hay acólitos en la comunidad gringa que dicen que es racista reconocer esto. Foto de la Presidencia.

Los gremios empresariales y el diálogo nacional

por el Movimiento Democrático Popular

Las enormes movilizaciones ciudadanas que se produjeron durante el mes de julio y parte agosto pueden ser consideradas como las más importantes de nuestra historia republicana. Fueron masivas, abarcaron todo el territorio nacional, tuvieron una duración de más de 30 días, e incorporaron a distintos gremios y sindicatos, además de a la Comarca Ngäbe Buglé y a diversos sectores campesinos.

Esa fuerza arrolladora, dirigida por dos Alianzas Sociales y el denominado “Bastión de Lucha del Oriente Chiricano, pueblo Ngäbe Buglé y Campesino”, lograron sentar al gobierno nacional en una mesa de negociación instalada en Penonomé. Ese resultado fue producto de una nueva y coyuntural correlación de fuerzas en la que los movimientos sociales cabalgaron al tigre del enfado popular y el gobierno se vio forzado a reconocer en los hechos su grave deslegitimación ciudadana.

La denominada “Mesa Única del Diálogo por Panamá”, que conquisto su legitimidad en la masiva movilización nacional, adoptó una agenda de ocho temas referidos a “canasta básica, combustible, medicamentos, educación, energía eléctrica, Caja de Seguro Social, corrupción y transparencia, y mesa intersectorial”, alcanzándose diversos acuerdos, entre ellos el convocar una segunda fase del diálogo en la que participarían otros sectores de la sociedad, especialmente los gremios empresariales que durante toda la negociación de las organizaciones sociales con el gobierno han venido reclamando su participación.

Los objetivos fundamentales de esta segunda fase del diálogo serían los de analizar los problemas estructurales que tiene el país y que impiden un Panamá más justo y solidario, estableciéndose los siguiente puntos a tratar: los disensos de la primera etapa, seguridad y soberanía alimentaria, pueblos originarios; derechos humanos y ambiente, vivienda y hábitat, educación, juventud y desarrollo social; salud y seguridad social, laboral, transporte y logística.

De inmediato, e incluso antes que se cerrara la primera fase del diálogo, los gremios empresariales constituyeron lo que han denominado “La Gran Alianza por Panamá”, que afirman que está integrada por 150 organizaciones, desde los más importantes gremios empresariales del país, tales como la Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP), Cámara de Comercio, Apede y la Cámara de la Construcción, hasta organizaciones tan diminutas como la asociación de padres de familia de un colegio privado de enseñanza.

La Gran Alianza ha mostrado de inmediato y sin titubeos cuales son sus objetivos, procediendo a realizar acciones y divulgar concepciones y afirmaciones como las siguientes:

  1. Que representan a más de 800,000 trabajadores, olvidándose que ellos solo se representan en su condición de empresarios, puesto que los trabajadores tienen sus propias y distintas organizaciones representativas (gremios y sindicatos, que están integrados en las actuales alianzas construidas por los movimientos sociales).
  2. Han presentado diversas demandas de inconstitucionalidad contra algunos de los acuerdos logrados en la Mesa del Diálogo, alegando que fijar un margen bruto máximo de comercialización para algunos productos viola la Carta Magna y atenta contra la propiedad privada. Con ello desconocen deliberadamente los artículos 282, 283 y 284 de la Constitución Nacional que faculta al Estado a regular los precios de artículos de cualquier naturaleza, en especial los de primera necesidad. Dicho recurso ya fue fallado en su contra por la Corte Suprema de Justicia en el período gubernamental pasado, lo que pone de manifiesto una actuación de mala fe.
  3. Plantean que es necesario “revisar todo lo actuado por la Mesa del Diálogo desde el pasado julio”, y llaman a “desconocer los decretos producto de los acuerdos por no haber sido ellos consultados”, con lo que hacen apología de la desobediencia a las normas y leyes, incurriendo así en insubordinación. Con dichas posturas sabotean conscientemente la posibilidad de legitimar la segunda fase del diálogo.
  4. La Cámara de Comercio ha propuesto en su comunicado del 28 de agosto la necesidad de “propiciar la contratación de personal a medio tiempo”, lo que posibilita y estimula la sobre explotación de los trabajadores, anunciando así de pasada su intención de “flexibilizar” el Código de Trabajo.

Estos cuatro puntos dejan en claro que no existe voluntad de los gremios empresariales para abordar los graves problemas que aquejan al país y que a partir de ahora no podrán ser obviados. La lucha contra la multimillonaria evasión fiscal, que es el mayor acto de corrupción adjudicado al empresariado, la necesaria convocatoria de una Asamblea Constituyente que rompa con la corrupción institucional y el clientelismo, y el avance en la lucha contra los oligopolios y la tercerización y privatización de lo que son obligaciones del Estado, son pasos necesarios para construir el Estado de Bienestar que exige la sociedad, y que excluyen la privatización de los fondos de pensiones y, por el contrario, afirman la necesaria conformación de un país esencialmente solidario.

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¿Wappin? The Central Scrutinizer can’t be a dumbass

The Central Scrutinizer, Another try to look through you. Photo by Erich Ferdinand.

To make a better world, know and appreciate who’s fighting

Frank Zappa – What’s the Ugliest Part of Your Body?

Prokofiev – Battle On The Ice, by the Russian State Symphony

Flora Purim – Casa Forte

Khachaturian – Adagio from Spartacus

Pete Seeger – A hard rain’s a-gonna fall

Coven – One Tin Soldier

Knipper & Gusev – Meadowland, by the Jefferson Airplane

Barrileras del 8M – Canción Sin Miedo

Shostakovichh – Adagio Babi Yar, by the Chicago Symphony

Rubén Blades – Prohibido Olvidar

Lysenko & Starytsky – A Moonlight Night by the Gimnazija Kranj Symphony

Concierto Paz Sin Fronteras Colombia / Venezuela 2008


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